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Post absolute sport terrorism pics or webms. Any sports allowed.
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his career's never recovered from that and he commited sudoku a few years later
>b-but kolo muani should have passed in the wc final!!
see what happens now faggots?
was it fixed or what
95% chance it was
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that one eventually caused Italy's not going to the WC through butterfly effect
Wow, only saw that one clip of women doing something like this.
nah that's effectively a set piece routine, his teammate triggered it by cutting under the basket like that and his brain went on autopilot
100% Tunnel vision syndrome
Just proves American sports are played by NPC system babbied "athletes"
thats what i thought as well. its literally the other guys fault
What happened afterwards? Did this game end in a draw and was it an important game?
>throw the ball into your own hoop
>blame somebody else
the absolute state of you know what lmao
>gaslight someone into muscle memory routine
>heh...the blame is on you
Thought that was the boban incident for a moment
total and complete career sudoku from this guy
>ramos elbowed him in the head
>post-match doctors said he was concussed
>exhibited all the symptoms of heavy concussion
>liverpool's staff doctors let him play on
>klopp didn't sub him off after his first concussion-related mistake
>"you'll never walk alone"
>entire team and fanbase continue to blame him for the loss
liverpool are legit scum
Post the webm. I'm not fucking reading that whole essay
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dont care zoomer. take some ritalin, turn off your twitch streams and try again
>post the webm
>of a random 1993 greek league game
zoomers really do have trouble comprehending how things work, don't they?
what am i looking at here?
the guy makes the basket before 0 right? so it should count
Scored in his own basket
He’s shooting into his own basket
Does his team lose a point then?
It counts, but they attacked the wrong basket. Look at the beginning of the video to see which team shoots FT at that basket
ty guys
lol he looks so happy
This makes me laugh
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this webm fucking delivers
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So your thesis is that Liverpool knew he was concussed yet despite having Mignolet, a perfectly adequate keeper, on the bench decided to keep him on the pitch?
I would submit an alternative hypothesis; you're a fucking moron.
as far as I remember, it was a playoff game, and they lost in overtime, and eventually the series
well, no, it didn't send them to overtime, but they still eventually lost the series
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he died from heart attack a few years ago
his son was a pro player too (don't know if he's still playing however)
>flying kung fu kick
>not a foul
All ball
>kolo muani
I won't bother posting the webm.
it's a foul, the ref clearly signals advantage
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it was a Euro final and she missed a (p) before that during the game
It's a foul on the team that was given advantage and scored.
Goalkeeping is by far the worst part of women's soccer. The constant goalkeeping errors are fucking hilarious.
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Snow stuck in his gun sight
name of the video on youtube?
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yes, that's what advantage is, you fucking moron
The dude in red does a fucking flying kung fu kick. That's a foul.
The red team should not have been allowed to continue dribbling the ball forward after that because their team committed the foul.
do you know how own goals in football work? they work the same way in basketball
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>team is literally called FCK
You are American
the dude in red is flying kicked by the dude in white behind him dude
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serial terrorist
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why are burgers like this
I... did not even notice that.
That's actually really funny. Two simultaneous flying kung fu kicks, one by each team.
total /sp/ reaction of the boomer in the back
Hope they don't make any bad calls on him.
wtf i didn't remember Gerrard to be this much of a terrorist kek how the hell Liverpool kept him all those years
How hard were those pads of the goal post?
people say that this guy had incredible field vision.
women's football-esque
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what happened to GK?
>when every single player bets against his team
it was at that moment he knew he fucked up
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i miss total terrorist footy
goalkeeper goes down so you put the ball out of play so he can get treatment
this is just good sportsmanship
ITT: 50% of anons think "sport terrorism" means shit quality play, 50% think it means obvious intentional fouls
...which is it?
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For me it's this söyCHAD
why can't they be both? intentionnal terrorism against the opponent, or unintentionnel terrorism against your team? they're not mutually exclusive
slippy g
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because threads are more fun when they're about one thing
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how about we make this thread about you being a colossal faggot then?
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Looks like it would have been offside anyway but lol
>murders someone rightnin frint of the box when itms about due time with only 1 goal advantage
Classic Otamendi
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Lmfao fucking Americans goddamn. It's called advantage and it was perfectly valid when given here. Referee can still card the player after the goal. Definitely yellow card and possibly red.
This one is so sad on so many levels
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>This one is so sad on so many levels
It's sad only on a single level. Please learn how to count.
Leh fucking German still trying to ubermensch others
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some climbers got blown to pieces tryin to climb 8000 meters. they only got to 5000 meters. then all died. natural reasons behind it given the circumcisions. climbing is for tough men only. climbing 8k is not as easy as people things
>scouse sperging
so it's karius's fault he was concussed and not liverpool's fault for not hiring competent medical personnel that can recognize symptoms of concussion?
alternative hypothesis: kys scouse faggot
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>natural reasons behind it given the circumcisions
why did the expert jizz out?
that would just add another thing to thread though, idiot
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Perfect execution of the lying down header
nice shot tbf very tight angle
Did he get fined for blatant homophobia?>>142904199
We know three things for a fact:
>Karius suffered a concussion during that game
>He was allowed to stay in for the entire game
>He caught a ton of abuse from Liverpool fans after the game

Whether they knew he was concussed and let him play or failed to spot a concussion is secondary
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that's some rocket league shit
vardy is a sheff wed fan who used to be part of their academy, think he did it because it was sheff utd's ground
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also concussions fuck with your spacial awareness and depth perception which is 100% the cause of his two mistakes
perro liberados
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All ball ref
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thx little britbro
ur the best
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never saw it before, was the match cancelled and WHU fucked off?
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Disgusting behavior, really

That's the reason burgers are being SARCASTIC when they post about "the beautiful game"
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>defender fakes a seizure to explain his hilarious own goal
it fucking hurts to just see the impact
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match wasnt cancelled, some of the west ham fans were threatened with bans, i dont know if any actually did
thats fucking nasty, and stupid
what a way to go..
He was very overrated by English media
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stop opening your pile hole you dumb fuck.
fuckin' cunt didn't have his loitering loicense
don't slam your head into things, dudes, it's not its purpose
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my favourite
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>don't slam your head into things, dudes, it's not its purpose
uhm, sweetie....your advice comes a tad bit late
It’s like three paragraphs, retard. Zoomers are seriously fucked in the head.
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leave him alone!
what a fucking retard
Marcelo still got moves
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Own Goal
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tbf this is the camera-teams fault, they were in his way so he couldn't through the bag normally
You cycletards always blame others for your shortcomings.

4 millions people live in Athens (from 10 millions in the country).
the 2nd most populated city is Thessaloniki with barely 300k people, which lets you imagine how populated are the others cities in the country
Clickbait thread title
sorry, akmed, that must have been a really frustrating click for you
Americans should stop posting in football threads.
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it was the conference final and they won.
i remember nico gonzales drinking from one of the cups they threw at him, can't find the webm tho
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Is it just me or did he control the ball with his hand?
looks like he controlled it with his chest
This actually caused a career-ending injury for the goalkeeper (Chic Brodie)
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>throw the ball into your own hoop
>>b-but you gaslit me!
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kek what a classic
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Because he looked down the barrel of the gun
What kind of collar is that on his yellow sweater? Looks super wide
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Lmao the brown fatigue was real
How did he lose balance like that kek
Was an explanation ever given for this?
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what the fuck?
you're not Hulk, Marcelo
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>you're not Hulk
What if he is
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Hell of a strike first time
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Busted acl
>weakest Cockney vs. strongest Dutchman
My girlfriend in high school played soccer and they lost the state championship game because their keeper dropped an easily catchable bouncing ball about 15 yards off her line. Hit her knee and bounced about 5 yards away directly to the attacking player for an easy goal
Lmao what the fuck how is there not a yellow card from the flying kick early on? Ref just lets it go
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ok. that was adorable.
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>that was adorable
just like you
Holy shit this retarded post by another retarded burger
The ref sees the foul and clearly signals advantage. He still has the option to give the yellow after the goal.

Great piece of reffing
Lmao, that's hilarious.
>Post absolute sport terrorism
nothing will ever surpass this
video plz
mate, scroll up, another american was confused about the exact same thing you are
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thx for video
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perhaps the last truly soulful EPL moment
Diving fag
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All i got is this
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perpetually drunk inbred trash
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Just win in OT
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Kek, that's beautiful
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Fuck, I love murderball.
>Chic Brodie
>The incident was one of a number which occurred during Brodie's career with the club, which included being struck on the knee by a stone thrown from the crowd and finding a hand grenade in his goalmouth (discovered to be a replica)
Mess around find out
i wonder what they were calling him
>curb your enthusiasm.mp3
he had eaten all the pies
started training with the ball again last month
I miss the old BPL scoreboard graphic desu.
internet told me only girls do that, hmmmm
impressive, didn't Roque Santa Cruz score one from an angle like that for Blackburn?
La Viola wuz ROBBED.
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>whachu gonna do? shoot me?
t. man who got shot
Finally we see the true potential of multiball.
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Dibu sovl
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more of an annoyance than terrorism but still
This is like that Mr. Bean movie where he learns to flip the bird
he died of heart complications not suicide idiot
i dont understand. what did he do wrong. seems like a perfectly resonable play
florian. fag
smartest belgian since tintin
Same, that one was really sad
i saw this live
could not fucking believe it lmao
the worst is that aaaj was honestly doing well and they might have been able to win
this is fucking hilarious. thanks pasta bro
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As someone who watches women's football, the goalkeepers are amazing. There's a reason their jerseys sell out in 1 minute.
The defense and goalkeeping is so bad it's scary.
I hate modern futbol so much
How can anyone watch this shit. Boring, soulless, poor quality skill.
Not enough ad breaks for you?
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lmao at the final score

Man, I saw this live while changing channels on my TV.
The guys commenting this were fucking dying of laughter.
Ah yes, the old Lukaku Worm Header technique.
There is male overrepresentation on 4chan, as you know.
I hope we get some diversity hires.
Very damn impressive, especially because he had like 3 match points against that he won either by sheer luck or massive fuckups from the rival.
By the 7th game the chinese dude was already cooked.
That's Hao Shuai, and yes, that match sudokuing his career. Ended up as an imperfect Timo Boll Clone that the other Chinese players would learn from in order to beat him
what match was this??
Harry Kane got 3
Thanks for ruining the internet you retarded zoomers.
I can read lips a bit:
>sir, you shouldn't do this
>Quite inappropriate
looks like blatant fixing
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best sports webm of all time
He hit the stanky leg
>Shoots player in the leg
wtf is the story here?
Reminder this isn't a foul according to anons saying England pen against Netherlands shouldn't have been given
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Davonkus my GOAT.
I don't get it
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I hope that ref got suspended for life for that vulgar display of violence
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Kek this one gets me every time reminds me of some Koksal shit
Arsenal fans were white once?
I don't get it either. The highlighted guy gets blocked? Which seems like a fairly normal thing to have happened?
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this is fuckin fantastic
Which Iranian woman was he protesting for?
He lost his team the match in the last second by scoring it in his own basket
This traumatised a generation. To the point of revogorating the hatred towards the Germans.
Don't understand why people complain about some players being of African decent, soccer clearly is a nigger game.
>criciuma webm
Guaranteed kino
Brazilian police are very wholesome lads
>damaged vertebra, teeth knocked out, coma
notice how they don't do 3 barrel rolls on the grass while shaking their arms and crying their lungs out, when they're actually injured
pure late 80's/early 90's football, and therefore KINO and SOVL, considering /sp/ standards
>when the support joins the GvG
He just got one of the Bug Assaltz and couldn't wait to use it.
Argentina is full of total chads top to bottom.
That's why the win. No primadonnas at all. They come to play and win every single time.
medieval ii total war defending a 1 ram siege with spearmen alone
>the wind up before the hit
That was a heavy attack.
love this heem
Davonkus' job was to set the edge meaning he wasn't supposed to let the RB get outside of him and force him to cut back inside to the rest of his team.
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What happened there? All I know about cricket is that you're supposed to knock that thing out of the posts with the ball.
they were made from concrete
alpha as fuck
Batsman was out of his crease (safe zone) to get a headstart on running; bowler spotted it and stumped him. Normally the bowler would be too engaged with his own run up and you'd get away with it.
>scouse sperging
>kys scouse faggot
kek I'm a manc you fucking dribblechin
dserved desu, that retard knew what he was doing
we will take that ball winning midfielder for the USMNT
this is the same idea as being picked off in baseball
I think its making fun of the fact that he ran 5 feet and needed oxygen to recover
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wtf i love wnba now
>Ref is so bad you'd rather give yourself irreversible brain damage than deal with his bullshit.

Dangerously based
>One of the best, if not the best forward in the world

>Transfers to the best team in England at the time

>Literally becomes worse than a Sunday league player

What black magic did they put on Torres? I've never seen a striker go from top to bottom that bad that quickly.

This webm doesn't even do it justice, there was even worse ones he missed. And it was on a weekly basis, he'd have 20+ goals if he even got a third of them in.
this stupid referee. I hate him so much.
>home of football
I didn't even clock that that was the same guy. Really should have pieced together when the webm kept going.
The pitch that made Mourinho cry
Fucking grim
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>copa uruguay
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pass to mbappe vs pass to a washed shitter like griez

What an effort, give the man a blow
But getting off the mound, throwing cathing and applying a tag are harder than slapping the wicket
based madlad Nübel
New contract effect. Tony Cascarino talked about this phenomenon where players get a big new contract, often from a top club, and mentally they feel like they've made it and are accomplished, and as a result they simply lose the competitive drive. Obviously doesn't happen to all players, but it's common enough. People get too comfortable and completely stop improving.
he's white
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>which way, western man?
perfectly reasonable for an MMA match
>german animal
checks out, wish they permabanned people like that
we need the new version with Pessi
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what was his problem?
the last time cameramen showed qts on screen
its just sad
you can tell when an injury is real because the player doesnt flail around like an idiot afterwards
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has someone posted the one where one dumb cunt fan holding up a sign fucked up the entire tour de france by causing a massive crash
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why are there pics of pajeets back there? do they not realize they're disgusting?
Brazil - Holland with no yellow cards given

nightmare fuel

irrelevant to the thread but still kinoest of kino from that match. true footie spirit and I don't care who was in the right.
Why is it ALWAYS Neverlands?
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I hate Neymar so much.
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I have had enough of this semen slurping sport
total football is the biggest lie ever told

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