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>Caitlin Clark is half Sicilian
Is there anyone in the Americas who doesn't have Italian blood?
fuck off calogero
stay mad fags
Why would italians want a straight up born and raised american representing them? Wasnt it the same with that doper who won 100m?
If you have Italian blood you are Italian, ius sanguinis >>> ius soli
the lad who doesn't speak english?
very american
I dont consider you swedish if you were born in another country and raised there, even if you are genetically swedish
His father was literally an american military wasnt he?
>I dont consider you swedish if you were born in another country and raised there, even if you are genetically swedish

I don't give a flying fuck, this is the Italian mentality, we hate ius soli
>I dont consider you swedish if you were born in another country and raised there, even if you are genetically swedish
bet mahomed born in malmo is 100% swedish in your book thouigh
No, you need both. Culturally and genetically swedish
fair enough, italian diaspora is much bigger so it is possible for someone to be born and raised abroad but still be very connected to the native culture due to constantly being around other italians, for the swedish that ain't really the case
nice dubs too
I thought basketball national teams are allowed to nationalize and bring in one foreign player.
So in this case if Caitlin wanted to she'd get Italian citizenship and play for their team.
She's med, she one of us.
Donald Drumpf
And his mother literally italian, he grew up here.
If you're obsessed with race consider he looks whiter than some sicilians.
lame as fuck by shitalians. As bad as begging for Banchero to play for them
he has an Italian father, retard
nope his father is american with italian ancestry
Mario Banchero รจ ligure
Me. But my wife does. Really we're just burgers though.
It's just a light hearted, throw away comment.
>His father was literally an american military wasnt he?
his father (surprise surprise) abandoned him when he was still an infant and the mother went back to italy to raise him with her family. He doesn't speak english and when the press tried to make him into a symbol of inclusivity it turned out that he's a right winger and quite racist (one can only imagine the daddy issues, but that's another story).
>born and raised in seattle
nope, he's american

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