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>Took steroids as a teenage to make him taller
>Conveniently performs better than other teenagers his age as a result for his early career before becoming a serial bottler later on because the steroids wore off
Pissi Riggitini Cheatini Fraudtini
The man who rigged the world - The Pissi Riggitini story: a scripted reality mockumentary. Starring Pissi Cuckittini as a roided dwarf. Financed by the government of Qatar. Written and produced by the government of Qatar and Sheik Mohammed bin Hamad. Executive producer Gianni Infantino. Camera by VAR. Sponsored by the Coca Cola Company, PizzaHut and HGH. No midgets were harmed during the making of this movie. All events and penalties depicted in this movie are fictional. 2022 FIFA all rights reserved.
A shame that the last 5 years ruined the whole CR7 vs Missy debate.
Better go to whatever is the new argentina star vs Vinicius vs Spainard ngubu
it’s not spoken about enough

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