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They ruined his opportunity to sail off into the sun
he would have stayed on if we won though
Nah he already decided this was his last attempt. You could see the fatigue in his eyes.
player for player which team is better, England or Spain?
England has superior individuals but Spain is better as team. If England was managed by de la Fuente they would dominate.
do you have a coaching crisis just like Brazil? None of the top 6 coaches in the PL are English
Yes since 1991
Yes since 1966
i like southgate a lot and i would've been happy for him to win it but i'm not sure if it would've been good for the game, not knocking him as he did his best with limited means. spain's football was much more positive for the most part
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>England has superior individuals
England has more overrated players. Foden, Saka, Rice, Walker, Stones or Mainoo are just overpriced players and basically worse in every way to their Spanish counter part.
he didn't even play
do managers really have any impact on the team?
He makes the line ups and the tactical calls
ok he makes the line ups.
but people treat him like his decisions decided if england or spain won.
The reason why England is so conservative is because those are his instructions. The team could have been a lot bolder than it was
how do you know that?
>costs England 3 (THREE) Euros and a World Cup
based Agent Südtor
someone post the stay back webm
>how do you know that?
Because when the team literally equalizes a game or scores a goal it goes straight into bus parking and he is caught on camera saying
>Stay back
In a situation like that
Let's face it, we're all secretly happy that he's gone. Now we can all dream and speculate who will get the top job in World football only to be disappointed when they give the job to Carrick.
The mind behind Southgate's England was mostly his assistant, Steve Holland, who worked with Mou, Rafa, Conte (you might be unsurprised to see these names). Holland set England up for containment plans and reacting to various sides hence the, "anti-Mbappe" pieces from the last WC. Tacitly the FA was admitting that England had to play very defensive football as they couldn't match competitive sides for technical play.

The people who think if Southgate only subbed on Dan Wankerby at halftime or put Carl Shitterton on at LB or whatever else are delulu. The English love to pour over what-ifs and maybes because they have an outcome mindset and not a process one.
Maybe next time you should find another good manager to win this with your overprice players
If I were putting together a best of XI, I really can't think of an English player I'd take over a Spaniard for reasons outside of pride. I might have said Kane but even at the CL he was a bad omen as he ghosted for Bayern, and just his role as a whole feels archaic. Some might say Bellingham but I've never once rated him, most overhyped passenger I've ever seen since Nerman. Even keepers, I don't think Unai Simon is particularly amazing but when the best English keeper is unironically Pickford (Nick Pope is RIP) I can't say the latter would be a shoe-in
Nico>Whoever played for England at the left they were so shit I dont even remember who it was
Lamine>>>>El Bucko Saka
Morata<Kane but both are trash
Olmo>>>>>>Foden for country but Foden is better at club
Rodri>Any england player really
El Normando<Guehi
I think that Olmo's main issue at club level is he is made of glass, he has some retarded output at club level per minutes played. I think with Guardiola's system and if he remained healthy he would be a better player than Foden, but that is pure speculation
He needs to roid up frfr hes too skinny
this attitude is why we'll continue to fail desu
again this mentality...
manager is just a guy who tells the team what the analysts told him. he is not the guy controlling the players with a fucking xbox controller
an english coach never won the eplel
spanish players are on another level because spanish LaLiga is on another level, its the top of the top of football. Your best players would perform just slightly above average in a spanish team
Use a condom

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