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>Luke Shaw
>78 kg stocky lad
>28 yrs

Lamine Yamal
>66 kg teenager
>17 yrs

Why didn’t Shaw put in some hard brexit tackles against Yamal? If I was Shaw, I would’ve traded a few fouls and a yellow with flooring Yamal constantly, hindering his ability, and slowing Spain’s play to set pieces. At least you could excuse yourself by saying you are used to larger players. Instead he tried to outmanoeuvre Yamal…
because he’s fat, slow, injured and shit.
Shaw had Yamal contained pretty well in the 1st half.
By the 2nd half Shaw's lack of match fitness became apparent though.
shaw looks a lot shorter and heavier than that. absolutely no shot those numbers are factual

t. autistic fitizen who has lifted and looked at mens naked bodies for 12 years
He clattered Yamal on the edge of the box one time. Tbh Yamal didn't do much that game anyway. Williams was the the main threat.
He's not as slow as you think. He's United's fourth quickest player.
>Luke Shaw

Yeah, right. And Grizzly Adams had a beard.
it’s true yes
In modern football? when you can get an instant red for exhaling too hard near an opponent? when the referees will be extra careful to protect a previous UEFAlona asset?
Shaw did a good job of keeping Yamal quiet. He won every duel.
The first goal was due to him failing to mark Yamal though

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