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>less total Olympic medals than North Korea
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60 years of hurt
They have their own sports. Pretty based. Globohomo poms wouldn't understand tho.
Can't they meme their sports into the Olympics and start farming medals then? Norway did just that.
Doesn't Ireland have fewer people than Hong Kong.
Croatia is only 4/5 the size of Ireland yet Ireland only has 2/3 the Gold medals that Croatia has
you can count olympic medals, so you don't use less
i didn't flunk my english test so that natives can make the same mistakes and get off scot free
Croatia is white thogiven they have genetic advantage
Olympics is just about nationalism flexing. Nobody actually cares about the sports themselves. Like, gymnastics and table tennis who gives a fuck lmao
NK has more than Portugal too
Ireland and Scotland are as pathetic as one another. Scotland is slightly more pathetic though.
It's not even close. Scotland is far more pathetic.
We were 2nd place in 2016, where was Ireland?
Desu she's talented and doing well in the sport. Fair play, hope she gets a medal.
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>because your in for
Ye choked the Euros, LMAO!
Didn't even qualify lmao
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>Country of 200+ million btw
das rite mang
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I'm not a Jeet, I don't care about Cricket
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In last 50 years, there have only been two Olympics in Western Europe

First was Barcelona 1992 where Ireland only won 2 medals (even Ethiopia won 3)

Both (gold, silver) were in boxing by the two guys in pic related
Lol ireland germany and russia would all genocide eachother if the anglo world police didnt intervene
>even Ethiopia won 3
Gee, I wonder what events they won?
>thread mocking india
>immediately brings up pakistan out of nowhere
>that flag
dipak, please
you have to learn to be more subtle
north korea doesn't have all it's best players poached by england
>invaded the country and ran it for ages
>still have half of it
>still wish they were irishmen
Is there a more depressing race than the english?
>try to eliminate a race
>create a country instead
Maybe Germany shouldn't be talking about Flags.
>>thread mocking india
but it's mocking ireland not india
Sounds more like Croatia is overachieving rather than Ireland underachieving.
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>Yes, Michael Phelps has more gold medals than many countries. As of August 2016, Phelps had more gold medals than 170 of the 206 countries that competed in the Rio Olympics, which is more than 80% of the countries. This includes countries like Egypt, India, Argentina, Mexico, and Brazil. If Phelps were a country, he would rank 39th on the all-time Olympic gold medal table, tied with Ethiopia.
brutal mogging
Medal padding with a gorillion swimming races with slight variations
why don't other countries just learn to swim if it's so easy?
Gaelic football is literally derived from the mob football introduced to Ireland by English settlers in The Pale. It is yet another ANGLO contribution to the Emerald Isle.
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>Brazil and Argentina
The others are just third world shitholes but what’s these guys excuse? How can you host an olympics and be that shit?
False. Accept that you're wrong and I'll tell you the truth
The Olympics is shit, half of the Olympic sports are judge-based and therefore subjective and the other half are bloated medal-padding competitions with far too many events. The European Championship, the Copa America, and the World Cup are the true global sport competitions and I don’t blame countries for concentrating on them rather than the olympics(which now include skateboarding and breakdancing).
I know your gay language better than you do.
The Celts are an uncompetitive race. We were perfectly happy chilling in slime and swamps until the evil Romans arrived
Imagine if sprinters could run the 85 m, 93 m, 100m, 112 m, etc

this is how retarded swimming medals sound
paddies tongue my anus
You were the exact same stock as the Irish before you got moored
It literally isn't.
Nobody in South America cares about anything else other than football. It's how it is.
Why are people incapable of using the word "fewer" correctly? Even native speakers always seem to say "less" instead.
Like the 400m, 400m hurdles, 400m relay, 400m mixed relay?
you'd still need to multiply those for the number of swimming styles

400m, 400m with the left eyes closed, 400m with the thumb in your pocket etc
Is seething about the British a sport?
Croatia has the same number of Olympic medals as Serbia and Slovenia combined. Bosnia is still the biggest mockery, 0 Olympic medals. To make things worse, many Croats (and Serbs) from Bosnia win Olympic medals for Croatia/Serbia. KWAB
KEK, saved. Although I suspect OP is one of those eternally bitter Scots squatting in the northern part of our country.
They’re Irishmen, and they won’t move when Ireland unites, in fact your government will probably give them a lot of concessions to placate them, so get used to them.
You can cry about it all you want, but facts are facts
why do white people in australia always praise ireland but mock uk?
Nobody calls them that you stupid zoomer/foreign bot
Ireland isn't going to unite any time soon probably not whilst the troubles are within living memory
Thousands of Oirish live there
marathon i guess
ethiopia is a marathon powerhouse
i've never seen white australians not gossiping and mocking about usa and uk on australian vlogs
australian peoples' personalities seem interesting
Aussies' tendencies look interesting.
>>Your contribution to Ireland is the same globohomo shit you “contribute” elsewhere
Your country is ground zero for globohomo
You sound angry about the fact your cowardly ancestors fled thousands of miles across the ocean to escape their ANGLO landlord, Nigel O'Smith.

But, yes, Gaelic football is literally derived from the mob football introduced to Ireland by English settlers in The Pale. It is yet another ANGLO contribution to the Emerald Isle.
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Pay no heed to them.
>Gaelic football is literally derived from the mob football introduced to Ireland by English settlers in The Pale
imaginary bullshit
You sound upset. I understand, but please put your Anglophobia aside for a moment and accept reality. Note that I said nothing of hurling, a more genuinely 'Gaelic' game; only of 'Gaelic' football, which is known to be derived from the mob football that the English introduced to the island via The Pale.
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You would expect our women to do much better at they olympics since they are such fucking scrubbers
Show proofs and stop typing like a woman
dios mío
We don’t care.
The Olympics are a joke
They can be entertaining to watch, but they’re still a joke
It's green and white it'll do like
jesus anon, I assume viagra usage is through the roof
Can we make potato farming an Olympic event?
Call me racist but I just will never be able to see a black Nigerian as Irisih without going out of my way to lie to myself. Even in england you kinda get certain blacks like nigel benn and chris eubank who are legitimately English first and foremost in their mannerisms and culture, now in the globalised twitterised 21st century, this new gen of immigrants like ireland has, i dont think the culture is isolated or individual enough anymore for them or their descendants to ever be distinctly irish in anything other than name
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Blacks and Irish kind of have that history of being oppressed

Here is the US the Irish were treated as the original blacks (before we allowed blacks to be citizens)

As for this Black and Irish organization. .

"We don’t want people to be like, ah sure, it’s not as bad as it is in America or over in the U.K. There’s issues here that we have to challenge and deal with and definitely racism is one of them"

With a growing audience, Black and Irish created a podcast of the same name. In addition to personal stories, they also discuss politics, and spotlight the achievements of Black Irish people in various industries.

“Storytelling is ingrained in Irish culture. If you’re Irish you’re maybe more subjective to react positively to any sort of tale. Being Black and Irish, storytelling itself is intertwined with our identity, and what better modern medium to storytell than podcasting?”

“It’s kind of like bringing people along on a journey with you, reaching out through empathy rather than preaching at them,”

“Ireland is diversifying more and more. We live in a pluralist society where there's different people from various backgrounds coexisting within the one state. And I think in order to ensure peace and stability and progress and forward moving, we have to try and deepen that understanding," Ehigie said.
They’re more of a corporate tax avoiding nation
Death to all jeets
>our women
Those are British women on a British show called Londonderry Girls
If you're not Irish I honestly don't give a fuck what you think about who is or isn't Irish
You're insanely brown, and insanely not irish
>not Irish
Neither are you, Hunter O’Reilly from Massachusetts
If he's an O'Reilly from Mass he probably is Irish. Mind your own business and shower once a day you smelly brit
You'll care when your tax haven economy collapses and you have to run away to better countries again
What concern is it of yours you fucking retard go get a gf and a hobby. We fought a war already so you cunts don't get to tell us what to do so you may fuck right off
meant to say gf (or bf you faggot) and a *better* hobby
Lmao when did you fight a war, lol this is how you paddys actually think
Think what you want you delusional prick the point is that you don't get to say anything to me about my country and my people and whatever goes on here is not something which you get to espouse opinions on.
Work away though, just trying to help you so you're not wasting your time because anything you say I'll just tell you to shut up and stay on your own island
Rangers are dead, they are never coming back, the Scottish league title will be won over and over and over by the sporting wing of the IRA, an Irish team dominates your football and you can’t do anything about it
Blacks don't belong in Ireland. Or Europe.
Nice vpn you have there Ivan

joke "country"

literally no funding,grass hockey got gold medals in the past and they are still amateur
by the same logic, nobody is Irish anymore but a cosmopolite
Agreed, 'Northern' Ireland is a fictional country
>Irish kind of have that history of being oppressed
Not at all
Epic fail
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Pipe down you green rat
To much ass
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Sycerika McMahon was one the swimmers for Ireland in the London Olympics
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looks like shes about to fight metal gear
Some gold medals accredited to the United States really belong to Ireland.
Although, stupid Irish politicians think that they do.

I’d suspect that Helen MacEntee was really Oliver Cromwell in a past life.

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