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File: _50x650_VINI_15.png (208 KB, 420x496)
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Here's your Balon D'or 2024 winner bro
I think you mean banana d'or
it's gonna be rodri or bellingz
it should be carvajal

The meme ATM is for Rodri for reasons. Would've been Bellingham if he was any good during Euro.
thats not my goat rodri though
It would be funny that a nobody like rodri got a ballon dor while Iniesta, Ramos, Xavi and Raul never did
and its the best player in the world whos only lost 1 game this entire season (was drunk)
Because they competed against a potential GOAT in Messi, and Real Madrid's striker and PR baby. It should be Rodri this time though.
It would be funny if messi won it again
Yeah no
ngubu footballer, i fucking despise real madrid to be so lame, boring, poor and gifted in the win
Yeah just like jorginho befpre him

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