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I am an American and this is my uneducated opinion.
It's monkeyball, you're not supposed to say smart things.
you kick balls?
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Shootouts should be done like they did them in MLS 1.0
Loved those meme penalties.
I'm drunk but I opened this thread 5 mins ago and I've been thinking about it.
Like, your suggestion makes sense, since the guy who takes the penalty has to aim right, and the luck factor isn't about the goalkeeper deflecting the ball by pure chance but rather because he guessed right.
In a way it makes sense, now I'm gonna look up this >>142827624 >>142827644
and see what they're talking about
Both of these are ok in my book. Where is the link to sign your change.org petitions?
so kino
this is pretty good
Is it me or is the pitch featured in that video quite a bit smaller than the ones used today by most European leagues? It seems to have been used for American football due to the imprints on the grass but I can't tell for sure if it's the magnification of the camera that gives the illusion of it being smaller.
Penalties are called that because they are literally penalties. If you make them harder then intentional fouls become a better idea.

TL;DR: shut the fuck up you dumb faggot, eyes off our (boring ass) sport
because they were good
Honestly, the very concept of pens is daft and tells you how flawed the game is. A lot of amateur clubs back in ye olden days refused to take them.
Penalty spot is the same, but as soon as the ref blows the whistle to shoot all players can move freely, no over the line before the kick bs
Good players would just chip the goalie everytime
This is fun, but I'm pretty sure it would be even harder for keepers.
I don't know how to explain it but 1990s US soccer has an absolutely unreal amount of sovl.
So like hockey (not ice hockey for you Canadian retards)?

Realistically penalties are just a way to get the game to end. It's supposed to be easy to score so you just keep scoring until someone fucks up.

Putting the ball further back would just mean it gets saved more often meaning it's not about waiting for someone to fuck up instead it's waiting for someone to score. The former is more entertaining.
>I am an American and uneducated
sounds about right
just make the penalty from the exact point where the foul was commited.
They should do penalties like hockey. You have to dribble from the half and shoot before the penalty mark. There once again I solved soccer.
europoors and spicland could NEVER
God bless america
>he doesn't know
Penalties shouldn't even be a thing. They should just be free kicks from the spot of the foul. You shouldn't get a freebie goal because you dived in the edge of the box, the thing is way massive.
Making them have to dribble the ball from the top of the box to the circle sounds more fun.
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backpass allowed in such a case
Amigo, we are talking about when the game is tied and has to be won with penalties, not penalties from fouls.
penalties should be taken wherever the foul was commited like every other foul
god soccer is so fucking stupid
and also like any other foul the goalie can't be within 10 yards or whatever
You can do without penalty shootouts by fixing the semen slurping aspect of soccer. There are things that can be done but semen-loving purists would never allow it. Other sports go to overtime less often because they have higher scores (and since playing overtime is rarer, they can get away with playing several overtimes if necessary, as opposed to settling the whole thing with a shitty minigame). Imagine settling the NBA finals with a free throw contest in a tied game 7.
>Imagine settling the NBA finals with a free throw contest in a tied game 7
They don't have basketkeepers
The point of the penalty is that is half a goal, so you try not to make a foul inside the box. That helps the sport to have more goals and be better played because you can play better close to the goal.
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Replace penalty kicks with pic related
eplace penalti shootouts with 90s MLS shootouts
It had a 50/50 chance according to statistics back in the day, it was much fairer for keepers.
Shootouts should be done like this, normal penalty kicks should stay the way they are.
Our goalkeeper complained but he gave up because he already had a yellow card.
I could make sense though when penalties are used after a tie.
Since this happens a lot now it could be good to have another kind of penalties just for that, right now the the way we do it isn't great.
Penalties should be kicked by the guy they made the foul, that way there would be no tap in merchants
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>Penalties should be kicked by the guy they made the foul
that would be a correct take with good grammar
Teams would just drill cbs to take pens even more and you'd see the quality of footy drop across the board.
it removes the western duel kinography
yeah those were kino
penalties should only be kicked by the goalkeeper
>allows the goalie to get a goal from time to time
>ensures the goalie is playing FOOT ball
Based af
It's Arrowhead, the Kansas City football stadium that will also be hosting in 2026

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