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The only kino sports are soccer and baseball. They're the only ones worth watching. If you don't watch at least one of these you should just go ahead and transition.
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I wish we were a baseball nation.
agreed (it's football not this fucking soccer tho)
those are the only ones that i care about
hockey is cool too but sometimes not being able to see puck (specially when it's being shoot) is kinda annoying
Why watch soccer when you can watch hockey
If you can't see the puck, just stop being poor and get a better monitor/internet
stop pretending to be retard
you're the poor here watching on a monitor instead of a big screen tv
never watched baseball but it seems cool
soccer is boring as fuck
i like baseball but football still the best sport out there
I love cricket and I get baseball but both of those sports are better on the radio.
Everyone should watch darts, it's the most exciting spectator sport.
hmm i might give it a try then
i have no idea whats going on there
gotta take a look at the rules first
What's even the point of a bullseye when some other non-center part of the board is worth more
Soccer is a terrible sport but I still like watching it because people get so passionate. I mostly like national team competitions.
I feel the same way about the NFL by the way, shit sport but good spectacle.
baseball is just a good, solid sport, my personal favorite.
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watching sports is for homos. start a fucking business and take care of your wife and kids faggot manchild
WBC was actually kino. Honestly, MLB should be pushing it far more to showcase baseball globally. More people watched WBC KOs than any MLB game ever.
I’m still going

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