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File: IMG_20240717_005648_045.jpg (85 KB, 576x1024)
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Why did he apologize?
>comic sans
He did it for dyslexic people okkk??
surely he is mocking all triggered redditoids
I wanna quit my job and this guy has inspired me to write my resignation letter in comic sans lol
I'm not even memeing but that will prob hurt me in the future, anyways that Ferrari Enzo fuck is based.
He pinned the apology on his Twitter account. Meanwhile you got Garnacho posting that he’s on vacation and other teammates still posting about their Copa victory lol. They’re all hiding behind Enzo and letting him bear the blame all alone
why should he apologize for being right
He's the retard that was streaming the celebration and started singing the chant before ending the stream kek
>France is infested with blacks
>its racist and offensive to notice this
What are we supposed to do, live without sensory input?
And now he will find out why apologising like a cuck is retarded
Cause he was sorry

is actually funny how hes getting all the heat,you can see other players singing in the video kek
he deserves it tho,retarded as fuck to livestream that moment

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