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He's the best player in the world and I'm tried of forwards and strikers getting all the attention when he's done more to impact teams in a way that generates success than Harry Kane or Mbappe ever have.
what does he do
Everyone than knows a bit of football knows this, but strikers are the last part of a well greased machine and the most visual of the lot. That's why barely anyone in the press cares about defenders, and even then only the atacking ones. The mid-fielders are what dictate what kind of football a team plays be far, that's why in the Madrid you get modric and Kroos, and in Barça you got Xavi and Iniesta. Rodri being a bit more like busquets (with a extremely good bloated potential) makes it even weirder he gets any exposure, but Guardiola knows how important that kind of player is.
He was gassed this Euros, him getting playing of the tournament after that final is a bit of stinker desu
The only guy that ever got much press in that role as far as I remember was Kante (deserved imo but more guys are on his level and should be treated as similarly important players). It's Rodri first, Bellingham second, and Mbappe third.
Yeah I admit this Euros wasn't his best performance but he was still insane by most standards
>Bellingham second, and Mbappe third.
You are stupid.
None of the Real Madrid players are in top three, but if there were then it would be Carvajal.
Making bongoid seethe by asserting legitimate territorial claim
>The players in the team that have won the most didn't have a good season!
Both are overrated mutts.
Recency bias.
hes winning it, ive already seen the script
Shit system but what do you do
He only stands out because of how bad the current crop of midfielders are. If this was 10 years ago he wouldn't even be a top 10 mid, and he would be sat on Spain's bench.
This generations Javi Martinez with better PR. Nobody even noticed when he got subbed in the Euro final because that Zubi cunt did the exact same job.
this. Fabian Ruiz (best midfielder of the tournament) and Olmo were way more impactful for the whole team balance
Literally just Busquets but much worse
are you kidding spain got drastically worse and it played against them in the palmer goal, with zubimendi doing god knows what and the ball deflecting on him and changing direction. spain was dominating the fuck out of england in midfield, then almost got atropelated in the second half for a moment
We had a 5 minute spell where we looked like the better team then Spain went right back to dominating possession

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