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File: haruhi shrug.jpg (11 KB, 236x214)
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If the English were more realistic about the actual quality of their players and the archaic English game, they might be more appreciative of how their outgoing manager dramatically overachieved for them.
File: Spain_and_England.jpg (266 KB, 1080x921)
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Clueless post from a man who does not watch football
Or if a certain jewish man on the sidelines put Palmer on the field at kickoff England would be champions.
you'd have an argument if the entire world's media weren't ridiculing both Southgate and England for the woeful football they were serving up.

can't have it both ways. put the English media to one side. why weren't the world's media praising England during the tournament?
The world's media isn't any more savvy about football than England's is. Anoraks and journos exist everywhere. It's the Madrid machine that made Bellingham think he's a Messi / Del Piero splice.
Don't you think having a manager who insists we play the "archaic English game" might be part of the problem?
>a man
>anime poster
That's a troon
You can't force players to play a game they aren't skilled enough for. We get Mouball because England are severe underdogs in the majority of matchups, even some surprising ones. England's best DM is Declan Rice and they want to play like prime Barca, it's total fantasy.

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