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Charlotte Dujardin, Britain's joint-most decorated female Olympian, has pulled out of Paris 2024 after a video emerged showing her beating the SHIT out of a horse.
>womemes sports
>beating the shit out of a horse is just an error of judgement
>breaking news
who cares?
"Whoopsies, did I just accidentally abuse an animal? Silly me!"
That's a french surname
>animal abuse
>error of judgment
so the dutch can have a child rapist represent them but hitting a horse is... le bad?
>still no video
So if it's not slapping a horse then, bros, it couldn't be, right? No way..
>aristocrat rich white women
There is no way memes are real, right?
Is an horse a athlete?
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>Lose euros
>Woman has no wife to beat
>Horse gets it instead
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Frenchbros, I am now convinced we're going to rip off the Brits with their Daniel Craig cameo but with OSS.
Hitting a athlete is assault
it's not a meme
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you just know
>Charlotte Dujardin
bongland is a French subsidiary
Hitting a horse isn't based
Eh. Equestrian anon here. Everyone knows you gotta beat your horses in private when the customers and shit aren’t there. That natural horsemanship stuff is complete garbage unless you have all the time in the world to work with one horse. You can whisper to your horse all you want, talking to them works better.
horse heem sounds like a based sport desu
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>You can whisper to your horse all you want, talking to them works better.
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She was mad the horse had a bigger cock than her
And this would have no consequences if it was a man beating the horse, women are just more likely to be condemned by society
In that case, I can't WAIT for the video...
Charlotte Gardens, proud English rose
>Charlotte Dujardin, Britain's joint-most decorated female Olympian
Literally nobody knows who she is

Riding an horse is not a sport
This thread is pointless without showing the girl crying about her horse harder than Atreyu cried for Artax.
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it really isn't. horse racing is an sport though(for the horse, not the rider)
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>joint-most decorated female olympian
They've counted her six medals alongside Laura Kenny, though Kenny has 5 golds and she has 3.
Equestrian sports and animal abuse are the favourite pastimes of the norman upper class
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>shameful error
>deeply ashamed
I think we all know what she did with this horse
lmao she was on the news only last night going on about becoming GB's most decorated female olympian
This is a thing that the world is slowly coming to terms with - in highly competitive fields people regularly push moral boundaries to become the best. Same with strictly, same with stories about abusive coaches in women's football.
When people who aren't that person get exposed to the reality of it they shit themselves and someone gets le cancelled.
Newcastle world champs
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Horse are people too.
Where is the video?
Is an horse a athlete?
Mad how stuff like this happens to come to light just before the big event.
Hasn't been released.
>White woman
Of course
So, it didn't actually happen and they are ditching her for some "minority" to take her place instead. Nice government britain has.
>attempted to recreate Breaking the Quiet
pick one (1)
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The little baby is repeating words
She’s no anglo, she’s apart of the Norman upper class
The latest information is not that she beat a horse, but that she sucked a horse's dick.
Again...pick one (1)
lol horse dancing
>error of judgment

You just know...
An jockey is definitely a athlete. Shitty jockeys lose races all the time because they drop their whip or whip on the wrong side or just suck at riding in general so it's like the horse is carrying a loose backpack instead of a tight one.
what a crybaby bitch
fuck women fuck rich people and fuck germans, wipe them all out
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I made an error of judgement today oh boy
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Never forget our boy Saint
>error of judgement
Is this what women now call fucking horse.
There seems to be a new expression invented everytime women get caught doing something that they wouldn't want to be made public.
>Becky Moody and her horse Jagerbomb are Team GB's alternate combination for the dressage
> still no vidya
I imagine she's been blackmailed with it or a news corporation has it and has informed them they intend to release it tomorrow
He wasn't performing up to her standards so she had to beat him
>Charlotte Dujardin ‘hit horse repeatedly on legs’ in video that sparked Olympics withdrawal
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Unfortunate for her, but is sobbing like a 5-year old really warranted?
They had an interview with her on TV yesterday, and they seem to have started trying to pronounce it like an English word. Instead of Charlotte Du Jardin, she is suddenly Charlotte Duh Jar Din. Brexit has gone too far.
who is this fag? Looks like a fag who does faggy things.
Or British "people" are a bunch of uncultured swine who cannot pronounce her surname the French way
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he sings the song imagine there's no women
Monica Mattos approves of this thread.
She's a woman that's not getting exactly what she wants

what else would you expect
give my horse niggas the medals instead
For the previous three years and eleven months, nobody cared about dressage. Imagine how badly they must treat the animals in sports that nobody watches ever, like dog racing or monkey tennis.

>three years and eleven months
hmmm, makes you wonder what happened in that time period...
they cant even say table correctly
We could say it fine in Tokyo 2020, and the Olympics before that. She’s been in loads of them, and I have heard her name, but they’ve only started saying it weird for this one.
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Yes I'm sure both of you can pronounce English words correctly every single time.

what a dumb fucking sport
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it's not about being right everytime, but being wrong everytime
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>Becky Moody
She looks moody as well
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Don't give me lip m8.
post video, niggers
This, I scrolled all the way down here for nothing
Unironically true. The eternal anglo has been eternally subjugated
she beat off a horse??
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Well, well, well...
When she wins medals she’s British but when she beats up a horse she’s French, fucking racists
U aiight burger
Wheres the video you useless cunts?
It hasn't been released, read the article. It happened some 4 years ago apparently too.
Thank me later.

>Britain's joint-most decorated female Olympian..
Medals for literal horseshit and animal abuse. I hope this miserable cunt gets so fucking cancelled.
She’s a woman, all she has to do is make a video where she complains about being “harassed” while teary-eyed and The Guardian will write nonsense defending her and complaining about “sexism”.
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>muh animal cruelty
Braindead spic
She's sucking the horses dick thats why the video hasn't been released.
did a torero fuck your girlfriend?
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If only the midazolam hydrochloride worked as it was supposed to...
Braindead gallego de mierda.
Horse riding is a very upper class event so she's probably spoiled and not used to things not going her way
Roses do sting
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>another barbaric chr*stian displays their filthy subhuman behaviour
Reminder the ONLY civilised culture and religion is Hinduism aka Sanatan Dharma.
What kind of sick fuck abuses horses?
stop worshipping demons and farm animals pajeet
kek, sometimes German humour can be gold
I like to forget that I had to share a country with a bunch of faggots who cream themselves over lesser beings
>not released
>had to resign
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she looks like a horse herself
probably though she's attacking a mirror
She was leading whatever this discipline is by a wide margin up to this point.
>what a crybaby bitch
she had a huge lead and was the favourite to win gold and a horse they pulled her at random went full retard
you'd cry in her position too, idiot
>retarded spaniards have to cheat even in bull sports
It would help if you read the fucking article.
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You just know
Get her a job with Newcastle United. Fuck them horses. They ain't athletes.
But the horse lives in the stables...
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She was in like gold medal contention to last place because the horse wouldnt do the one thing it was supposed to do

the revenge of Saint Boy
Do they eat the bull after this?
why do foreigners care so much about whethere it's eaten or not?
the point of the bull is to die in a bullfight not being food
but yes, the meat is then sold
Unlike Spain, we don't like to waste things like meat, empires, gold, power, political standing, or relevance.

Hey, remember when Spain mattered? Me neither
You live in a basement and have pink hair and a beard.

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When I was 20 years old my aunt asked me to feed and clean after her horse. I hated this fucking horse his name was Mariner. He constantly nipped at me and bitched when I was in the barn. So when I went to get him out of his stall, he fucking bit me. I had enough of his bullshit shit so I reared back and punched him in the side of his jaw. He instantly fell over and started convulsing. I ran back to the house to call the vet. I claimed I found him that way. By the time the vet got there he was dead as shit. Vet thought he had a stroke or something. My aunt was devastated. Later my aunt called me over and called me every name in the book. turns out she had webcams in the barn in case of theft. She had some expensive saddles etc. She saw me hit the horse. She still doesn't acknowledge my presence at family gatherings.
Fucking lost it
born to heem
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Based Mongo
"I made an error in judgment, I should have made sure I wasn't being recorded first."
You're sending an athlete that raped a 12 year old to the Olympics, such a cultured group of people the Dutch are
This sport wouldn't be so gay if you didn't have to use a handicap to win, let the bull come in fresh and healthy then see who ends up dead you feminist pussys.
Dumb cunt should have taken care of her own horse then
The matadors shouldn't be given weapons either. I want to see a man take down a bull with his bare hands. It could be like that Brock Lesnars vs. Gorillas question, how many matadors does it take to kill a bull.
the bull is fresh and healthy when he enters, if the bull is a faggot without drive it gets booed
portuguese do that but don't kill the thing
KEK glorious
it is upper class but I see a lot of chavs doing it too
Oh boy, kek
Where the fuck could you possibly see chavs horse riding? Are you confusing gypsies with chavs? Because Gypsies steal horses then ride them, but that has nothing to do with the sport
fuck not this toros autist again. the Spain Eurocup victory has really brought them in.
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maybe not chavs but they'd be chavs in another life, I'm talking about the poorer inbred looking type of British slags that ride horses or the ugly ones with no friends
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we've always been here faggot
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>aunt going back through to footage to watch her horse have a stroke and die
This name is way too modern French to be Norman. Norman names are medieval and have undergone 1000 years of development, making them pretty different from their mainland counterparts (Disney/d'Isigny).
She is probably a Huguenot like Nigel Farage
duh harse from schenectady
Horses can sense that emotion so it probably made things worse.
Still a few Molyneux around desu, and some posh larper families have reverted to the original Norman forms of their names to make them sound more noble
>t. distant cousin of Walt Disney through the d'Isigny line
When I saw the news alert I thought she'd Sadie Enword or whatever gets people cancelled these days

captcha: HOJK
Yeah and Gascoigne is almost unchanged from the region's actual name (Gascogne).
Molyneux is actually quite distant from its French counterpart though (Moulineaux)
>England loses
>Men beat women
>Women beat horse
But who do the Horses beat
Still can't believe Paul Gascoigne is descended from a major noble family
Stop pretending to be English
>Le Normand
>called the Norman
>born in Brittany
tbf i doubt that a 700kg beast can feel even the slightest amount of pain when being hit by a woman
that's how it works, he probably had a Norman ancestor who moved next door to Brittany
Clément Lenglet's surname actually means "the Englishman" btw
> Call your island Great Britain
> It's average at best
she is crying because all those years of effort and hard work the horse had put in went to waste?
look up the Norman invasions, Britain had a French ruling class once
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If it bit you its self defence
they are meant to be whipped. they can take it and otherwise they don't respect you
we are not talking about cats or dogs or hamsters here
Well that's a gold medal we're not getting.
my sides are in orbit desu
>they are meant to be whipped. they can take it and otherwise they don't respect you
Nice. That's how I treat my wife.
Dressage is the whitest sport at the Olympics, I can't remember a single BAME competing
Im sure some saudi prince did or something
Where's the webm of her beating her horse?
Are Germans the Brit... hold on
>monkey tennis
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I was thinking it sounded even more recent than that. Probably had a great great grandfather who moved to England in the 19th century or something.
A lot of them fled here during the war.
That's possible, but if it was that recent there would probably be some mention of it on her Wikipedia or elsewhere on the internet, but I can't seem to find any.
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fucking lol
More details from tomorrows Sun:

>The lawyer for the complainant has alleged that Dujardin whipped the horse with a long whip more than 24 times in one minute during a lesson with a 19-year-old female student at her private stable.


>The complainant is weighing up whether to release the video to the public and will make a decision on Wednesday.
She really waited for Paris to roll around.
I would pound Jagerbombs with her if you catch my drift
Bro you killed a horse with a punch? Are you one of those 6'5 250 pound farm boys or horses suck that much.
kekek americans aren't that bad after all
Is an horse a athlete
metoo for horses!
country's gone woke! haha!
We got royalist exiles in the revolutionary period
You just need to lift her car out of floodwaters
fuck horses, they always make me have to slow way down on my cuckcycle and hug the gutter of the country road so I don't get roundhouse kicked in the face
Best post on the whole site rn
How the fuck do you kill a horse with a punch?
Lovers quarrel?
Impeccable timing

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