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File: 1703222359989151.webm (2.78 MB, 1920x1080)
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With Olympics being just 9 days away, let's get the hype going with webms from previous games.
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humans could never
what was that again
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>this is a real discipline
Will the ogre make it to Paris?
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no one told me they have pro wrestling now, nice
Her doping ban just ended. Dunno if she qualified.
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I want the maori intimidating dance to compete
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Now this is SOVL
It's a meme discipline introduced by the host country to farm medals
China did the same with wushu
Anyone got e webm of the french climber's bicep snapping?
kawaii sugoi desu
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646 KB PNG
but they refused pétanque for paris 2024
there it is, I was about to ask for that webm thx.
Based fish flexing on monkey fucking shits
What is that canadian man so angry about?
Hey, I saw this guy on Magnus' channel a few weeks ago.
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Mamalbros, our response?
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She's just like my animes :)
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Right into my heart
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shan't be watching anything except archery and women's wrestling
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They were scared of the Italian pensioners dominating.
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Why do they use popper?
I was told it serves other purposes.
A technical question: does farting qualify as foul in that contest?
>tfw no karateka japanese gf.
Olympic Games is just a fabrication of the different States in order to steal taxpayers' money and promote nationalism. Besides competitions are just so unbalanced. According to the OG half of the planet is willing to be a swimmer lmao.
Please stop, my vagina can only get so wet!
I'm expecting a false flag atrocity to be blamed on hamas tbqh.
Hamas would never kill unarmed civilians, nobody will believe it
French muslims are also very friendly and love France and European culture
It's ammonia.

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