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How did they manage to do it?
the ref hasn't been paid by riggi yet
This was before they realised they'd need to start rigging the tournament HARD for Pessi to not go out in the round of 16 again.
The entire Riggi arc is just sad and pathetic and makes me wish he had won back in 2014.
That's argies actually playing for real and legit on Qatar kek
We got rigged as usual
we rigged it so that 4 argentinian goals were annulled.
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we didnt rig it.
I mean we got our player injured.
It was rigged to not make it look like it was rigged. It's why when you see a replay and watch De Paul he's completely upset because it wasn't the original plan.
Rigged for Saudi Arabia duh

Part of the script
Infantino and the QatarĂ­es thought they will be able by themself to past the groups. When it became obvious this was not the case they started rigging seriously
argentina was, unironically, too cocky.
Pre VAR, Argentina wins
You can stop, Twain. Your watch has ended.
we were refballed you retard
They disallowed 3 argentinian goals innit?
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Hard work and determination
Quite the contrary, liebchen, this was part of the deal
We rigged it so nobody would suspect the rigging. It was rigged to be rigged from the start. Remember SA dt said after the match that Argentina was the world champion.
By off-side spamming.

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