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They will either get some literallywho insider politician as manager or Wiegman because le feminism. They won’t pick Howe or Tuchel or even Potter, they will blow our minds away with just how hopeless and stale these bureaucrats can be. Get ready for 10 years of social media posts and virtue signalling and half-assed football.
of all of those the only one who's a decent manager is tuchel. what is it with the english and this potter obsession? he's shite, same with howe. you're going to regret hounding out southgate.
A German manager would be absolutely THE most humiliating thing ever, it will taint every potential success.
A women bringing football home should be equally as humiliating. A potential death blow to football as we know it.
The only man to actually save England is Big Sam Allardyce.
>They will either get some literallywho insider politician as manager
They'll get Carsley (and that's a good thing)
>The only man to actually save England is an obese pre-diabetic geriatric crook that tried to use government connections to help paki bastard raghead freaks abuse the system and steal from (You) the tax payer
yeah sure go fuck yourself
Big Sam would've won EURO2020
The obvious answer is unironically Lampard. sure he might be shit but he'd be a genius by international management standards and he could handle big egos and PR machines like Fraudingham as opposed to Potter who had no personality and would just be Soufgate 2.0
I doubt Wiegman would just leave the women's team in the lurch like that, especially now they've qualified for the next Euros.
He'd have taken bribes to play an even worse squad and gone out in groups
You know that guys been a known bribe taking thief for 2 decades right?
>Corruption is le bad
Explain why Argentine Spain and Italy won then
explain why africa is shit
They won't hire a kraut because the fans won't be able to sing "10 german bombers"
easy. blacks.
England and Germany are the same country.
Wiegman would be hilarious. I'd love to see the coping and seething

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