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*be better than Zidane on your path*
Overrated shitter for fedoras that want to feel knowledgeable
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STFU he was top 5 OAT talent wise, would be so much more celebrated if bro wasnt so unlucky with injuries and stuff.

>Muh highlights
He was inconsistent and had a shit work ethic which made him to be a fat fuck permainjured faggot.
That's nothing to be proud of. Zidane was an inconsistent shitter, del piero is better than him as well
Baggio was better than any Spanish player in history
At tipping fedoras, his resume is pathetic, it is like claiming Magico Gonzalez (won as much as Baggio and was more technically gifted) is the GOAT
Great talent, but he hasn't won a lot
Zidane has to be the most overrated footballer next to Penaldo
poor dude got so mentally broken that he became a buddhist
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>Baggio was better than any Spanish player in history
Based and truthpilled. Iniesta is the only one come close but still nowhere near Baggio
Iniesta literally moggs Baggio in every way, you have to realize that Baggio did those things against literal human cones while Iniesta was playing in a more professional era.
Iniesta has one of the most impressive resumes of all time while Baggio would be on the same level as Magico Gonzalez if he was born in a shithole central american country
Iniesta played in the monopoly club era, you can't compare it with 90s football. Even Zidane and Ronaldo have poor resumes compared to modern top club players.
>Iniesta played in the monopoly club era
Barça before he was an starter ended 3rd in the league behind Villarreal.
Yeah and he was a shitter then. He only became good once Barca assembled a mega team, funny that.
No one would care about Iniesta if he played for Oviedo. People came to watch Baggio even when he was at Brescia.

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