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“So Kane, commiserations, what are your immediate thoughts about that loss?”

>Uueghm uehh yeah I’hm juhst totallhly guhtted

“People have been claiming that you have not been fit in this tournament. Is that so?”

>Uueghm yeugh that’s, like pehrsonahl business, uueghm we all triehd ourw harwdest

“And what are your thoughts on Southgate”

>Like Ih say, that’s, uueghm, pewrsonahl business, and yeh.

Is he not allowed to say anything of substance or is he just retarded?
Shit happens
Why does he speak like that btw? Is he mentally impaired? I thought he was scottish at first
You really thought CTE would be a non-issue in footy? Put your head against a 120 Km/h ball and nothing goes wring?

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