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You can’t make this shit up XD the literal coach for France literally said what they’re grilling Enzo for
French people... Being hypocrites?? I just can't believe this
It has always been the case that the French team has always had players from Africa and from other countries and territories, and not just in football but in other sports," Deschamps told journalists at Saturday's pre-match press conference in Moscow.

"They are all French and they are all proud to be French," he added, "but through their origins, through their childhood, they have friends, they have families in these countries so they have a certain attachment to these countries and a certain pride that these people will see them play in a World Cup Final."
This just means their court case has Jo ground to stand on.
Any competent lawyer will just use this.
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>in 1994
False, Paris is still a human zoo to this day
Didn't the president of Kenya call France Africa on twitter?
Did he say the players arent french?
>they are all french
Case closed.
Why does espn keep talking about africa?
Not a mercenary team btw
Africans dont think like white liberal cucks but many people assume they do
>Q: Les nombreux joueurs d'origine africaine représentent-ils l'Afrique
>Question: are the numerous players of african origin representing Africa?

>Deschamps: L'équipe de France a eu des joueurs d'origine africaine ou des pays d'outre-mer, ç'a toujours été une richesse pour le foot et tous les sports français. Ils sont tous français et fiers d'être français. Mais c'est une fierté pour les personnes là-bas de les voir jouer une finale de Coupe du monde".
>Deschamps: The French national team has always had players of African or overseas origin, and this has always been an asset for soccer and all French sports. They're all French and proud to be French. But it's a source of pride for the people over there to see them play in a World Cup final.
Not true
Thanks for putting commies in charge, niggerfaggot
anyone remembers when in 2018 france became champions this whole "france is an african team" became viral?
i even remember some USA media talking about it
is funny how saying what everyone thinks is a bad thing now
Thats how liberalism works
yeah but you're saying it in a mocking way
and thus it's le bad
i recently visited paris and thought the city looked much better than 6 years ago

saw 0 blacks i was really surprised
I went there like 10 years ago and there were a lot of nigerians selling shit and a million chinese tourists who were really obnoxious. Overall it's not a bad city.
That's funny
I saw zero whites in their team
journalists are stupid and malevolent and you should never trust any headline
Yes, and "I am black" is in a literal sense equivalent to "you are a nigger". They have different connotations though.
Isnt that because of the olympics preparation?
They didnt say nigger. They called them africans. Which is what the africans, espn and Macron are saying.

Its just liberal terrorism

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