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Mbappe is objectively a tranny fucker, and the french national team is objectively composed of mainly africans. The argentines were simply observing these facts, and stating them with a neutral tone.
Shalom kike
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I stand with american chuds, stay based and redpilled
I wonder if ZOG will be able to psyop their subjects hard enough so that women's soccer will become the no. 1 sport instead of menz
First, youre right. Second? France.
The only bad thing about that song is calling Mbappe "puto"
I literally just feel bad for that. Love is love know what I mean?
You can be a puto, anon
But don't be a trolo, man
mbappe was pretty chad to openly date a tranny being a world famous athlete
Enzo apologised/cucked. He should have told everyone to go fuck themselves then moved to Saudi league like a boss.
Yeah mbappe is like the only player that is not a complete npc. Also when Maradona died he had a photo of him as a profile pic like for a year. I like him, I don't liked that we insulted him.

> stand with los argentinos


>>https://youtu.be/AKJc6WC-Lmk [Embed] [Embed]
>>https://youtu.be/vwCKFqLEOSc [Embed]
You can do it

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