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Who are you supporting in Finalissima 2025?
argentina because they're based
>Listen, spread the word, they play in France, but they are all from Angola, they are going to run well, they like to sleep with trans people, their mum is Nigerian, their dad is Cameroonian

They're becoming dangerously based.
Hulk hogan
Neither because Brazil > Argentin and Portugal > Spain
Don't @ me
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the script says messi and yamal leave the match flying while vegeta (ronaldo) admits he could never defeat goku (messi)
I wonder what “homage song” will the argies make for Yamal and Williams.
Maybe do the usual and make monkey sounds every time one of them touches the ball, and toss bananas at them when they’re near the side. Forcing euros to defend and protect their pet niggers will never be not funny
they play at camp nou, then messi retires
Dirty Dom
None they both sucks hope someone fucked them up in world cup 2026
We just need to sing along racist chants together
we have the upper hand here, we can be racists towards them without anybody caring

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