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How are the englanders dealing with this loss?
Are they happy with it?
lad you aren't an ingerlunder if you can't handle a loss

i'm a bit more sad for gareff than anything, would've been a nice end to his story
They've fully entered the "let's stay quiet and hope everybody forgets all our arrogant claims of victory" mode. It's the kind of dishonest embarrassment typical of teenagers and children, because that's the mental age of your average englandzoid
>let's stay quiet and hope everybody forgets all our arrogant claims of victory
we've done nothing but shit on the team all tournament, threw beer at them etc.
What the fuck are you talking about you 60 iq wop mong
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>entire board prior to finals is england flags and IT'S COMING HOME IT'S COMING HOME
>"uhhhhhhhhhhh nah dude we knew we were gonna lose"
Think an Italian language altchan would be more your speed matey.
This time it did come Madrid.

A shame for you it didn't came for you again, Rome bro.
I'd rather write my posts on a sheet of paper, put it in an envelope, drive to the local post office, and mail it than browse one of those shitholes.
be way fucking faster, that's for sure
You lose, you little tea drinker. Be more humble.
>noooo stop being hopeful
typical third world mindset
Then I don't see what you have to whinge about. English language site, most posters who aren't Americans are Brits, England played the most matches tied with Spain. It was a very dull tournament anyway with little to talk about outside of Cucurella's handball and the dark horses that weren't.
>This time it did come Madrid.
this doesn't even make sense
There's being hopeful, and there's being fucking annoying making 50 threads with a gay ass red cross flag.
>nooooooooooooo dont be mean!!!!!!!!!!
should have thought about that before shitting up the general

no clue what your logic is, bro
>wahhhh you can't just like have majority support for your team on a website that speaks your language b-b-because
seething third world brownoid mentality
80IQ mental child
They are crying because our chants were offensive, just as expected from those little pathetic retards that they are
nobody english cried though lol only gibraltan government officials who dont even consider themselves english, just british
You can do that.
What you can't do is expect to be treated with respect afterwards. Especially when you lose.

Fucking dumbass
thank you for admitting that all you're trying to do is disrespect england because you're a seething child, rather than tell the truth
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I might ruin the fun of those who take those chants seriously but here we know that gibraltar has the right to choose where they want to be, and we know that they'll choose the UK.
The chant is a meme, nothing serious. When we are gonna play england in any sport or whatever we say "Gibraltar Español" (Spanish Gibraltar) but we don't really give two shits, and as far as I know people from there want to be in the UK, which is understandable. What's cool is that there's monkey is in Gibraltar though, check this out (Pic related)
give them a week tops and they'll start their "protagonist of football" drivel again
>rather than tell the truth
whats the truth
>but we don't really give two shits
neither does England thats why no English fans even knew those chants had been made until the Gibraltan FA announcement
your FA will get a fine (just like the English FA did because fans threw cups at southgate)
its football its fine until 80IQ brown autists like this italiANO faggot try to make it more
There is a horde of retards spewing retarded opinions on twitter about that, I've seen one of the tate brothers and some minor journos in there.
We shouldn't even need to say this
cool monke
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it was supposed to come home
How many women have you englishers ever picked?
So I didn't really read the op or the guy you were replying to, I was just browsing the front page and replied. But yeah I know the English don't give a shit either, and if we get fined so be it, fuck our FA for all I care.
>hehe hehe you support a team and you want that team to win and that team didn't win and before the team lost you indicated you wanted the team to win and you were mistaken
What is the flex here?
the spam
My friend, you are on an English language image board filled mostly with child porn, only fans trannies, and crude racist memes about black penises, and somehow you are mad that there are lots of posts concerning teams from English speaking countries.
I don't go on Gazzetto delta Sporto and complain they are taking about Juventus again
>being this dishonest
he’s right you’re just a faggot
We didn't lose
>wtf english board so it's ok to spam
I'm right you're a retard
There's always a brighter day when you live in England
We still believe...
We still believe...

just moan and complain like the other days of the year
Wait did anyone think the Gibraltar chants were offensive? Why would we give a fuck?
It's literally British clay, you monkeys saying it's yours in a gay football chant just looks like argie-tier seethe
It is depressing when foreigners do not understand ironic or tongue in cheek boastfulness.
You are not mean to take it seriously you mongs.

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