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What's the second most entertaining sport, after football?
death marathons
Normally I'd say baseball but the All-Star Game that just finished was a fucking slurpfest of the highest order
I don't care what people say women's football is real football not that pussy man crap.
>400 pound lardass has entered the chat
why dont they just shoot it like this every time?
But that's not football
Who actually cares about your opinion about football?

Seriously, it's incredibly entertaining to watch even if you don't know the rules
Golf, but you have to either be a player yourself or the patience to watch the highs and lows throughout an entire round and tournament
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hockey obviously
>soccer the most entertaining sport

Soccer is a woman's sport
Racquet sports always delivers
underrated kinos
There is literally nothing entertaining about football.
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Top tier (entertaining and requires top athletic ability):
- Hockey
- Rugby

Decent Tier (mostly entertaining, some athletic ability required):
- Basketball
- Football
- Boxing

Trash tier (anyone can do this):
- Baseball
- Soccer
- Tennis
i will pick boxing since it's the most masculine sport
you're an ignorant retard
theres a bunch of mma fighters who just became that because they failed in football (soccer)
it's literally the most competitive sport in the world and the hardest one to play at a professional level
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>be me, 6'2
>took beginning soccer in college as a free credit
>coach put me in goal because of my height
>actually did decent, no shots came at me, but I stopped any balls before the opposing players could get to it and get one off on goal
>coach gets the ball at midfield
>kicks it just like this at the top corner
>I can see it coming the entire fucking time
>position myself right by the corner
>squat down so I can get some extra height
>still fucking missed it because it was pinpoint top corner, looked like a complete retard in front of the rest of the class for not even blocking it
Women's Volleyball
so refs just dont care about travel anymore, i guess?
90% of a players time in soccer is simply walking or jogging into position until they have to exert energy by sprinting or jumping.

it's competitive because every person in the world can play it... it's completely oversaturated because there is no entry fee, and all you have to do is run and kick a ball.

Hockey, MMA, Rugby from my list take 10x the toll on the body compared to soccer. Why do you think soccer is the only sport that encourages you to roll around pretending to be hurt? It's a sport for pussies, anyone can fucking play it stupid brazilian mono.
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You don't get it, they think all of that is a VIRTUE
anyone can play all of these other sports they just won't be good enough to be pro
but in the case of football a lot harder since the pool of talents is much larger a not a fucking niche sport like hockey

Is this supposed to be physically impressive or something? Sorry but I cant help to see this is just a jump and slap the ball just a basic thing I mean I have to clap for this?


this is exactly what I think of when the Brazilian says anything positive about soccer as a sport.
stupid femnoid. learn to fucking jump higher than a toddler
handball is just football without the semen slurping
Deez nuts
Hockey is the first by far
>uzbekistan v israel
sunday league tier stuff
For me basketball is way more entertaining than football. What makes the football watch experience better than NBA though is no constant commercials. Also the whole presentation in the NBa is so "fake" with 20 timeouts per team, zooms on fat people dancing, free t shirt cannons and all that nonsense. Also the crowds in general in the NBa are 30-40+ so there's no passion. Football id say is 15-30.

But the sport itself barely has any downtime, and is way more entertainingto watch (and play desu)
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