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>Costs the team 2 goals due shit work ethic, defending and positioning
>Blunders the team's last chance slapping the rival in the most retarded way possible
Why is he getting 0 hate in English media? Here all journos are shitting on him
He gets a soft touch here but he did put in a lot of work in earlier matches. Thing is you could swap him out with prime Rivaldo and the outcome of that match wouldn't change much. It seems senseless to scapegoat any one player.
a few weeks ago some papers dared to show a picture of him above an article describing how poor the England team was, which was jumped on by the "systemic/dogwhistle/you're a racist because you're saying you aren't which means you are" crowd, so he's now immune from anything negative for the rest of his career.
The English media is comprised of a bunch of posh, private school educated London era who support either Arsenal or Spurs.

As a result their players get almost 0 pushback from the media and it's instead directed at Northern players
Doesn't Kane get a lot of shit while being Tottenham's biggest icon in history?
>le cost his team the title man
Before this tournament he was heralded as England’s greatest striker in history, now he’s left Spurs he’s regarded as the worst player in our squad.
Here we have youtube channel focusing exclusively on English football and they claim Kane is the greatest English striker as well.
Shit bait aside, who would you rank as the top 5 best and worst england players this tournament? For me its
1. Guehi
2. Palmer (only above saka because achieved similar in less minutes)
3. Saka
4. Mainoo
5. Pickford
1. Walker
2. Trippier
3. Foden
4. Kane
5. Rice
realistically if he were as good as the english press claim he is he wouldn't be playing for arsenal. think top clubs can see he has one trick which is unreliable and when he can't beat his man he flops and goes for fouls. didn't see the final but wouldn't be surprised if he was marked out of the game.
>can't criticize players if they're black
There go your chances of ever winning anything.
Pickford not being n1 is criminal.
Pickford conceded 6 goals from 5.4 xG
i don’t like him
Exactly. You also have to factor in the aspect of the sports media where it's driven by a lot of class resentment, posh kids seething at working class lads who make more money than them.
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English media offers more balanced and supportive coverage than the average anon
You can't criticize black players in some parts of the world.
I get that /sp/ hates him but for his work rate? I think he was exhausted, the rotation was very poor (really nonexistent) this year.
Go and watch the first goal again. The build up of that play was slow, Saka was simply completly out of position and left Walker alone against 2 strikers.

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