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Life ends when you're 25
If only
the steroids finally got him
Chance would be a fine thing
Creatine not even once
Has there ever been a more obvious roid example in football than him?
He went from literal twink to roidmonster during covid.
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blast and cruise when the only thing cruising is the hairline
Baldcel cope. Many men stay handsome well into their 40s if they don’t have shit genes.
Baldness is due to extremely high levels testosterone levels and women love men with high testosterone. Get a haircut hippy
We’re reaching levels of cope previously thought impossible
Irrelevant faggot that wasn't even nominated for the Euros. Why does the polish pig fucker dedicate a thread to him? Is he famous in your shithole, because of his last name? Make better a Lewandfotzki thread
what creatine does to a mf
Calm down, Bauern Kevin

You're likely gonna sell him soon anyway
I'd trade my hair for his wealth
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life barely even begins until you're 30 if you're a male circa 2020 god you are pathetic
kek what a roidtroon
Incorrect. Baldness is due to being born with hair follicles on your scalp that are sensitive to DHT, a byproduct of testosterone. You could have high T and low DHT, you can have low T and high DHT, or both high and both low. They don't correlate in a linear manner. Besides, even with high levels of DHT, many men still not go bald because the hairs on the top of their head are as durable as the ones on the back of their head.
Femanon here. This is correct >>142928985 bald men are hot
baldsissies... our response??
Fake news im a hair doctor. Trust me hair loss is due to some men being too alpha and their gigantic balls producing too much testosterone. Fact
I'm bald myself lol that's why I know all this shit. It just tires me to see coping baldie retards who just can't admit they got fucked over by genetics.
Why didn't he visit turkey in the offseason? He wasnt in the german squad for the euro
not if you start a family
t. fake bald man trying to undermine science
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>itt: coping bald faggots bringing pseud-4chan fake science
quintessentially german look
Dare I say... germanmaxxing?
why even start roiding up and murder the remains of your hairline if you're gonna drop it afterwards and shrink down to shrimp mode? just go full zyzz at this point
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Holy fucking cope. This has been debunked years ago. Balding is a basedboy trait. Picrel.
Nice cope. Bayern doped
>hairline dropping deep
>muscle atrophy instead of "a trophy"
The Kane curse is real and working in mysterious ways.
Time is living me.
More silent than my shadow, I pass through the loftily covetous multitude.
They are indispensable, singular, worthy of tomorrow.
My name is someone and anyone.
I walk slowly, like one who comes from so far away he doesn't expect to arrive.
sometimes i have a nightmare where all my teeth fall off my mouth, i wonder if hair loss is like that too
I have one where I'm drowning. I gotta wake myself up and start breathing or I'll die in my sleep.
lol loser
that means you got enough time to do the heist.
lol what? life has kept getting better every year since I turned 25
>I gotta wake myself up and start breathing or I'll die in my sleep.
that's because you didn't reply to that one post. same is happening to your mom
It's at 30, but yeah.
is this what steroids do to your body if you stop taking them? serious question
>uefa looked at this and said "yes he's clean"
>He went from literal twink to roidmonster during covid.
Literally every Bundesliga player. Covid must have opened up some crazy loopholes
You have sleep apnea anon
Funny thing is he'd look good bald but he's too much of a gay lefty
27 here and at the peak of my life right now.
but i agree, its close to ending. the gf keeps bringing up children.
This, men peak around 35. unless you really let yourself go in your 20s you'll always have a chance
that is not a big arm

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