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>She was his first
>But he wasn't hers....

This is Argentina's football heritage
What is India's heritage?
False, he dated other girls before including a 14yo at 18, you smelly pajeet
Considering what we know now in 2024 and the fact he's the same age as Piqué, I for sure know he got her some freaky romanian prostitutes who were into midgets at some point.
This isn't even in the top 10 most disgusting indian webms I've seen
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delicious food when it's not tainted by street shitters.
-t. india boo
We will never get a proper explanation for this recorrent behaviour in India
Well, he really is the Cuckitini, after all
>tfw you will never have an irl nagatoro gf like messi
This can't possibly be real. Right?
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why do they always wobble their heads like that? is this some cultural thing like italians do that jand gesture?
They genuinely worship cow shit. Not even trolling at all. They spread cow shit on their walls and floors to bring good luck and health (lol) to their household.
messi definitely fucks random whores. he may be autistic but he isn’t asexual.
Jesus Christ
Stfu brown cuck
He fucked the todler Yamal
Literally the story of me and my ex onitis
>including a 14yo at 18
>Hindu fag calling me cuck for shitting on idol Pessi
You fags already have like 5 billions or something, is Pessi the god of cuck there?
it’s a shame
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hurry up and migrate to Canada bro, I need you to pour me a nice hot coffee at Tim Horton's

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