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They need to extradite him to France so he can be beheaded. This kind of racism shouldn't be allowed.
He listened.
Watch him getting cancelled.
This is the right way to frame it. Evil European nations using Africans for their own benefit, keeping the poor nations down. Then European scouts will have to find actual talent instead of the fastest black teenager
That opens too many can of worms because the vast vast majority of player, play for their birth nation.

How would this even work? You play for another country simply because your parents were born there?
Ummm chuddies, he wants to HELP African nations win the world cup.... you're the real racists here...
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Flying on Turkish Airlines radicalizes you like that
Dissolve all existing national FAs and replace them with ethnic FAs. Determine who is really the superior race
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Lmao. No, it doesn't. Countless athletes already do this. Look at the morrocan team.
All those niggers have or could easily get citizenship from their african countries.
>You play for another country simply because your parents were born there?
Precisely. They aren't french or english or dutch or whatever. They'd just end up playing for their actual countries.
That's why he's the GOAT
But they are born (some of them) in Europe.
Fuck that, we will lose all of our Dutch mercenaries.
Mourinho is in the Swiss Alps right now. Say something nice about him.
>african countries charge tens of thousands of dollars to get players born outside of their countries to represent them
so overall nothing chances but prideful frenchmen who wouldn’t make it on french national team
wait a minute, you're Indonesian tf?
18/22 of Morocco's players in the WC were born and raised outside morocco.
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>such a rule would help African countries
It would do the opposite in fact. Many african countries actually use players born in other countries. Teams like Morocco and Tunisia use many french players and would get screwed over by this rule.
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It would be funny if the rule only target African though.
Other way around. Our local players are better than those mercenary frauds but they don't get called because the equally fraud coaches call those shitters who don't know a single word Tamazight simply because they were born in Europe
we are the same, him and i
Also I don't know about the rest but Bono was born here and played his youth in Wydad then he and his family moved to Canada and came back
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My God. This is the ugliest thing that I have ever seen.
Race war!
They aren't Europeans.
The fact that you could potentially give a team of champions to countries like San Marino or Macau as long as they are willing to take the citizenship was always pretty funny
Who says?
XD even.
Also Muslera parents where both Uruguayan and came back to Uruguay right after he was born.
I think I identified the Mexican problem
Play for the lowest ranking country of which you have nationality
Their genetics, you dumb nigger lover
That's like the American draft but good
He didn’t say this
This is the indigenous language, yes?
Do more young people identify with their non-Arab identities than in the past or is it about the same?
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>he didn't say this
>Source: twitter
Nobody would accept, football these days is about the one dude at the front that runs slightly faster than everyone else, without that football would go back to how it was 20 years ago.
>surely if we use logic the psychopaths who hate europeans will agree not to further demoralize europeans with shitskin replacement
2+2 will equal whatever the fuck psycho jews want it to equal at any given time so no, africans will represent europe and we will cry how africa is underperforming because of racism 24/7
stop larping arab
>I can't extract information from objective reality and need an authority, preferably one with the most guns and media to tell me if it's ok to believe X Y Z
uhm how do you know he's arab
What country of origin would somebody like Muttsiala be? England? Poland? Cameroon?
look at his flag and larping. Berbers have been so discriminated for decades they live in shitholes without internet
but berbers aren't arab tho, right? you can tell by the lack of body hair, i've spoken to a few super smooth nafri twinks :D
I'm not Arab. I don't know if my question was insensitive, though.
you're a disgusting degenerate
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yes i am (15cm, uncut)
I meant the other guy. Also stop being a faggot.
But France is an African nation.
See >>142935581
We want to HELP thirdies don't we?
due to circumcision?
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>muh objective and 100% unbiased reality = /pol/

Born and raised in France = french, simple as
I respectfully disagree
This has convinced me that Mourinho is a genius. Framing getting rid of the black players in the allegedly white countries' teams as something that ought to be done for the sake of blacks and their countries is brilliant.
>be third generation immigrant
>born and raised in Frogland
>become a footballer thanks to Frogland academies and facilities
>play for Nafriland or Ngubuland despite having never even been there
How is that fair on the nations in Africa that field actual local players? at this point there's just >us so it's clearly a conspiracy to stop us dominating Afcon
Aside from El Shaarawy I don't even know if there's any diaspora Egyptian players. From what I read there's only a few Egyptian diaspora in Europe, most are in neighboring Arab countries and the USA.
So, what, your 23andme will determine who you play for? Ethnicities don't exactly align perfectly (or really at all) with national borders, so how would you solve that problem?
You haven’t won an afcon in years and you will never win one again accept your fate as a bitch to the black bvlls
based even off the pitch
Race doesn't you gene denying fuckwad. You speak about an issue that isn't real. Like saying gender isn't real so how can sport be segregated by it.
This would still only prevent maybe one or two of France's current squad from playing.
Does he look polish or english?
That's small
So if I dump a turd inside your fridge you'll say it's food, right?
He didn't say this.
It's fake.
They aren't french so they shouldn't play for France. That simple.
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kek Diego you think you're white but Pierre isn't?

France is better than your shithole
Now pour them bieros
Stop being a disingenuous cunt. As people don't know which ethnicity they belong to. Specially Europeans. Lol.
Also, a half polish-half german dude is at least related to both Poland and Germany.
An african isn't.
Any Croatian will be genetically closer to germany than an african.
Holy shit why are you guys so mad about a simple question
>Also, a half polish-half german dude is at least related to both Poland and Germany.
So who does he play for? Poland or Germany?
good lord, just imagine how shit all these African nations would be if they stopped stealing French players
I don't care what you faggot Euros think about muh race muh ethnicity, you let this happen, you let them in, you fucked around in their countries. and what even is French? even the "white" French players aren't French by your standards, hell, what even is "white" a white Portuguese would probably be genetically closer to Moroccans and Moors than to a white Germansl, you have that weird mouth breather phenotype in common it's undeniable
All I care about is competition and these rootless bastards have no right to play for African teams, simple as
Dog born in a stable etc etc
Any of those. But certainly not congo.
>a white Portuguese would probably be genetically closer to Moroccans and Moors than to a white Germans

I also don't care what you think.
>Any of those.
So basically you don't have a solution, you're just upset.
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They wouldn't look out of place in Casablanca
Neither would Gerd Muller.
Doesn't stop being German because of that.
The solution is for him to choose between those two.
But mutts and africans are a different thing. Dutch and Germans aren't black or half black.
This isn't rocket science. Quite easy to understand. Only a disingenuous anti-white piece of shit like you would pretend it's complicated.
>The solution is for him to choose between those two.
Ok so literally the same as the current solution, got it.
>disingenuous anti-white piece of shit like you
You're so mad for no reason, I guess you're immediately defensive because you're used to people shitting on your retard "solutions" lmao
Nah, we get in trouble for telling black people to go back to Africa all the time.
Fake quote
if this go thought it will be 10 consecutive wc to south america hahaha so I'm all for it
>How would this even work
That's the thing, it doesn't and anyone with an IQ above 70 can figure that out. Which is why the only "people" you see sperging out for this are terminal retards who can only notice the "issue" when it's black players not realizing how easily this can break a national team, and in many cases can make the current issue even worse.
It's going to be hard to police, because the world is more connected and families are more international than ever. My gf is Czech and Austrian. I am English and Irish. My future soncould justifiably play for any of those teams. We could even move to the USA and he could want to play for them.
The number of french flags is disturbing.
How is this supposed to work? Only very few players don't represent the country they hold citizenship and/or were born in. Unless you dictate people that they're not French despite being born in France and holding French citizenship, France will stay a very black team. And you obviously can't apply this to Africa only. The "beauty" of these Euros was that western European nations had teams full of people of non-European ethnic origin while the Eastern nations, especially Albania and Turkey, had numerous players born and nurtured in Western Europe.
Generally, I like the idea. I also don't think we have to fear African nations winning World Cups, they mostly get turned into stars because of European infrastructure. If they cannot combine their talent with European infrastructure, they will not be as good, though they would improve. South America would greatly profit from the short-term damage Europe would take for a while, but eventually, Europe would bounce back. It could actually make football more profitable again, as it would weaken the current meta
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you morons will literally believe anything

England getting awful nervous rn (right now)
It can't possibly work, it would be a shitshow.

The bola got to him
jose noooooooo
The absolute state of Wales

>muh "home" nation
>muh Welsh FA for "Welsh" players
>muh nooo we need 4 separate FAs for the UK because muh inventors of the game and muh first "international" match

Fucking cheaters. Stop it and make a UK FA
Thats fucking stupid. The difference between a dog and a horse is immense. The difference between a retarded gorilla nigger and the average brazillian is too small to quantify
Why do people act like the exact opposite doesn't happen overwhelmingly
How is it the same as the current solution? His solution relies on ancestry, the current solution doesn't.
from the way it's worded, someone born in france can only play in france
it's not about ethnicity but instead about country of origin
It's hilarious to me when fake countries like Brazil or Argentina comment on things like this, you are the original "pozzed" teams and everything your country has ever achieved was through mixing people from all over the world.
that happens because most of the good morocco/senegal/ghana players go to play in france or something so these countries have to settle for shitters that were born abroad and the yuro country didn't want (because they are shitters)
Country of origin can mean your parental heritage not where you were born
Huh? The current solution does rely on ancestry, otherwise those French players could never play for other teams than France. People switch teams all the time.
Being mestizos is our identity and we don't run from it (maybe just Argentinians)
Meanwhile you Europeans, thought you were so white and superior and shit, just for floods of immigrants from the countries you destroyed to come and end your traditions, increase the insecurity of your cities, bully your children and fuck your women, all with the money of your taxes btw.
i assumed it just meant where you were born
so if someone has an argie mother and a spanish father, both spain and argie count as country of origin?
if that's what he means then not much changes right? besides players that have 2 immigrant parents, who would not be able to play for the country they were born in, which is kind of stupid imo

the song was banter btw
time to move on
>from the countries you destroyed
You're a fucking retard
Yeah nothing much would change, there's too many mixed people these days and someone born/raised in a country won't have any real ties to their ethnic background
omg did he really say that? wtf?
You can make a whole song about argentinians being Italians or Germans and they probably even smile because they are proud of their mixed European heritage.
European-Africans niggers get upset and cry because there are 0 reasons to be proud of their original roots>>142938427
this would make african teams WORSE as a lot of their players are born abroad, a great deal more than european teams. France has only 2 non French born players, despite what the chudists want you to think
Great idea honestly. I've never liked all these mercs anyways. They should do that in UEFA as well when it comes to "homegrown" players.
Based mou
>murican asking for ethnic FAs
kek your entire country is immigrants the nation
wait why are you rooting for our national team to be stronger?
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>So if I dump a turd inside your fridge you'll say it's food, right?
probably sounded better in your head retard
>Thuram listed
I just don't get how brazenly ignorant these racists are
All those French flags should have an asterisk on them
Excellent idea. But this should be put in place after people will be prevented from living in other countries than their country of origin
that's not a guarantee, what is a guarantee is a UK FA will finally drop the pretense and charade of "home" nations and bullshit "international" matches where both teams have the same passport and head of state

Also, if you do become stronger, maybe it will finally "come home"
Sam Morsy
What about someone like Guehi, who was born in Africa but moved to the country he represents as a literal baby?
they are tho
They don't have French ancestry. Their ancestors are from West African countries among others. If anyone can land in a country try and give birth and that child can play for the country then there is practically no difference between national teams and club teams.
Oh wait based Mou actually eschuchated.
So people born in European countries still get to play for their teams? Doesn't seem like it'd make much of a difference.
he has a tactical mind that would transfer well in politics
Based Mou. He is always one step ahead.
I want black Americans to return to Africa, so they, uh, could build a superpower.
Random thing, but does anyone remember the pic of a football player with a model. The pic showed model's cunt. Does someone have it?
I can't wait until you're bred out of existence
>Argie shitskin cuck giving lessons about origin
lmao even
so would saka play for nigeria? lukaku for congo? and all those french players go to god knows where?

this simply cannot happen /sp/! go home, your drunk!
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ancestry.com should decide the team, even If they don't know know the language or culture. posh London ngubus will help make Uganda win world cup.
What about French jus solis and general jus sanguinis?
Why does that offend you?

It's odd that Black Americans compete for the US despite how much they complain about the country mistreating them. Considering how much they care about race and believe the US is racist, they should be happy to represent an African nation.

Muhammad Ali threw away his gold medal after he won and only did it once, which is fair.
It could work if you perform DNA tests on the players. If a given player doesnt have at least 50% of the predominant DNA in a given country, he doesnt belong in that country's national team.
not gonna happen shlomo. israel will fall first and then the real interesting times will begin.
when we leave, we will take the planet with us.
So let's say a half-German and half-French man married a 75% Swedish and 25% Anglo-Saxon woman, their child would not be able to represent Sweden? Even though our king is ethnically French and married to a born and raised German?
Most Jews are whiter than you
So dissolve all national teams except for Ethiopia?
Do you think human ethnic groups are mmo classes? This "solution" makes the issue 300× worse like I said. Not all countries were even founded under 1 specific ethnic group, and yes that includes old world countries. And the idea of an FA conducting mass DNA tests on players is laughable
>Do you think human ethnic groups are mmo classes?

Kek based yankee take
It's based on the law of the country. If a country demands you to be of certain blood to be a citizen, you would not be a citizen and thus not able to represent the national team. To deny a fully fledged citizen the right to play for the country they are legally bound to is simply not legally feasible. If you want less blacks to play for France, yell at the French (and basically every country on Earth's) politicians to change their citizenship laws to mandate DNA tests or whatever shit you have in mind. FIFA can do nothing.
Right so it's glorified club games.
This is why self proclaimed based right wing monarchists are gigafaggots.
they may be whiter than (you) but not whiter than me. some "jews" are pale due to anemia because they're dysgenic inbreds. they are all uncanny valley though, regardless of their level of pigmentation.
the USA has 5 FIFA recognised teams, the UK 17
Nigeria while Goretzka can play for us.
Zalewski's parents are both Poles he was just born in Italy no issues with him. Cash has some polish blood but yeah he isn't Polish.
do people realize that this hardly changes anything? players like mbappe and nico will still play in europe because they were born in europe. otherwise, a majority of brazil will have to go

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