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When did the Olympics become such a meme event?
is France particularly good at those? Usually the host gets to add a bunch of stuff to statpad.
Fuck off badminton is both based and has been in the Olympics for forever
>When did the Olympics become such a meme event?
>Water polo
>3×3 basketball
>BMX freestyle
>BMX racing
>Mountain biking
>Field hockey
>Sport climbing
>Beach volleyball
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>tennis but even gayer
They added those during the Riots
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show some respect, you peasant
fuck you dude skateboarding is the best sport in the olympics rn
The olympics has literally always been meme shit. It's funny when people cry about modern crap being added when fucking Croquet was an olympic "sport" in the past.
surfing is comfy kino
whats wrong with water polo?
>t. got bullied at badminton in school
What’s up with climbing nigga
the moment they dropped tug o war
Climbing is absolutely a sport, have you ever seen someone who is good at bouldering? It's highly technical and takes a lot of skill. Badminton is undoubtedly a sport as well and arguably so is surfing but that should probably be in the X Games instead. The rest are definitely meme shit though; golf (literally defined as a game not sport like darts, shuffle board, or Uno), fucking breakdancing, skateboarding - none of these are real sports as there's no objective way to compete or measure success.
Literally all sports except breaking, Golf, and skateboarding. What's the problem?
Climbing is the only real sport at the olympics
All of those are more fun than running or swimming 50 laps and sports should be fun, keep em and throw out the cardio
When are they going to add kick volleyball
>kill everyone involved
>kill everyone involved
>kill everyone involved
You've won 2 golds in canoeing, 13 medals. Also 4 overall (no golds) in water polo.
>hold Olympics in Paris
>get meme events
Kickboxing un the Olympics when?
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Simple as.
skating and biking events are good
Reading that post, I just envisiond roller derby in the velodrome.
"How do you do fellow kids."
or professionals in it shouldn't compete, but I'd rather they just get scrapped
Pretty much this. Olympics have been falling out of grace with younger people who now know this event is a globohomo waste of time and taxes. Only boomers still care about it. They're desperate to keep the event alive and it shows by adding a lot of meme sports both to try to attract zoomies and to let irrelevant countries farm medals and feel special for a brief moment.

They should just go back to the basics and keep the original sports which actually mattered.

>Verification not required.
Is the Olympic logo supposed to be a woman? It looks like a beauty parlor logo.
they are entertaining but the criteria for judging is stupid as fuck. Theres no actual rational for the way runs and tricks are scored. It's all based on bullshit. X games. Street league. Olympics. It's all sick to watch but the actual scoring makes no sense. Even in events put on predominantly by skateboarders like street league are ripe with scoring controversy. There's so much nuance in extreme sports unless you just doing like who can jump the furthest or highest it's always gonna be fucked. Sports like ice skating and gymnastics work though, give skateboarding 100 years and maybe they'll refine the scores a bit and maybe it'll work but also it's just so fucked scoring skateboarding tricks and runs. Snowboarding suffers the same shit tho and succeeds so honestly idk where I'm even going with this at this point.
>no lacrosse
>no baseball
>no motorsports
>no tug of war
>no egg toss
>no jousting
Yeah I'm not watching this snooze fest
well tennis is squash but for pussies with no stamina and look how popular it is
I lived in Yosemite and half the climbers were meth addicts
Field Hockey has been at the olympics since 1908. 12 years before weightlifting.
>100m freestyle
>100m butterfly
>100m backstroke
>100m breaststroke
>100m dickstrock
>100m backwards upsidedown using 1 arm and 1 leg while farting medley relay
If anything needs reducing it's swimming, this shit has too many events
git gud
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Try talking about sports at a climbing hall and the folk there will know nothing. Miserable experience there. Was told how bad motorsports are for their CO2 footprint and how football is breeding ground for facism. The whole thing is done by autists who never deserve to be included into olympic games. The underlying activity may be fine but the practitioners are a disgrace to sport. They have taken the crown from cyclist as athletes that hate sports in general.
>one guy wins everything
it's just like sprint, but for white ppl
Badminton is based and so is climbing. Climbing has an extraordinary ratio of qts.
>looks better than most of /fit/
>stronger than most of fit
>has home gym
>is creative
>is brave
>challenges himself even when the doubters doubt him
>calm under pressure and can coordinate efficently
In order to add breakdancing we removed karate. The current olympic champion of karate is french.
Go figure.
W-w-what do you mean Phelps isn't entitled to 80 gorillion gold medals because he's the fastest swimmer?
Just because it has the youngest girls does not make it a good Olympic sport.
>he hasn't taken the /ameriswims/ pill
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>bored dentists in skin tight latex clothing impeding traffic for hours is an Olympic sport
The Olympics have become EXPO tier. A meme event for naif boomers who thought they were living "The End Of History". Globalism has been cancelled.
Skateboard scoring is even more ridiculous than gymnastics. Not a real sport and never will be. Breakdancing is the only thing worse. Luckily I can avoid both easy enough.
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>Only sports where I can watch and coom to semi naked women are based
badminton is fun as fuck to play irl, fuck you.
>complains about this but not the three billion boring swimming events
cringe, olympics is supposed to have high meme potential, good thing nobody listens to you chuds on this timorense puppet show forum.
It's called the Olympic Games not the Olympic Sports
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They need to bring back chariot racing
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I would simply cancel all sports decided by juries awarding points.
>you were all good but we decided that this guy is the winner
>no you cannot measure it in any way, we just said so
>now give him the gold medal, we picked him as the winner
>why is he awarded the olympic gold again? because we said so
it is truly retarded
who are you quoting?
badminton is one of the only good sports in olympics
Climbing is cool fuck you
Faggot golf is already international..rich fucks just want to act like athletes so bad
should add roller skiing/biathlon and chess too
yea we need more intellectual events so we can laugh at 3rdies never even entering the competition lol
>no 3rdies at chess
With it using a "shuttlecock" you just know it's a British creation

the modern game of badminton developed in the mid-19th century among the expatriate officers ofBritish Indiaas a variant of the earlier game ofbattledore and shuttlecock. ("Battledore" was an older term for "racquet".)
Olympic debut was 1992 Barcelona
People said this about football and all major sports too

>zoomers are just streaming now

Unsubstantiated wishful thinking
more disciplines means more opportunities to embezzle money
The biggest meme is how the IOC removes baseball whenever the host is Euro or South American or whatever then adds them back when the host in North American or East Asian. Come on.
I don't care about the meme sports, as long as the athletes take the Olympic events seriously.
But what's the point of having soccer, tennis, box, etc. where the top athletes are either skipping the games, or just phoning it in?
Nobody in the civilized world cares about your yank sports
Bring back Polo. That's a century's worth of gold medals we were denied. Oh but breakdancing is a thing now. What a joke.
I never even realized it had been an olympic sport kek
any stream sites to follow these olympics?
i want motor racing. all have the exact same car
mma would be fun
or a strongman thing like worlds strongest man

no more judged events please its riggi riggitini
badminton is great you utter retard
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theyre apparently trying to remove boxing for next time, rip these qt's
You now remember Athens building a baseball stadium with no plan for how to use it after the 2004 games.
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i think this form of cycling is fine
the problem is the 9001 forms of circuit cycling nobody even understands. indoor cycling should have 1 medal not 50
Why do weird gay nazis think the only sports are jogging and weight lifting deviants
i have never met a boulderer who wasnt an absolute cunt or mentally ill
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Olympics are the king of meme sports

t. Air rifle enjoyer
its not about whether its a sport its about whether its an olympic event. not all sports suit being olympic events. id even remove football from it
the venn diagram between crossfitters and boulderers is just a circle

You have a point there, mon frère. Let's add chess and Warhammer 40k as well.
>indoor cycling should have 1 medal not 50
They should have an individual race and the team race where four riders slipsteam eachother. And if you want to add a cycling relay, all riders should hand off the same bike; because that Madison shit is fucking retarded.
I know this is a Nazi dogwhistle but I still reply
We can all agree that swimming is a turbo meme sport and it’s nothing but stat padding
So is running, just a way for us to learn a out the island countries in CONCACAF
wtf does nazism have to do with anything? why are americans obsessed with shit from 80 years ago?
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remove all team based events except the relays
there i fixed the olympics
>these two girls
Nobody is giving a fuck about them -_-
paki girls here put on a lot of skin whitening makeup to try and lure a white guy
Yeah. managing to get a whiteboi here is a status symbol for indians
vpn off zachy
I'm gonna watch every single event except horse
Everything is the ridiculous and deprived of its essence version of itself now.
BMXers ruin everything
I need darts at the Olympics. Barney getting a gold medal is all I need
Lack of egg and spoon race is disgraceful
its 2024, more likely we get egg and troon race
badminton goes hard as fuck you plebe, never post again.
did you have that one on sports day where you had to put your mum's clothes on at different points on the track?
Olympics should only be track and field and swimming
Explains why India is so good at in.

In high school PE, our coach made us play badminton one day on the volleyball net. Only time I've ever seen it played in my life
is a horse an athlete
How is golf a sport at all?
This one is at least funny to look at.
Climbing is kino.
This one is just gay, why not just a general dance competition?
Now this one is pure meme, mostly for rich kids, is not even fun to watch.
If Badminton made it what about Goodminton?
goodminton eventually became tennis
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>alpine skiing
>ice hockey
Tennis is gay as fuck.
In badminton, you actually smash the ball with all your power.
In tennis, you gently sweep the ball and then it lands outside the field.
Would take you several months to do that
Breakdancing is the only one added by the French. Yes, it's very popular in France.
shut up tryhard, I ber you have never watched a second of the athletics or swimming championships yet you are tying so hard, fucking zoomer.
why breakdancing and not ballroom or tango?
the guy who added that (tony estanguet) instead of squash, snookers and whatnot admitted it was for tiktok clicks. they're desperate to keep the young audience and especially the "urban youth"
Tennis players smash serves, and even a lighter tennis hit stop hits the ball faster than the hardest badminton hit hits the shuttle.
>young audience
that shit has not been hip since the 80s but that fits with the old fucks in deciding positions
climbing is great
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it could be, if it was real climbing
Gay ass sport for virgins
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It can bring you a hot girl
Breakdancing is amazingly athletic, on part with most gymnastics.
But yes the scoring will fuck up my enjoyment of it
Ironically the discipline in both BMX and skating that most closely lends itself to having a 'traditional' scoring schema is the one they don't include in the Olympics, but sadly nobody gives a fuck about vert in [current year]
>Breakdancing is amazingly athletic, on part with most gymnastics.
so is parkour, but as with breaking it's ultimately about individual expression - the moment you try to codify it in order to treat it as a sport, you lose the whole sense of it as an activity.
What's vert?
We need to go back....
just pure halfpipe runs, basically the equivalent of the snowboard halfpipe contest in the winter olympics
Badminton > Tennis.
neither should be in olympics
gaynnis fans been real silent since this dropped
That's the kind of self destructive move I expect from the French
badminton is tennis without penalizing manlets
so its worse then
no new sports worth a damn in the last decades. is this it? we're never going to have something new take over the globe?
tenniscels prefer ugly whores like emma frauducanu
… and still no baseball or some short-form of cricket
Olympics used to have architecture, literature, music, painting, and sculpture. So, town planning was once an Olympic discipline, up until 1948. Bring Back Art.
The Olympics NEED sex as a discipline
Didn’t we have a sex Olympics like 16 years ago?
yeah, russia won
> still no football

The Olympics tv broadcasts are shit and have been for a long time now (even Canadian tv).

The last good broadcast for the Olympics was Montreal in 1976 where it was all-sports-all-the-time regardless of which country was better whereas since then, well over half the time is wasted on vacuous talking-heads babbling on about irrelevant bullshit nobody cares about, like the athlete's family back home or local vacation spots, etc. Early rounds are completely ignored and we're lucky to get 5mins of the gold medal round if the event isn't dominated by the U.S. team, while boring shit like gymnastics and ice skating is spammed all day long because air head soccer moms control the tv these days.
This and fighting sports
>>100m dickstrock
But that one requires true skills
>Only time I've ever seen it played in my life

56 year old here, and when I was a kid it seemed like every family had a badminton set and we'd dig it out of the garage and fuck around, with the bird inevitably ending up on the roof from Power Shots.
My dad is only 4 years older than you…
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Gunnut here and I'd love to watch the Olympic shooting events but guns are bad! and the U.S. somehow doesn't dominate every event, so we rarely get to see any of it.

The Internet has been around for while now, son.
Based opinion
Not counting rugby, soccer and handball...

Archery is first one up starts in 4 days

They have NINE DAYS full or archery events. Crazy stuff
They have 9 different shooting events being shown on USA network alone. Which sucks for me because Olympic shooting is peak boredom to me. I have no idea why they put it on TV so much every Olympics. Same with equestrian, that's another one that gets on TV a lot that bores the hell out of me
the horses are draws with the women audience so i get that but they need to speed up the shooting to darts level to make it interesting.
Why isn't Cheerleading an olympic sport? For the very least it deserves the spot more than Breakdancing.
Is krotie kata shit still in?
>getting a juicy bj from the Olympic logo
Fuck bros…
>>looks better than most of /fit/
>>stronger than most of fit
are those accomplishment supposed to be impressive?
Holy shit, these are all based af. What happened to the frogs?
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Anyone have a link to a page of who is streaming in 4k so i can check if i can get a subscription? ta
they wanted the xgames audience
>no Death March
>no watch
simple as
street skateboarding is the best event in the olympics. bouldering is pretty high up there too
we need a quadrathlon with these 4 events
would still make more sense than the modern pentathlon
aboslute trash opinion, holy shit
surfing is pretty cool though
BMX racing is really good. All of the boat stuff can go. I watched the surfing last time and don't really understand how the judging works. Skateboarding is very cute and funny.
>tv broadcasts
There is no need to do that anymore. The streams have been fine for over ten years now.
man this year's medal looks so cool, i love the unique and simple design, kinda looks like a sun (or an eclipse maybe?)
nah it was 1908 when they let all the bullshit in
I don't play it or watch it but you're right
I don't understand the hexagon plate they put on it. Would have thrown that suggestion away immediately
apparently it's shaped like france, it kinda has an hexagonal shape
i like it more than a circle honestly, it fits the straight lines of the rest of the medal, looks more neat and tidy
A fucking Ligue 1 medal
Yikes do these medals look cheap. So much for France being good at art in 2024
Check out how cool the new BMX park event was at its debut in Tokyo

>>Water polo
based, more of a sport than most things at the olympics
>>3×3 basketball
absolutely cringe, included to pander to black people
fine, im not going to watch it but agree it deserves a spot
>>BMX freestyle
>>BMX racing
>>Mountain biking
>>Field hockey
based, will be a great spectacle honestly
>>Sport climbing
cringe because i dont like it personally
>>Beach volleyball
the goonlympics wouldn't be complete without it

This is the World Cup for it

England/Great Britain wins pretty much all of them although Australia and New Zealand won some

>Painting by Mamet, one of the great French painters
hey man whats wrong with golf.
I guess it's the fact that people who are not really athletic can still be very good at the game. Yeah, someone athletic can gain an advantage by hitting long drives, but someone with impeccable iron game, short game and putting can still beat them. If you really want to make it an athletic competition, it would have to be long drive.
Only one I don't get is curling in the Winter Olympics. They show it a lot on TV too

It's embarrassing for humanity
>Competitive fart sniff dance
>not a sport
>also not a sport
Who are you retards and where are you from?
there's nothing wrong with skateboarding if anything they added it too late. Would've been cool to see when it was actually popular among youth
olympic bowling 2028
At least Padel isn't there yet
>shit events that no one cares about that >we medal In
Flipping Kino!
>shit events that no one cares about that >you medal in
Its gay!
>it's shaped like france
Yes and calling France "the hexagon" is really common for us.
There's also a part of the eiffel tower in each medal
>a part of the eiffel tower in each medal
that's pretty fucking cool
>all team sports and events (football, basketball, relays, etc)
>all sports ruled by judges instead of an objective result (diving, gymnastics, etc), except for those where judges are secondary to the objective result (boxing, weightlifting, etc)
>most different events of the same sport (distances in running, strokes and distances in swimming, etc)
>sports not already in the olympics that do not fall into the above categories
they are great athletes but it's not a sport, adam ondra is probably more athletic than most people at the olympics.
lee-lin rivalry was kino
i'm fine with all of those except

i watched skateboarding in tokyo cynically but it was actually pretty damn fun, badminton is always kino
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It was pretty bad in Tokio becouse the waves were horrible and the filming

In France it's probably gonna be a barrel contest
this guy gets it
Mutts need their medals more than ever pls understand
Badminton and Climbing are fine. Others were forced by globohomo
pickle ball
to be honest climbing and surft should be there, but the rest is a joke
the climbing needs to be harder/last longer. endurance climbing would be kino. deathfall
If you think rhythmic gymnastics belongs in the Olympics, then so does breakdancing.
finally i have something that i agree with an american, badminton is based af
What is badminton??
All based besides breakdancing
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only athletics matters
tennis but without the annoying/sexy moan
Finally, China's total medal victory
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But is France good at it?
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>no more deathmarch
Shame for the 15 people that watches it. A lot more will be watching Seine Death Swim
climbing and breaking are kino events. I just wish breaking had a team section
true but nobody thinks it does
whats next synchronised swimming?
Olympic Karate is actually the worst fucking thing in the world so thank you, France.
Judo is great, Boxing is fine, but Olympic Karate is godawful.
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Wait for pajeetball next time
Water polo, canoeing, field hockey and beach volleyball can stay
200% agree.
It should just be free style for the different distances and thats it.
Something can be athletic and also suck for the Olympics.
Honestly an Olympic parkour competition could actually be dank.
I think that stays in because the inherent absurdity of it all is cosmically necessary for the Olympics to function.
badminton makes you sweat. Even though it's gay, I'll allow it. Surf/skateboarding/ climbing are solo sports. Sure they make you sweat. But the whole competition element is non essential to the activity itself. Golf doesn't make you sweat, ergo not a sport.
>When did the Olympics become such a meme event?
When they include "sports" that rely on pic related
what a joke
sorry there wasnt gang violence and pickpocketing added in your olympics. Next time funnel more illegitimate money to the olympic committee
thanks to breakdance, skate and surf we have free medals
of course that ((they)) could manipulate it like they did in tokyo
I think we are not too bad but not very good either. Chances of medal, but low chances of gold.
lmao why do speedwalkers like shitting themselves so much?
they have always had gay events like an art competition up until the 1940s. don’t be so shocked
and dominated by japs & koreans kek

banzai lilou
Wait until they add pickleball and roller derby for the Los Angeles Olympics.
Water polo uses the most muscles of any team sport
Canoeing is a great fun watch
Field hockey is a legit women's team sport and Rhodesians never die
Golf already has a gazillion more meaningful competitions
Handball is the worst team sport but not the worst Olympic sport
Climbing is surprisingly based and a good inclusion
Beach volleyball is certified kino and you must be a fagot

3x3 hoops, breaking, skateboarding, BMX, and surfing absolutely are not Olympic sports. X games is fine. Mountain biking is not my favourite either but I guess it's not as bad as those truly egregious ones.
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one of the top sports in the world by following
great fun and extrememly popular with young kids, it was a good addition
possibly the most sportsmanlike atmosphere at the olympics, perfecly in line with the olympic spirit and great fun to watch on TV
ok this is a meme, but it's a one off so who cares
see skateboarding, except it's also in fucking French Polynesia, worth it for the venue alone
like 2B people practice it in SEA

>>Water polo
what the hell is the problem with waterpolo? it's a super traditional olympic sport
>>3×3 basketball
bit of a meme too, but it's more fun than watching the US steamroll everyone with roided up NBA players
also here i don't understand what's wrong with it, also long standing olympic discipline
>>BMX freestyle
see skateboarding
>>BMX racing
just a good old fashioned race, don't see the issue
>>Mountain biking
see BMX racing
>>Field hockey
popular in South America i think? anyway also this one is long standing

the olympics are meant to showcase minor sports, not jerk off over the same 3 sports you watch all year every year
in fact, they should take football out and bring back some dumb shit like tug of war or polo
>>Sport climbing
>>Beach volleyball
ah, i forgot a couple
decently popular in Northern Europe, like waterpolo i understand you personally aren't interested but it's a well fleshed out and complex sport
>Beach Volleyball
kinda like 3x3 basketball, except it's played by women in scampy swimsuits. win-win
Olympic event tier list
Athletics, Swimming
Basketball, slalom canoeing, track cycling, artistic gymnastics, Judo, modern pentathlon, sport climbing, weightlifting, beach volleyball
Diving, water polo, badminton, boxing, sprint canoeing, rowing, rugby, table tennis, wrestling
Marathon swimming, archery, baseball, softball, road cycling, mountain biking, fencing, field hockey, rhythmic gymnastics, sailing, shooting, tennis, triathlon
BMX, equestrian, football, handball, karate,.volleyball
Artistic swimming, 3x3 basketball, golf, trampolining, skateboarding, surfing, taekwondo
>roller derby
Tha would be sick
For real
>tfw they're finally adding squash for la 2028
LA is adding
>Cricket (weirdly)
>Flag Football
All of which are fairly reasonable except for flag football, because who the fuck plays that.
>artistic gymjnastic

it's essentially the same thing
Squash is incredible
Zoomers aren't athletic to participate
do people under 45 play squash?
>thread has been up almost a week
It's going to be in Tahiti so yeah, we expect some good shit.

It's a very hard sport in the top class.
a sorta real sport but so boring it might as well not be a sport
not a real sport
what? rock climbing? how would they even judge that?
not a real sport
cool but not a real sport
a real sport
Skateboarding is a legit sport while everything else you listed are definitely fake sports
Surf in Tahiti will be kino and comfy
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did we win this shit yet?
3/6 those are legit good stuff. Certainly better than just more running 50m, running 60m, running 90m, running 100m, running 150m, running 200m, running 201m, running 202m (and the swimming equivalents)
You don't get it! We need running events for skinny niggers, tall niggers, buff niggers, slightly overweight niggers and so and so
you will pretend butterfly is a real way to swim and you will like it
Who cares
>gym class has a badminton tourment for the week
>odd number of kids in class
>no friends in class and not a cute grill so im the loser left out
>get paired with a teacher
>never played before but apparently I'm pretty good
>precide to curb stomp the class and win the tournament
Good times. I made my dad setup a net at home afterwards it's a fun game
Swimming could be s tier if it was simply all freestyle and not having 4x as many events due to every meme style having their own categories. If swimming backwards is an event then running backwards should be too
Soccer needs to be replaced with futsal. Having the event every four years gives years of experience advantage/disadvantage to some players which is a lot in youth. And it's impossible to limit it to amateurs because even in small local leagues players can get hundreds of dollars per game. And the best players will never want to play when there is always the clash with Euros/Copa and generally having too many games in a season already.Women's soccer can stay because that's still a meme sport regardless of whatever hype and money they're given. Futsal is perfect for the Olympics though and it's really stupid they haven't included it yet.
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>Swimming could be s tier
Add a hungry shark to the pool.
she looks like she exclusively sucks black men
Looks like a thing piece of shit. Probably weighs nothing and is 1% gold at best.
This is what the back looks like
Then it's lacking in the only games that matters, vidyas.
looks better
>no parkour tag
come the fuck on france
Roller Derby would be an incredibly based addition.
those are the best events you massive faggot
>the ball
*tips trilby*
Skateboarding was unironically kino last time
Sport climbing was one the best events last time you dumb faggot

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