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Who's gonna retire first?
Ronaldo will refuse to retire until Messi does.
trips of true
captains crying is cringe
both will retire after the 2026 WC
Messi is probably going to retire now that di Maria is done. Maybe he'll want to try for a repeat WC win, but I'm not even sure he'll do the Finalissima
Ronaldo is too delusional to stop now. Portugal is his bitch
of course not, he went to the MLS specifically to make soccer more popular in the US before the WC, it's a marketing move
Ronaldo will play atleast until Messi and Pepe retire.
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which is fucking retarded, he could've hung up his boots after leaving Juventus and no one would question him being the greatest ever because of "what if he was at Qatar" yadadadadadadad penaldo
Messi doesn’t need to retire. Everything will be rigged for him until he decides. So maybe at 50 or 60 yo
messi because he already won everything, he just keeps playing as a victory lap and marketing ploy at this point
ronaldo will play until he's some 46 yo hack
wont watch a single world cup game if the traffic cone on the left will play as a starter
Messi. He blew it coming to My Little Sawker so early.

Easy league + fat paycheck is great for a final stop before retirement. CRonaldo still has that option open to him once he can't cut it in the Saudi League.
Dos Santos Aveiro hopefully soon.
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Pls Mr Ronaldo im begging you, i dont want to TSUUU anymore, i just want my national team to be good team again.
They already did.
They just haven't realized it yet
Sure thing godinez go play some balero
Messi will play on and off for Miami until the WC, then he will officially retire once Argentina get eliminated or win it again. Ronaldo will only retire when he's forced to, either by his body breaking down or not being able to find a club willing to pay his wages.

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