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Racist scum like all argensimios
He went to give it to the River Plate fan (his former team) but nogs jumped in front and went "GIBS ME DAT"
this has been debunked
Why are negritos like this
my cock in your mom ass wasnt debunked
Congratulations, OP. This video just made me more racist.
lmao, those chicanos are so fucked
Why does this boy remind me of Carlos Gardel?
Racism is a jewish concept used to attack white people
we meme a lot here but I do feel massive respect for the nignogs who fight for their homeland instead of fucking off
this webm really sums something up about modern culture
Can't believe people are so pressed about this lmao
There are people who defend Brazilians beating tourists because racism > actual violence in their eyes
Don’t go there and act uppity or beat them when they come here, just don’t cry on the internet like a bitch about it.
niggers pushing people in the first frame lmao
Can someone explain why Argies are still obsessed about us?
We are a nation of bullies who like to pick on the weak.
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>this has been debunked
I have just rebunked it
I don't know, ask Mbappe about why he keep talking us down all the time
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Mbappe started it.
Lmao this shit is about the >We Europeans??

Fucking kek how buckbroken are you? How big of an inferiority complex you guys have?
You just won the WC and the Copa, why do you even care LMAO?
They really got mad about that, and it's not even like mbappe was wrong, Europe is more competitive than south America for the most part, doesnt change the fact that Argentina are powerhouses that can beat even the best euro team.
But idk why they still get mad about that, they won the finals ffs, just move on.
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>but disgusting uppity negroes can’t take a hint
Why are you obsessed about Messi?
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plz stop using the n word
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>How do you know those niggers are french-nogs??
Enzo isn't racist.
He was giving his shirt to a River Plate fan, because he's a River Plate fan too.
Actually, he might be racist...
which n word?
wrong place faggot

because mbappé said the truth?
Why are Argentinians so based? Can't help but love em
The clip is so obvious, he points to the River fan with his finger and when he is about to give him the t-shirt a swarth of negroes pop up and demand it for themselve in the most annoying niggerish way possible
this webm just made me more racist.
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Good, maybe now we can stay on-topic and post about sports again
go back
nnnnnnno :^)
Whys it racist to hate niggers there are so many reasons to hate them not just for their skin colour?
enzo, its me your lawyer. you have to stop posting, you're going to get me fired.
If I were australian as well, Id report you to your authorities.
Maybe an aussie itt can do this later

Top kek Mbappe said one sentence 2 years ago
>clearly decided who he was giving it to already
>gibsmedat subhumans run in front of him and try to snatch it from his hands
hope you kill yourself /int/ tourist
never seen a bigger inferiority complex
You make Serbs look normal

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