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>LeMickey missed the playoffs then got swept and gentleman's swept the next two years
Has weapschizo ever explained this?

Zoomers can't handle the Arenas bantz lmfao
He just says retarded things. He’s worse than SAS.
PissStain Pedo was a bum subedition
She said it was a post she made during a schizophrenic episode
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>dat blowdart impression
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LeBron James lives rent free in ur head.
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Explain this.
Explain this.
Nothing to explain. You got lucky and didn't end up with an anxiety attack induced suicide.
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>r-r-r-rent free!
July 2024 and people still put Embiid top 5
Why is this Bulgarian homo still coming to this general? No one wants you here blud
>my nuggets winning a ring this year might cause a couple suicides
he even said "lebum secretly gud u guys" to keep them from rioting but it didn't work
>Embiid throwing the game for his cousins

My fuckin sides
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right? he's at least top 3
Top 3 player not to make the conference finals in over 10 years
Ant Edwards will never win a ring
How many times are you going to post this then proceed to samefag it?
He does strike me as a Melo regen
Hi Skitz
How is /nba/ coping with 40 year old LeBron being better than every single superstar on his team while they're in their prime?
We got Dinshiddie Mavbros.
If he's so good why does he suck in the playoffs
A slightly better rounded westbrick, over reliant on athleticism and doesn't show up when needed (Dallas Mavericks)
Because he's the goat okay, he is so good he goat outplayed by Jason Terry in his prime
He's so good his teams are perennial play in squads
>lose Dinshittie
my Lakies getting ready to trade for Poozma
I’ll post it as many times as I want to. Just to remind Weapschizo that his word no longer means anything here because of posts like that.
its actually repulsive how good lebron is at 39. obviously one shouldnt overreact but with silverboost he might even take the 5th finals mvp. also bench tatbrick hes shit
get fucked germany
Gill as a podcaster sucks, he only works in interviews. Where he's surprisingly well-spoken for an ex-NBA player.
>the lebum era is full of actual trash and thus the 90s are proven to be way better
pretty good ngl
LeLongevity is undisputed GOAT, all time leading scorer, only 3-1 Finals comeback, 4 rings in the toughest era, beat the greatest team every assembled with a record 73-9. Won with 3 different teams. The only thing anyone had against were Le 2011 playoffs and no DPOY but since MJ's is false and people cope about 94-95 season, he is up there with MJ.
I bought a whole cake in a cup thing and threw it away before I ate any of it out of disgust.

Eating disorder isn’t fun sometimes…
How many 73-9 teams did MJ beat, oh wait....but how man 31 comebacks did he do oh.....Well at least he was the previous all time leader sco............well at least he has a DPO.....oh wow, guess LeGoat is better than him
It's a more convincing win for team USA since germany is a top 10 basketball country but it's still a bad look for the team they need size
same amount of times MJ led the conference and then didn't win the rang
0 times
what about lebum tho?
lebron is above mj if were being real. theres a reason mj fans more and more just use peaks as an argument, lebrons career resume has surpassed jordans.
People really though they could beat the Supreme Team just because some Afro niggers gave frauds like Tatum and Ant some trouble and had to be bailed out by LeMerica
Lebron is the greatest player to ever touch a basketball and its isn’t even a discussion.
>kobe + shaq = rang
>wade + shaq = rang
>lebum + shaq = ?
And how many finals did he go to, oh yeah on 6s while also have multiple HoFs on his team.
Yeah there really is no debate after the fake DPOY, that was the only factor, but really even then it was a conversation like said >>142931059
ez dub
MJ was getting swept in the first round without Pippen, Lebron was leading times with Ilgauskas and Larry Hughes as his best co stars to the finals and 60 win seasons, only losing to prime Duncans spurs. Lebron broke the all time leading scoring record at 38. Jordan was doing nothing in Washington at 38.
> kobe + prime shaq = ring
> wade + prime shaq = ring
> GOAT + washed up shaq = no ring
BOOM. MJerkers dismissed
>best record in the league
>washed shaq
ultra cope
people were saying racist shit to embiid today, that's fucking lame
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>remember lelegacy, they changed the game to make it harder for me to dominate; they changed the game to make it easier for you to dominate
> coping
LeBron went to more finals than MJ, going to 8 in a row, meanwhile your hero was a gambling addicted retarded and retired only to get owned by Shaq while the first pick of his class went back to back
Yup and without MJ the Bulls had a great run
>lebum was getting the best record with his stacked team and then not converting
true that's what i said
what a total scrub
>lebum is the buffalo bills
yikes just stop
> I played against farmers and mailmen, so I am the GOAT ahaha
Russel better
LeBron is the GOAT. Deal with it.
Lebron has 4 titles.
Shaq was in his ring chasing phase he wasn't there to help he was there to get carried
>remember LeGOAT, the NBA faked my stats and Jordans stats
>Shaq played on the heats
and literally beat the best team every assemble, not even the 96 Bulls could do that and LeGoat did it single handedly. In Fact they gave Igoudala Finals MVP when he lost because guarding LeBron is more important than steph (the greatest shooter) shooting.
Weapschizo doesn't exist and I never cared about my words meaning anything. The truth is the truth and that's pretty much that. Gaytum is a fraud. The inceltics are a fraud. They just had the biggest * in history. That's not me saying my opinion, that's me speaking the truth. One thing you can say is no matter what anyone says you can't take away the truth.
So Larry Hughes and Ilgaukas the definition of “stacked” when he left the Cavs they became the worst team in the league, when Jordan left the bulls there was only a two game difference and they had a deep playoff run.
also nice game for jovic
Tatum has no aura
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Look at what you fucking chuds have spread across the rest of the internet, shame on you
>leaving the #1 team in the league because you need more help
that's not a goat mentality
>he was the only player who left
wrong, total disassembly, but lebum fans don't know ball so not surprising
>if it hurts my feelings delete
Reddit is pathetic
Black people are so racist against Africans holy shit
Yup, he's not the guy. He probably will never be he just ain't got it
Emsneed deserves it, go back embitch
You aren’t arguing in good faith.
American Blacks have some white admixture due to buck breaking and slave rape, so they can instantly recongnize the inferior subhuman genetics of their african ancestors. Compare the average American negro to some subharan and they look different
MJerkers are seething about their false GOAT being surpassed, fact is he shouldn't even be in the combo. It should be between Kareem and LeBron, which ended when LeBron surpassed him as all time leading Scorer
just w8 til legoat completes the trifecta (gold silver bronze) something MJ could NEVER do and the only basketball player ever to do it
Okay, just one question, it might be stupid: Why didn't Lebron resign for the veteran minimum? They needed the cap space to win and he is already rich.
The West is stacked, there is no way whatever Cap LeBron has will be enough to make him a contender, he doesn't even need rings since he is the GOAT and GOAT debates aren't about rings otherwise Russel is the Goat
Oh no dickless wonders from Boston won't like this. The truth is that everyone outside their woke shithole agrees.
why would Lebron turn down 50 million
And if he signed for the minimum back in 2019? Imagine how good the Lakers would be.
He won that year anyway and was in his prime, his window was 2020-2022 and in the end he got a ring which is a good enough. Now is time for him to solidify his LeLegacy
The United States is simply expected to win at the Olympics. Kobe understood this, and thats why he never lost a single game in an international competition.

LeBron is simply doing what is expected of him and he has a team around him that is top tier. No one cares.
White people never say anything more racist than this lmao
>Dreamerspro fucking fuming rn

I can already hear it
White people are the least racist desu from what I've seen
most the embiid hate is coming from angry ghetto americans at this point
By American standards my friend. The rest of the world sees them like the old British type of "You shouldn't talk bad about other races, let me tell you how you should behave because even if I don't say out loud, it's clear and implicit I'm better than your race and it's my duty to guide the rest of demi-humans on how to human". Fortunately, even if they don't, we do get what they truly believe.
If France had a decent point guard then they would probably win the Olympic gold

Maybe next time… even though Gobert will be 36
Mexico is racist as fuck, Mexicans find my black impression fucking hilarious
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Because if LeBron is earning the minim wtf would any owner pay some role player 10 million a year. As the best player and most famous it’s in the interest of the players union that LeBron consistently pushes for money and always takes the max. Mid tier stars and really washed up guys are allowed to take pay cuts
Lebron is scrounging up every nickel he can. He wants to be a team owner eventually and that requires billions
Yep, that's why we get racism alright. We practice and have experienced all kinds of it. None can fool us on that.
Yeah I’m a shitskin and the narcissism of small differences has always been cringe to me. Sure blacks are probably the worst on average, but it’s still crazy to people from countries with nightmarish crime, rape and violence act like they’re white people or better than their neighbours. Realistically only a handful of European and Asian people have the right to get uppity. The rest of us are all in the same boat. India vs Pakistan, Colombians vs Venezuelans, Mexicans vs Guatemalans, East Africans vs west Africans. Literally all of us are shit and have white people to thank for not still being in pre-historic times.
>white liberal "Americans" pretend like they consider Sudanese people to be actual equals
>an actual black man calls a spade a spade
>now the black man is racist against other black people according to the white hispter faggots who have selfdoagnoed the only ones qualified to judge afrcian-amercian vs actual african bantz

I hate clown world so much
By the end of the decade public opinion will have switched to LeBron over MJ
LeBron is very money oriented

He wants money to majority own an expansion team which is a couple of billion

In theory though you are right

Someone will eventually do that but not LeBron. LeBron reportedly offered to take a pay cut if they could sign a free agent to justify it but they couldn’t find one

Brunson kind of did this on the Knicks.
Decided to sign an extension on the current max (4yrs at about $40m/yr) rather than next years max (5yrs at about $55m/yr)

Some people had meltdowns about that. The funny thing is that it potentially makes his next contract bigger so it’s might not really be much of a cut in practice

Plus it’s not like $40m/yr isn’t a fuckton of money anyway
The CBA has salary floors so teams can’t cheap out on paying players. Players always get the same proportion of revenue in total across the league, it’s just how it is given out proportionately

But yeah the NBAPA doesn’t love people taking pay cuts.
It's switched already. Literally only people raised in the 90s still defend the fake stats merchant.
nah it wont it'll be wemby
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this thread man kek
>easiest era with faked stats
Let go already bro. Jordan wouldn't win three rings in the era LeBron played in.
Jordan would average 45 and win 10 times in a row in this soft pussy ass era lmao
Ok, one final random post.

I think the NBAPA got totally fucked over by the league over the last two CBAs. They effectively killed free agency and didn’t realise it. They let them get away with murder cause of the extra $$$.

Collectively the cheapest and small market teams have fucked it for everyone else
Maybe if they allowed him to keep his fake stats. I do think the 2024 Celtics sweeps every single Bulls team from Jordans era.
The reporting on the Brunson extension was so sensationalist and stupid. Reporters were saying he was leaving $80m+ on the table without explaining that next year's max would have included an extra year.

In reality it comes out to like a $25m discount on this extension and he will be eligible for the super giga ultra max on his next extension which will be his last big bag in the league.
Steph seemed lowkey washed
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We are winning the gold and winning the White House bros
The 2024 celtics if no injuries would get over 75 wins and sweep the playoffs the game has evolved so far
Jayson Tatum vs Germany

4 Points
3 Turnovers
RCIV breakout season
yeah the olympics are really exposing how weak and pathetic this nba era really is
they should've all dodged
Some inceltic was trying to tell me he had “aura” earlier KWAB
Better than Jared McCain’s loose booty ass
He needs Jaylen to bail him out worse than Jordan needed Pippen
Russell Westbrook
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Summerleague finals let's goooo
Not sure what you mean by “fake stats”. Youre saying 10 scoring titles and 6 rings are the result of fake stats?
Wow the inceltic media is so petty they're having refball against my Heats summerleague team.
the grizz have been low-key cheating. I swear most of these dudes played last season
Please come to the Warriors you can start with Steph and Brandin, Westbrook is a floor raiser
I don't believe anything after Paul Reed ended up a bust
13 points

south sudan
12 points

3 points

24 points

12 points

it's over for steven curry
He was never any good just moving screens and lax NBA rules favoring the offensive player allowed him to prosper, same as Harden and Luka. It’s ironic Jorfags always point to the physicality of the bald icon’s era when it’s clear a more physical game would only benefit the superior athletic 6’10 290lbs Lebron who is a freight train at 40 in FIBA
dear lord how old is the memhis summer league roster
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>the blueprint
these are some bullshit "fouls"

Waters III
Trayce-Jackson Davis

What is Dunleavy waiting for? This team is a 6th seed and can win the chip with health or a trade we need Westbrook
did you not hear about the westbrook trade?
He got waived he’s a free agent
It's actually pathetic that the inceltic mafia hates Miami so much they're rigging a summerleague game against them. This is what happens when Jimmy Butler owns their pathetic franchise.
for a role player he is actually pretty good
he is just not a good star player
that's probably because every time there's pressure, a giant turd is hanging in his pants so it's difficult to perform at a high level
That is, to say, no aura
>more grizz dying
How many rings does Jimmy have?
20+ FTs to Miamis 9 in the summerleague.

The refs even rig these games.
Same amount as Gayson.
Tatum has a ring and beat Jimmy multiple times. Tatum is way past Jimmy.
>multiple times
Nah only once in a rigged series. And no, Gaytum doesn't have a ring. He has an *.
what was the idea behind Lakers not signing a single free agent?
I used to think Arenas just really hated white Europeans, but I guess he just hates any non-American. Kind of funny to be honest.
gayson gaytum has a chance to prove his rang is real in the 'lympics on a team with literal first round exit scrubs and the finals mvp
and he's gettin carried by the first round exit scrubs
nobody wants to play for the lakers
>every time the heat lose its rigged
>celtics rings don’t count because I said so
Weapschizo logic everyone
Non Non Biyori.
It's just the truth. You just don't like the truth
The truth is my Celtics won a ring while Jimbum is still ringless
He hates on anyone that's not a black american. He's hates on Cooper Flagg and Caitlin Clark so it's not a nationality thing but race + nationality.
Scottie Pippen Jr is hoopin
Has more FTs than the Heat in total.
he's making those savvy kyle lowry type of plays. That's nba bball on display
So I'm hearing the Warriors trade for Lauri Markkanen is being held up because the Jazz are asking for Brandin Podziemski.
he'll get carried by bronny like his daddy
got carried by jordan
not in the nba though, in a call of duty tournament
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What did Kyle mean by this?
These summer league refs are crooked.
wtf he's insulting the party that u aren't allowed to insult get him bros
dat fucking shot

Bronny beater, simply better stock
Jimmy Butler and Ant Edwards will never have a ring, the Timberwolves will never have a ring, the Heat will never have a ring for the rest of Pat Riley's life
LeBron James is the greatest and most dominate being to ever grace the basketball court. No I don't care about who has more rings. Yes you will cope before LeGoat
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>most dominate being
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Is his mom there? Post her
Dat Christopher guy is gonna be dropping 30 points against Boston in the playoffs

Believe that
This man only has two legitimate rings and they were against a washed up Big Three and an Orlando Magic team that was irrelevant. Meanwhile LeBron literally beat the best team ever assembled so bad the Cuck Curry ran to the Slim Reaper to win some cheap rings
what's worse a whore mom or a whore daughter?
Kel'El Ware has a ring before Embiid kek
Man the Miami Weap is embarrassing
Harder run than the 2024 Inceltics *.
Banner, rings, parade, the Heat deserve it all, what a ride
The Miami Heat and Jimmy Butler will never get a ring, period. No matter how much you cope about Jimmy Buckets or Playoff Jimmy you will be nothing but a foot note in runs of better teams.
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>the Miami Heat won't win a ring in the Jimmy Butler er-ACK
I don't see Jimmy guys, where is Playoff Jimmy.
what ring?
We seriously flexing summer league rings?
How is old man Lebron team USA's best player?
Means more than an * ring lmao
Because he is categorically the greatest players people like Curry and KD colluded to put a road block in his dynasty. Ant Edwards the next MJ acknowledges LeGoat as there key to victory. He accomplished something Kobe and MJ didn't dominate even among greater international and younger talent. LeLongevity is stronger as a player know than anyone else on that teams prime. MJ is famous for dethroning injured legends from another era.
no seriously no. there is only one ring that counts. Although adam simons is going to lead us to the promise land.
The Miami Heat will never win a championship in the 2020 decades
You said that 4 years ago. Zero rings later…
Whats got Inceltic so upset tonight,
The Miami Heat, Jimmy Butler and Pat Riley will never win a NBA Finals in the 2020s decade
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im fine
>world champions
did they beat south sudan
Three of them did while being held back by a supporting cast of geriatrics and ringless bums.
South Sudan has bigger problem than being the best ball bouncers in the world. Also Bam Adebayo's performance against them was horrendous, worst the Embiid
damn didn't even need jaylen 2 ez for the world champs
Jrue, Jayson and Derrick did.
Wheres mexibro?
That's a lot of *s.
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>Three of them did while being held back by a supporting cast of geriatrics and ringless bums.
> Jimmy Butler = O Rings
> Jayson Tatum = 1 Ring
ring check.
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weapschizo thinks he has a dog in this fight.
is that loser still yapping?
Kek this dude is a fucking fraud. No aura light skinned bitch. The media really wants people to think he's a top player.
Holy fuck all those plumberball titles, that’s embarrassing to display.
That's a weird way to spell "world champion".
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Yeah, I hate the Heat, in my mind the Lakers are ahead. Sure they have Mickey Mouse ring and cringe IST banners but Lakers have more wins in tougher eras than Bill Russel and his eleven plumber rings
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******************. That's 18 asterisks. Damn.
Let us know when your head canon is officially adopted by the NBA.
thats all celtics haters have, headcanons
nah 11 astericks, Bird, KG and even Gaytum are legit
There were 8 teams bro, sorry but you can't say the competition is anywhere as tough as the seventies when bros were balling against firemen
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This one really got the ShizoCord seething.
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Can someone explain to me why a Harry Potter character is the OP of an NBA Basketball general?
this image is makes the weapschizo cry.
Pick one and only one.

It's the discord. They spam their Harry Potter shit and consistently post Herminoe underaged and jerk off to her. Celtic fans are pedos.
respect Voldemort
Who on the Cord was in charge of the timer? I think we just had a new record between weapschizo posts about trannies or child porn. It was like ten minutes at least.
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Im here, canabro
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Fuck LeBron, fuck the Lakers and fuck ADisney
The Lakers have as many legit, non-refball titles as Los Angeles has lakes.
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I like how everything is some sort of "discord" Its multiple people colluding against the heat. There's no way people would get sick and tired of my schizo posting and head canons. Adam Silver himself and the state of Israel doesnt like the Heat for some reason and is always planning to stop them, its a grand scheme that only I know about. It's the world vs the Heat, the Heat and their fans are always the victims. If something bad happens to the Heat, it's rigged, j ewish people are behind it or a secret service agent secretly injured a Heat player before the game. The Heat can never lose a series fair and square thats just how it is. Everything must be shaped so that somehow it benefits the Heat or Jewish people were behind it. Thats just how it is.

If you find my constant whining, AI spam and schizophrenia annoying you're either jewish, a celtic fan or a pedo who jerks off to Hermione Granger. Thats just how it is.

This is the mindset Weapschizo has. Hes always the victim. It must go his way. When the heat win they were the underdog while somehow also being the better team in general, if they lose its rigged. Nothing bad can happen to the Heat. Any championship not won by the heat is an *. Thats just how it is.
Im not reading this essay, maybe ms. rice will tho
>no mention of trannies
>no mention of magnets
What's mentioned is accurate, but a lot was left out. I give this essay on weapschizo lore a C+.
The heat and Jimmy Butler will never get a ring. I'm sure Pandemic Jimmy will have a nice little spot in the HoF after his illustrious career of losing in the finals is over
even in 1986 only the star players were making substantial money. most of the '86 celtics bench probably had 9-5 plumber tier jobs they worked during the offseason.
Hey, the Heat already have a pair of LeBron pity rings from when their fans were in diapers. That's better than eighteen when you think about it a certain way.
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Some nice pulls, thank you, canabro. And also fuck the Celtics and fuck Embiid.
Nobody respects any of your teams *s. You didn't need to type an essay about he much the truth makes you seethe.
>robot donphan
>quagsire but a fish
>elvis bird
>dugtrio but in water

Gamefreak has lost the plot.
>the truth
the truth is that my franchise hangs 18 banners
wait what are you getting mad at. I agree with you guys the heat havent won anything since 2013
I bet you the Celtics will finish with more rings in the 20s than the Heat in the 10s, and I fucking hate the celtics
Weapschizo acting like he has a dog in this fight. Just reminding him that the heat are fodder compared to my Celtics. This is necessary so he doesnt get uppity. Ai slopper and the DBZ poster already vanished before the Celtics even made the finals. They knew what was to come and left as they should have, they accepted defeat honorably. If Weapschizo wants to fight a lost battle then he can, but I will make sure he doesnt think hes won.
The trans flag and every other variant of the LGBT flag doesn't count as banners, Inceltic.
Jimmy Butler is not a superstar, he's not even really that good of a player and he will never have a ring. Same with Ant Edwards, they are pretender stars
There's no fight to lose, the truth always wins. The truth is that nobody respectss your pathetic franchise or their *s. The truth is also that Gaytum is a fraud. The entire league being injured doesn't deny this, it only makes him a bigger fraud.
>truth always wins.
so you accept the 18 rings won including the one from. this year? or will you keep making up excuses and headcanons as to why the ring doesnt count.
Enough about Gaytum
Injury and plumber *s.

I would say the only one that was even close to real was 08. So the Inceltics only have one realish ring.
Gayson Gaytum has won a NBA championship, Himmy Butler and the Miami Heat will not win a NBA championship this decade
that's not the truth, thats a headcanon you've allowed yourself to believe because you cant accept the fact that the Celtics own the Heat in every way, shape of form.
Gayson Gaytum was carried to an *.
this guys writing format creeps me out. its like a movie script or a book.
The Inceltics own the Heat third stringers. Jimmy and the healthy Heat is 2-1 against the Inceltics kek and the "1" the refs needed to take points away from the Heat.
The only 'max' player they could have signed would have been PG, which would have been worth it. LeBron, PG and AD could make a lot of noise. But LeBron's ego is too big to play for the vet minimum.
Here's a handy translation for all you wondering what the schizos are talking about when they bring up plumbers or asterisks:

It's a discord. I'm probably talking to a bot inceltic coded himself. They don't talk like real humans glad someone else noticed.
Yet Jimmy Butler is ringless.
>more headcanons
what prompt do you even type for AI to make that? "Heat and Celtic fan arguing over an online chat forum"
It is what it is. Jimmy being refballed out of rings doesn't make Gaytum not a fraud.
>first black female president
>barely darker than the white guy
What did they mean by this?
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Marketing says he is
How long have you allowed yourself to believe these headcanons? Are you so mentally detached from society that you literally cannot comprehend the celtics ring and jimmy being a ringless fraud?
>when you only count games you win so your team goes undefeated forever
Jimmy has no ringies, sorry
wow, incredible of course himmy butler went on to win rings right oh, no wonder his mom kicked that bitch ass nigga out
refballed all the way to the finals, only to lose. History wont remember losers ahahahahahahaha
black anon here, she's not black, she's Indian. She only claims she's black for political reasons.
that shit has Jokic, Doncic, Embiid, Butler and Tatum, those niggas are not superstars, between all of them there are 2 rings LMAO
why do you have this crusty ass poster in your room?
I count five real superstars. Rest are bums.
Anime website made me click on the wrong post. Not my fault.
Jokic, Tatum and Doncic all made NBA 1st Team. (Jokic has 3 MVPS and a ring) Embiid is an MVP as well.

Jimmy is the polar bear in Arlington, Texas.
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No Miami ring is legitimate. LeBron is an orginization unto himself so his HEAT tenure doesn't count. Unless you want to pretend the Cavs are a powerhouse franchise just because they went to 4 straight Finals.

If we're going to talk about asterisk rings, The 2006 Heat championship is the definition of an asterisk ring, Wade shot like 25 FT's a game that series on extremely suspect calls.

The last two Finals runs with Jimmy were legitimately impressive and authentic but when they were manhandled by the Lakers and Nuggets respectively it became apparent that their Finals appearences were the result of an extremely weak Eastern conference more than anything.

No HATE but if you really know ball this is evident.
Sorry, LeBron's IST banner doesn't count
Damn Gaytum being a fraud and the Inceltics having nothing but *s really made you have a melty with that mass reply and novel posting KWAB
Isn't she half hispanic too?
>lebum is carrying in the olympics
>tatum is getting carried
doesn't this prove that the IST is more valuable than the nba championship?
The Incelcord won't like this post.
You really need to read longer novels, Skitz.
Olympics haven't started yet. Might as well call Reed Sheppard the best player in the NBA if we're getting our takes from meaningless exhibition games.
shes a mix of everything.
...Shepp can hoop, tho
>weapschizo thinks a couple paragraphs are a novel
Florida education ladies and gentleman.
Is this the new cope? Gaytum shot 30% the entire KWABoffs. He's just shit. Sorry to tell you. I know you have a mancrush on that faggot.
he has a ring.
He's shit.
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>unedited, non-meme photo of actual real event
Pictured: the largest * in sports history
real picture tho
>no asterisks in sight
You just posted an *.
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Keep crying.
post the REAL 2024 nba championship
Enough about the one task on your to-do list.
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I shed all my tears of joy at the parade, actually.
The pride parade?
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>the only kind of "pride" Heat fans are familiar with
>trophy ceremony for a glorified pick-up basketball league
Let me know when the Heat have a pride night like the Fagson Gaytics.
Is this even a diss? Doesn't every NBA team without exception hold a pride night?
Looks like they had one in March last year. I'm sure there's one scheduled for this year, but they've yet to release the dates. You'll just have to keep checking so you know when to attend.

*unjerk* Do you seriously not think your team does pride events? It's 2024. Every sports team does.
Mine wasn't a diss about the Heat doing stuff for pride. It was just that that's the only pride Miami has right now.
Reminder: No rings, 11 years.
N-NO....t-t-t-this c-c-c-can't be!!!!!!!!!!! MY coveted Miami Heat don't do t-t-that!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! WHY ADAM SILVER!?!?!?
Does every team have homosexual males dancing in their cheerleading squads while having manlets runnijg around with pride flags too?
Yes your team does it too :) So do the other sports teams you like and don't like haha :)
To my knowledge not all teams have gay dancers as part of the actual cheerlead squad.
>my team won a championship this season
>w-w-well at least my team might possibly do slightly less to draw gay viewership (but not really at all, actually)
You might be surprised at how many gay dancers there are :O
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Cone Paul wishes he could get one of those...
Bronny vs catelin clark 1 on 1 who you got
LeCaptain America haters in the absolute shambles rn

>harry potter slop in the OP

Skitzy was right desu…. Cord Troons have taken over /Lba/
The one with a penis and male upper body strength: Caitlin.
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>plays shit defense all game
>rest of the team has to play 2x as hard to make up for it
>gets last second layup that he pushes off on
same old bullshit
it's pretty much the most insanely based thing imaginable
He scored the last 11 points for USA and shot 100% in the last quarter, cope harder you nazi american hating monkey
LeGod was alive during the Berlin Wall era when germany was split into two countries, and now he btfo’ing a united germany in 2023

Greatness just greatness, unparalleled longevity

god the biggest inceltics and tatum nut hugger. jesus ANT has been so much better than tatum
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>still simping for America because you couldn't defeat Germany
I’m a proud American
Kerr is utterly exposed as a Curry babby tho these lineups are atrocious, Bron Bron shouldn’t be having to save the day like this multiple games in a row…..
tom riddle has more aura than gaytum
I wouldnt know because im not 5 years old
The whole world is our bitch. At least IreGOD knows it.
>You wake up
>You're 39 year old Lebron James
what do?
Transfer 50 millions dollars into my previous self's bank account in case I switch back.
Go piss while closing my eyes so I dont see the LePeePee, prolly end up pissing on the seat and floor and Savannah will seethe at me later as im eating my cereal
Glad you enjoyed my post goat

I will do unspeakable thinks if you keep shitting up my thread with this garbage.
If Kerr has a good team he usually doesn't bring out his big gun lineup until he absolutely needs to. Didn't start Iggy until they were losing in the finals, didn't bench Poole until they were losing in the finals, will even load manage throughout the playoffs except that one time he killed KD because the bench sucked.
ooooooooh shiver me timbers stfu senpai
The clown can't even touch this one.
Send 2 million dollars to some retard on 4chan (me) who just took his body
>Bron who is in your body just goes hell nah when he receives the money and sends it to one of his secret klutch accounts
is it bad I want to be a malewife? (no tranny please look it up)
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Ah we can see the britcuck has returned.
Just sit back and watch the cuckness unfold before you
ESL post


Same thing I do every morning - take a big fat steaming Bronny
What happened to Tatum’s aura?
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Tatum's never had any
Brown gained a bit after these playoffs
That’s gotta be pretty depressing for celtics fans, Tatum is the first guy to ‘win a championship’ and lose aura
Depending on who you ask it might be KD
I am not depressed about winning a championship, no. Thanks for asking though.
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1 nba summer league 2024 championship ring is worth $20,000.
wew lad
quote kanye quote kobe pose
guy is a total NPC
Denver has the best rings no cap frfr
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Curry fans cope about it with muh gravity and advanced stats get that nerd shit outta here
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what do you guy think of Clark's new shoes ?
it's a Kobe, though
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Does anyone know what Curry's finals winning record compared to LeMickey's is and also his finals record against LeMickey?
aren't those like 15 year old model? apart from the colour, looks very similar to what I wore back in the day
LeBron is 2-1 in playoff series against Curry outside of the ahhhh save me KD years

Also bitched him in the play-in in 2021.

LeBron also has a winning record vs DurCharmin when ignoring the ahhhhh save me 73-9 team years

Just some facts….
>i wish i had a superteam rn
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Playoff series?
LeBron was in the playoffs this year yes. Curry however….
James Harden is a free agent, right?
So did anyone made a deal with him or something?
It's true that LeMickey was in the playoffs this year.
4 + 1 IST > 1
Jokmick lost
Curry has missed the playoffs 7 times in 15 seasons. (He has missed the playoffs for 46% of his entire career)

LeBron has missed the playoffs 4 times in 21 seasons. (he has spent 81% of his career making the playoffs)

I guess they can’t all be built like LeGoat…. And i guess they don’t teach yall math out in the third world but i’m happy to take ya to school #JamesGang #BronKnows
sssshh let them celebrate their one and done lol… its all they getting
Some bum is talking about math but did he complete the math here >>142936542
>I acthept your contheththion thirdoid

Thirdie can’t read… sad but expected.
Nobody gonna read some goalpost moving and passive aggressive bitchnigga crying. We're talking about finals accomplishments.
1 ring > 73-9
How bout that math for ya?
Talk to me when Jokic beats a 70+ win let alone a 50+ team won in the playoffs chump
Dear oh dear
This is their GOAT LMAO
Only thing Jokic is is the GOATSE just like that one Serb farmer who sodomized himself with a beer bottle
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Why is some cringyass dirty proxyshitter talking about Joko out of nowhere?
are these guys bots or trolls?
You're a Nuggets fan bitch
Why are you dickriding Curcuck all of a sudden?
4 + 1 IST >>> 1 (Gianmickey) + 1 (Jokmick)
And that's all you're getting
I feel bad for them if they are actually serious cause they might have gone off the deep end
You just know things are bad when you see someone avatarfagging with pictures of a woman.
>the One N’ Done avengers are assembling

get a canuck in here and be a trio lmfao
Who has a lisp? Kek
Check the flags itt and you'll figure it out.
Thirdoid’s fanfic character
>he's stupid enough to think that someone with less than six Finals MVPs is the GOAT
Nigga avataring as a woman talmbout fanfic characters. You literally are one goofy.
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we did it?
Thank God I'll never be that and I'll stay Bulgarian.
Your mother hears you speaking in imitation of black people every day of your life and shakes her head in shame.
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>incoherent ramble spam

Who ordered the yappuchino?
Kek my post cut deep.
This nigga cutting himself.
>lifelong pacers fan

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ITT: two white boys that talk black but act like females that might try to scratch one another with glee nails
>quoting Redditminem in 2024
Also he says Lee Nails. What the fuck are Glee Nails?
And don’t assume my gender chuddie…
Well you would know all about cosmetics and nails wouldn’t you faggot ass white boy
>acts like he knows what the lyric was
>gets corrected

And you thought that you knew but were wrong. So you’re also a fag but retarded to boot.
>no actually sis we don’t wear those type of nails!
No wonder you collect all those pictures of girls, you wish you were one
Zestyass nigga listens to rap "music" and knows lyrics about nails.
Blud’s “gotcha” moment was… types of nails. He sat there and excitedly typed out that it was the wrong set of nails
>spiralling this hard because he didnt go onto azlyrics to double check he had the bar right before posting and he’s embarrassed
Keep it comin
You do not know more eminem then a zoomer whitoid like me i promise u….
Go off sis, you tell him we don’t wear those nails anymore
You know it gurl
Fatherless behavior.
>posts misquote from a hit rap song
>actually he said X not Y
>[inane babble about nail techs or some retarded shit]

My haters going out sad.
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This you bro?
Bro has multiple images and gifs of some guy with painted nails saved on his device throwing shade bout me having girls saved…
Bro wishes he was the girls (gets his nails done) so they’re his internet avatar
So mad he responded in about 20 seconds to defend his internet reputation, this is his life
Lil b is a terminal phoneposter too. He's on here even if he's outside.
Dickriders assemble!
Didn't ask for your hobbies. This is basketball thread.
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This hurts, doesn't it?
How can one man have so little aura?
Ringless players like Jimmy have less.
not even inceltic believes that
See how i knew it was the jimmyshitter?
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Cope and cry
Good morning gentlemen

I am currently taking a fat, stinky, greasy LeBron James “legacy”
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Can you guys please stop this wack ass back and forth. Even done ironically this is corny
Reggie Jackson will sign with the 76ers according to Woj
“Giannis ‘ brother, when we went down 0-2, he had Covid. So he couldn’t come to the plane. That’s why we were down 0-2. Giannis was messed up… They got some different kind of connection. He can’t function or play if he don’t see his brother.

“I’m being for real. It’s different, bro. He was like, ‘Where’s TA (Thanasis Antetokounmpo)? Where’s TA?’ We in the middle of a game, I’m like, ‘Bro, we in the Finals, bro. Play’… So TA makes this magical Covid recovery. I know he still had it. Ain’t no way, bruh. It’s (meant to be) 14 days, he’s back in three. So he’s back. When he sees him… they started hooping.”

Didn't know GianPiss was such a weak minded fag. No wonder no one cares about him anymore. LeBron would never
KG was better than Tim Duncan and I'm tired of pretending he wasn't.
Based I thought I was the only one. KG had to carry the fucking TWolves bums while Duncan got gifted the best coach of all time and hall of fame teammates. Celtics KG was a better play than TD during that time
>the best coach of all time
What has he won without TD?
he can hold it as high as he wants, it doesn't change the fact he was the 3th best player on his team on one of the weakest playoff runs in recent memory
he did have a great regular season though, as usual
so I guess his job is to get his team as high of a ranking as possible and then let the real stars of the team do their job on the playoffs while he becomes a role player
oh and also pray every day that he won't have to face any actual title contenders in the playoffs
because we all have seen what happens when he does kek
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Damn. I just love having the 3rd best player of my team to be this good lmao.
What has he had without TD?
Well they were cucking the Warriors in 2017 until Kawhis ankle exploded. Pop hasn't really had a star since then. He did develop players like D White. I think if Wemby gets some help Pop can make magic again, their rosters have been terrible in recent years and Pop did his best
How come Nugs haven't finalized Westbrook's deal wtf
Who's making team USA in 2028 between LeBron, KD, and Steph?
Hopefully those boomers are retired and have podcasts by then. Luv Talk with Trey5 will top the podcast world
None of them. Your best player will be Ant.
Damn Sixers are getting Reggie Jackson, man. Can we just skip to the final already?
>LeBron makes a podcast about books they've never read
MJerkers in fucking tears coping and seething, what was MJ doing at this age again, getting btfo like Poole in the Wizards KEK
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>on one of the weakest playoff runs in recent memory
>Team I hate won and my BAWB got BTFO in the second round so I'll discredit them!!!!
>My other BAWB got raped in 5 games noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>Porzingis getting hurt doesn't count!!!!!!!
Keep crying. Keep coping
TateGOD Thread
David Robinson
Murray > Ant >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LeGoat
you really think tatum had even 1/10 of the impact on his team as the other guys you posted?
there's a reason why he didn't even get the conference mvp anon
you need to wait few days after getting waived to be able to sign again
David Robinson is a choker and Wemby is a rookie.
call up my chinese assassins i hired to kill kobe and tell them that i want my money back and to resurrect him
Tatum lead his team in everything in the Finals. That's some LeBron shit you GianPiss lover. Go find ThianPiss for Gianpiss before he has a mental breakdown with his funny accent "oh noooo where is my brother, I need my shitty brother here"
Jokic is not the GOAT, I don't care about 3 MVP and box scores, he is not top 10.
Jokic can be top 10 when he beats a 50 win team
after not medalling they're going on a cope tour about how the olympics don't matter and they weren't trying and we're gonna send a team of literal whos who will win gold
Yup and thats why Tatum is also FMVP oh wait, but don't worry LeBron only has 4 of those :)
GianPiss the type of nigga to have a bad game because he slept without his nightlight on
LeBron at Tatums age was getting bullied for not having a ring kek
GianPiss the type of nigga to look at his brother on the bench before bricking his free throws
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GianPiss the type of nigga to skip the playoffs because his brother and him had a fight and he was being petty to his brother by not playing
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>he was the 3th best player on his team
>Show stats about Tatum leading in PTS/REB/AST
Are you retarded? Who are you trying to deceive?
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Let him seethe lmao. Buckbroken by the Celtics since he was a Nuts bandwagon. Got buckbroken again when Kai and his other BAWB got embarrassed in 5 games
He's like a cockroach personified
Robert F Kennedy is the only candidate talking about the real issues and telling the truth to the American people
Based and redpilled
Yeah but his voice is too KWAB'd for me to take him seriously. Can't stand hearing him
LeBron had tougher competition, Duncan Spurs, KD OKC, Boston Big 3 also the greatest team ever assembled GSW. Meanwhile Gaytum goat owned by grandpa curry who LeBron beat in his prime. Who did Gaytum overcome, The Heat without the fraud Pandemic Jimmy, Injured Cleveland, Injured Pacers and chucker and flopper, Doncic. He's competition is nothing compared to LeBron and he wasn't even the guy on his team that was Jaylen Brown, who bends the knee to LeBron
Giannis is not that guy, he will have one ring and never win again and less he forms a superteam, he can't do it alone
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It’s crazy how one guy has a ring/has made the all nba team multiple times and yet 99.9% of fans would take the other to start their team with in a heartbeat

Why doesn’t Tatum have any aura?
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>and chucker and flopper, Doncic
The greatest backcourt in NBA's history
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Is that how you are coping now? That's sad
Couldn't give less of a shit about le aura. I like championships
>doesn't even mention the fact he didn't get conference or finals mvp
he is a good regular season player and that's it
i'm sorry that's the truth and everyone knows about it, so you have to accept it too
I don't even know why you are riding his dick so hard, nobody believes tatum was the best player on the celtics this title run
I didn't even say he was terrible or the worst, there were just players that were more important than him because they performed better when it mattered the most
AHAHAHAHAHA, so glad this fraud and that washed up retard Kyrie didn't get another ring as much as I hate Gaytum this was the better outcome
If anything it’s a cope to think Tatum isn’t kept up at night by not being the best player on his team/ANT outshining him on the Olympic team
Ant Edwards is Westbrook 2.0 Zoomers today would talk about aura with his overreliance of athleticism but there fate will be the same. Nobody will remember MJ clone #2856 because he will never have a ring
Aura is temporary, rings are forever
That may be so but Jayson Tatum is Harrison Barnes, he has no aura not even the 4th best player on his team
Yup, Gaytum is a beta male and lost to washed up GSW so he will never actually be accepted. Shouting we did it after beating a team you matched against so well while being the fourth option optimizes who this cuck is
Didn't read, anyone who has to write a book to prove a point lost already
Why isn’t Tatum starting on Team USA?
Antman quinches the highlight/boxscore watching thirst for zoomers. They'll see him make a dunk and ignore him shooting under 30% for the game
Keep coping retard, admitting to retardation is an automatic concession, thanks for the dub. LeBron is the GOAT
Yup, Westbrick 2.0
This is why I don't even read what they say. They can't even speak English
What about Tatum shooting 20% in the Finals? Does that quench anyone’s thirst? ANT’s team goes as far as he takes them, past an actual NBA champion at home.

Tatum beats injured teams while shooting 20% from three in his “finals run,” and it’s not just me saying this he’s known for having absolutely no aura and needing better players to take over the game
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>b-b-but much le aura
Is this the saddest cope yet?
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Lil hoe replying to himself thinking he's slick.
The difference is when Tatum is shooting like shit he still provides his team with everything else. When I saw Antman shooting like shit against the Mavs I saw him heroball the game away. Shitposting aside I don't rate Edwards that highly because when he can't score he can't win you games. Tatum, despite being a streaky shooter, still provides benefit to his team regardless of if he's shooting well
Is that pronounced "thirth" or "threeth"?
ThreeTEETH in the GianPiss accent
Fun fact. Ant has NEVER shot 20% in the finals (because he's never taken a shot in the finals). GOAT shit.
No the difference is when Tatum is shooting like shit his still does everything for him. That’s why he’s not FMVP, not even close it would be Jrue then White then maybe Tatum

There’s a reason everyone laughed when he said “we did it,” yeah THEY did it bro you just sat back and watched as usual
Gaytum was not the guy on his team, but Ant claims to be the guy and got demolished by two frauds. Also his performance fluctuates so he can't really carry any team. He had the DPOY and a pretty good 2nd Option in KAT and he lost to Doncic/Irving duo.
>t. didn't watch a second of the finals but checked the box score which is basically the same thing
ANT got beat by Luka Doncic (top 3 MVP vote several years running) and Kyrie (eliminated a 73 win team with the most clutch shot in history), Tatum lost to Caleb Martin on an 8th seed and got completely taken out of the game by Andrew Wiggins who doesn’t even start anymore
What a bum, he had one good performance against a nuggets team that trailed behind LeBoomers and he swept the washed Suns.
You're be being a hater when I'm trying to have an objective discussion lol. Tatum was distributing the ball perfectly when he was driving or getting doubled. When Antman was getting doubled he took the shot anyway and missed. That's what I mean, Tatum isn't going to be a detriment to your team just because he's not shooting well. If Antman isn't shooting well when then tough luck you lose. It's like I'm talking with people who didn't even watch the playoffs.
Ok so by your logic Tatum was the best role player on the Celtics since nothing he did ever showed up on the box score and not even the Boston media considered giving him FMVP; who guarded Kyrie/Luka then?
Except Tatum is a detriment to your team which is why they lost behind his poor shooting in 2022, they needed to add two all stars to the starting lineup to mitigate his shooting woes which continued (20% from three in the playoffs) despite the fact they didn’t play one healthy team

In any other year Tatum shoots them out the post-season with ease, he’s not that guy
Ant was beaten by an injured serial flopper and a washed up schizo nigger while having DPoY, SMoY and KAT. People acting like he led a bum squad to the Conference, when in reality they had a decent contender squad that couldn't hack it against two bums that got demolished by Gaylen and Gaytum (who sucks)
So ANT is bad but he beat the team that the Heat couldn’t take a game off in the Finals while down 20? What does that make Jimmy?
Gaytum is not that guy and Ant Edwards is a pretender, they are going to come up incredibly short in the next couple of years, its going to be funny watching Antcels cope. The Minnesota Timberwolves and Ant Edwards will never have a championship ring
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He led the team in points, rebounds, and assists. Also, basically nothing on defense shows up in the box score, and--while I do think JB's defense on Luka was incredibly impressive and rightfully earned him fMVP--Tatum's fantastic defense at center was the lynchpin of Mazzulla's whole gameplan.

No Celtics fans are depressed or insecure about Tatum not winning fMVP. It's just annoying, sad, pathetic Celtics haters clinging to that because they KNOW a championship is a championship and they have nothing over the Celtics anymore.

Keep crying.
Yeah that's my point, in 2022 and 2023 Tatum would keep chucking the ball even if he missed. Now he's matured enough to know if the shot isn't falling don't waste trips down the court. The defense isn't going to ignore him, especially if he's driving to the basket so that's gonna leave a teammate open for a shot. It's about making the right plays
Jimmy Butler, lmao, the biggest fraud propped up superstar of this era. People on try to hype it up to make LeBron and Jokic finals seem more competitive than they were. Jimmy Butler and the Heat will not win a ring this decade
ANT isn’t that guy but Team USA says he’s that guy, meanwhile Tatum can’t get the ball, is coming off the bench despite being the best player on the ‘champ,’ and all he does is turn it over and miss.

ANT is the new face of the league, Tatum is in his prime on the best team in the NBA and still has no aura
He must have won FInals MVP then and you’re not in here seething because bro is a bench player with no aura?
>muh aura
>muh exhibition friendlies
Yet another pathetic new low for Skitz. The man doesn't miss.
Gaytum is a hollow champ and fraud but Ant is simply a guy that looks impressive and says stupid shit but it will never translate to any success with him as the 1st option. Its a competition between the Fourth Option on a Championship team and the first option on a team that got washed by the people who lost the finals. They are both not that guy and anyone using comparison to elevate the other is stupid. The Minnesota Timberwolves with Ant Edwards will never win a ring
It’s about Jrue Holiday, Derrick White and Jaylen Brown making all the right plays and defending all of the elite players while Tatum frontruns. That’s why he’s getting exposed now without Jaylen to carry him and the Boston media is in shambles worse than the Democrats
We're all laughing at you, little bro. I know you think you're on to something because you keep bringing up "aura" as if anyone gives a shit. But if you were capable of reading your replies you'd know every Celtics fan--and Tatum himself--are more than happy with yet another banner.
This is the same guy that said Gaytum would never win a ring right? You’re right in that Tatum is a 4th-5th option on a championship contender and not that guy, but you’re wrong in that if you put ANT on that same super team they don’t repeat

Inarguably ANT would have a better case for FMVP than Tatum who avoided the action at all cost and wanted no parts of guarding the backcourt
>ANT is the new face of the league
The new face of the league is Wemby. Luka's more popular than Ant.
It’s just one lonely inceltic in here trying to convince the world that anyone—within or outside—the Boston area thinks it’s impressive to beat all injured teams
That doesn't even make sense. Is Team USA not a superteam? He's "being exposed" because he's warming up in friendly exhibitions just like everyone else on Team USA.

If Tatum not doing much in these friendlies proves he's a bad player than these friendlies also prove NO ONE on Team USA is any good because they just beat South Sudan by one point.
That’s cute, maybe when he wins 20 games. Luka lost most of his aura this last Finals cause he can’t play defense, ANT is the young face of the league
We all know you think only you and "Inceltic" exist in the entire world. Get some new material. Speaking of no aura.
I never said that Gaytum would never win a ring, I believe the Heat will never win a ring I literally posted that in this thread. Celtics are the strongest in the east and Pandemic Jimmy and the Weap aren't going to change that. We will never know with that hypothetical because Ant will never go to a Finals with the Timberwolves. People overhyped him cause he Swept Durants latest failed superteam and beat the defending champs in 7 after almost collapsing. If you cant win with a such a great supporting cast that the T-Wolves had, you aint going to win with them a year older while everyone else is getting stronger in the West.
Have you not watched the games? Tatum is the reason all of these friendlies have been close, I know you’re used to him averaging 4 turnovers in a 48 match but when you’re playing less than 20mins off the bench and it’s only a 40min game Tatum missing 5 shots and having just as many turnovers is detrimental

If Embiid played half as poorly he’d be at fault, but once again the golden boy can do no wrong by shooting his team out the game
I hate that lanklet faggot, I hope he never wins
>speaking of no aura
What about Tatum?
0-3 is not shooting your team out of the game. And the point is these games are warm ups. It doesn't fucking matter if they DO lose.

You haters are so fucking desperate it's hilarious.
Tatum gets more hate than the mother fuckers who just lost the finals lmao
What is it then with 4 turnovers inceltic? Tatum has negative aura he can even drive down Team USA who have to win in spite of his poor play
I always knew Kyrie was washed and I never thought Luka was some superstar that could carry a team that can actually play defense. Watching him flop around during the finals and seethe despite being a massive shit talker. I don't expect to see the Mavericks to make it out the second round
What about him? No one (even on 4chan) is dumb enough to get into arguments about nebulous non-concepts you just made up because you have nothing else.
>oh shit, Tatum actually won
>better make something up... aura? Maybe that will work
Meanwhile in reality: picrel.
Skitz your "has no aura" doesn't have the same ring as "has no ring". Much like the Bulgarian Jobber just shut the fuck up and take the L, you can't finesse a W out of this
Jaylen, Jrue and Derrick were better
>Ctrl-F "aura"
>25 results
This is without a doubt the saddest cope I have ever seen. The dude just won a championship and this is the best hate you can come up with? Even LeBron haters come up with better shit.
>maybe when he wins 20 games.
His team sucks, but the player still has tons of fans. Once they start winning it won't even be a debate.
>Luka lost most of his aura this last Finals cause he can’t play defense
Luka lost his aura for losing in the finals, but Ant still has his despite getting btfo by a defenceless Luka and Kyrie?
The only people who push this dumb narrative of Ant being the face of the league are the same retards who thought Morant was going to be it a couple years ago: Butthurt Americans who can't stand the face of the league being European.
How does Jayson Tatum having better teammates to pass it to make him a better player than Edwards?

Let me guess Gary Payton II is better than Baron Davis because Steph, Klay, Dray and Wiggins can win a championship but those Clippers teams couldn’t? He is a role player whose “contributions don’t show up on the stat sheet” and aura-less

This isn’t up for debate
FMVP is American bro, and by your logic Europeans lost their aura when Jokic got blown the fuck out at home by Edwards who proceeded to lose to a player who got humiliated by an American defense

But let’s just go by the numbers, how many FMVPs/MVPs are white boys?
to be honest aura is a meme, its basically like girls lying to incels about how personality is more important than appearance.
Yup, as soon and CP0rings drops in the second SA dynasty begins
How does not making it to the finals with high caliber All-Star players make you better than anyone who has made it to the finals. 4th option on winners > first option on losers
Harrison Barnes > Chris Paul

This is your brain on Boston media, just stop pretending he’s a top 25 guy and recognize him for the role player he is and nobody will even make fun of him anymore
>by your logic
I'm just turning your own fucktarded logic against you. What "aura" does Ant supposedly have? Narrowly beating the nuggets and then getting annihilated by the Mavs?
>muh historical mvps
Kek. Thanks for proving my point about you being a butthurt amerimutt.
Spurs will never be a contenders because you got a PG to play for a walking toothpick
Btw, his tides turning against the Nuggets was actually had KAT leading in scoring and popping off, people really need to stop down playing Ant's team mates
Is there a 2024 FMVP that belongs to a European I haven’t heard about? Lmao you’re the only one assmad that the best player your country has ever produced (who will be a trivia question in a decade) lost to the same fat ass white boy, a round earlier

>narrowly won
Kek what a bitch ass leaf
SGA is a homosexual and will never win a ring kek, neither will Luka Doughncic
i do not rate loston ltics and their fake plastic hospital auraless ""ring""
Don't care, the Heat, Mavericks, Timberwolves and Thunder will never have a ring in this decade
>Kek what a bitch ass leaf
The Wolves won 4-3 dumbass. Narrowly won is the correct phrase.
>Is there a 2024 FMVP that belongs to a European I haven’t heard about
Is there a FMVP belonging to Ant that I haven't heard about? Why the fuck are you bringing up Brown like he's relevant to this discussion? What? You think the Wolves would have beaten the Celtics?
>cries about Americans being butthurt about Europeans
>plays the victim when it’s a fact Europeans can’t win shit
What round did Shai advance to in the 2024 playoffs?
>this deflection
Who gives a shit? It's not relevant at all. Explain to me how Ant has an "aura" and is the new face of the league. Until you do, you're just outing yourself as a coping retard.

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