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File: sol.jpg (59 KB, 520x705)
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enzo was retarded for doing what he did
you dont film a private moment of the team for internet validation,thats woman behavior
singing a song about france when you just beat colombia in a copa america is brainrot attitude,people are right we are the most sore winners ever,even having to insult others to feel better about ourself in this hellhole
i hate chelsea makes a example out him,i hope hes publicly humilliated
zoomers literally don’t understand that it’s a bad idea to film and upload everything you do. it’s as natural as breathing to them.
my problem isnt that he filmed himself doing stupid shit
he could have gotten others fired as well.
stop trying to defend him
When you have a full profesional, mature, well behaved and respectful team, you lose. When you have obnoxious turbochud low iq retards with no commitment to their clubs you win. Keep the enzos comming

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