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is climbing a sport?
why not?
More than breakdancing and skateboarding that's for sure.
More than shooting and sitting on a horse
More of a sport than F1
Only faggy leftists do this shit over here.
This is literally the only discipline that's utter trash.
shit is fucking hard. I tried once and fell straight on my ass
Has Aesop ever been proven wrong?
Bouldering ftw
THE best sport for watching cute asses
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relax ... she's 20
because it's difficult and requires strength and agility and skill?

yeah, a German would call this trash. Stick to equestrian then.
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For me it's Oriane Bertone. Wildly inconsistent, can make podium or not even make finals you never know what's going happen.
lol the kicking while falling down is the best part
i won a medal at climbing once despite being the youngest in the competition and the next day i went to school all my classmates clapped when i entered the classroom, best day in my life all went downhill from there
i wouldve been interested if they climbed barefooted
Couldn't they at least do it on a real mountain?
my man
That would allow people to practice the route beforehand

They don't know what they are going to climb until 2 mins before it starts
>They don't know what they are going to climb until 2 mins before it starts
It's not exactly that harsh as there is an observation period of a few minutes for the whole group before the event starts. They are not allowed to actually climb any part of the route during the observation period. You're correct that the sport is about that problem solving aspect. Using existing outdoor climbing spots creates a situation where some of the athletes may have been able to practice it a lot more than others. For bouldering (finals) they get 4 minutes to climb the problem, that's it. 6 minutes for the lead route.

Speed is different as it's a standardized route. I think that's boring and lame but that is how they have decided to do it. I guess the idea was so they can have time records like track.
i’ve been around climbers and i can’t gel with them. there’s zero trash talk it’s so uncomfortable
Damn, she was killing her.
the people most enthusiastic about this sport are literally pedos
>Has objective way to measure best performance
>Requires athletic ability
Yeah I think that's a sport for me, boss
I'm surprised by how unpopular it is on /sp/, considering how generally popular it is among geeky people. Everyone who works in IT in my city is a climber.
climbing spaced i’ve been in are usually militantly pc
I still don't get what goes wrong
Does she just jump too early or does she slip
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Everyone post pictures of your local Gym

Today I climbed the yellow crimps, I'm a beginner and it's probably my hardest climb to date
She has to press a button when reaching the top to stop the timer
Nice! How is the climbing culture in Brazil? Is it a popular a sport?
I'm sure its a favorite among insufferable leftists there same as everywhere in the world.
Seems to be getting really popular, I'd have to check some gyms in other cities to have a solid opinion on that
Slow and steady wins the race.
What a sad person you must be
Yeah I know man, I just don't get why she jumps way short of the button, either she thinks it's closer than she is and she can't reach, and falls for some reason?
it's a woke sport at least in north america, it's probably big on reddit
climbers here fall into 3 categories: the colored hair heckerino kind and the white weekend spandex triathlete kind (owns 3 dogs, all massive; makes six figures in a blue state). Then there are the most athletic and autistic of the smoke weed all day live-in-your-van hippies who are the ones that end up breaking records for climbing mountains barefoot in 2 hours or some crazy shit
Spending time around granola vegan white people who have a heart attack if they hear the word nigga is not a good time.
>Everyone who works in IT in my city is a climber.
going to bouldering gym once a week because it's currently trendy isn't the sport.
It was actually one of the most entertaining events at the last Olympics. I'm looking forward to it this year.
Speed climbing is climbing but with all the interesting bits removed.
black was a V3 a few months ago
cute little ocean fish design that required a lot of hip work and crimping
> Today I climbed the yellow crimps
Interesting, which holds are the starting ones?
Did this shit for 10 years, competed at the college level, was pretty alright, still do it but not as hard, Here's my thoughts:
Climbing is a sport. It's a great sport for people of all ages, working full-body coordination and calisthenic strength.
But holy fucking shit do I hate the players. Some people are alright, and others think they're god's gift to climbing despite not being pro in any way shape or form and if you disagree with them it's because you don't know anything about climbing, unlike them. They get into cliques, form little gossip groups, shit on outsiders repeatedly, and will blame anything from the setters to their shoe rubber for failing a climb (in essence, the problem is never themselves). All this from people supposedly in the calm, chill, explore yourself kind of sport.
I once witnessed a guy, completely out of nowhere, get blasted by his girl for not being able to climb a certain difficulty. Not the joke "haha you can't do x" but "wow you have serious problems for not being able to do x." I gave her a fucking tonguelashing after outclimbing her, and called her out for that stupid shit and she got real quiet afterwards. I see that a lot from chicks in this sport, they'll hold guys to crazy high standards while barely being able to limp up the wall themselves.
>is climbing a sport?
Most of the stuff discussed on this board are games. Climbing isn't a game, I'll call it a sport before dive grass or handegg.
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>I see that a lot from chicks in this sport, they'll hold guys to crazy high standards while barely being able to limp up the wall themselves.
I avoid most of this because I go to gym at unusual hours most of the time (job is unusual hours so I'm out of sync with norman society). However, I have witnessed this phenomenon a couple times. Girl is there with her boyfriend or husband. She is belaying. She expects her man to be able to climb a minimum of 50% better than her by grade difficulty and will liberally criticize if he so much as slightly struggles with any given move on the route. It's like the entire point for the girl is to given a quantifiable shittest to her man on a weekly basis with the future of the relationship (or more specifically her likelihood of cheating) hanging on the results.
>no gladiators
Shit, forgot the link.
I’m sure it depends on who you talk to. I was probably in the top 30% of regulars at my gym. I think that’s the place to be as far as chillness goes. My Saturday morning group of climbers is great, but unfortunately it’s mostly old men. The manager is the best climber I see there, and he’s also friendly.
But I do agree most of the really good climbers seem to legitimately blame everyone but themselves.
it was popular last olympics
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where does the meme with the coloured hair come from? just because Janja had a pink ponytail?
>where does the meme with the coloured hair come from? just because Janja had a pink ponytail?
No it's because climbers tend to be left wing hippie types who in to tattoos and piercings and hair dye. This is more common among hobbiests than comp climbers. Comp climbers are less involved with the identity politics of shitter hobby climbing.
We expect at least one gold from this.
They can develop new routes for the competition. There's plenty of rock out there. This is what they used to do, and you can still climb on those routes if you want at e.g. City of Rocks. The problem is it's hard to get a whole production team up to some untouched crag.

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It's not going to be easy but yep, Indonesia has two guys who could do it on a good day. There is an American who presents a problem though. The women's speed will most likely be taken by the girl who wins all speed events always. Only way she loses is by slip or false start.
Bouldering (unassisted) is really fun and challenging. You don't get how hard it is until you actually try it
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don't care
If saying nigga is so important to you then maybe you should become black
It’s something least enjoyed as a sport. I really don’t like all the try hard retards that are chasing grades like “oh boy I climbed a 5.13 or a v8 wowie”. I’ve noticed routes at indoor gyms are getting more and more overrated probably because all these normies are chasing a number instead of enjoying the act of climbing.
If competing to see who runs faster is a sport then competing to see who climbs faster is also a sport
Why did you post this? She isn't performing a single highlight worthy move here.
> in north america
So who gives a shit?
It shows the difficulty. Even at the parts which were supposed to be the easier nothing comes free. Because some grease neckbeard climbs out of his bed to take a dump would claim that he could do this with ease.
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only frenchie I'll be rooting for in Paris :)

You're lucky, Poland is pretty good in that irrelevant speedshitting discipline. I think last time they had 3 in the semis.
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Tight butts.
Climbing is one of the most natural things for a human to do, along with walking and running.
IFSC production crew have been criticised, on two separate occasions, for featuring lingering closeup shots of chalk handprints on asses.
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kek, looks like a nice puzzle

>Interesting, which holds are the starting ones?
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I went to a climbing thingy and could barely handle the easiest ones.

Girls were doing better than me. Haven't been humiliated like that since I lost a drunken game of FIFA against a female.
lmao pathetic speed """climber""" pussy
literally the worst kind of """climbing""", a fucking disgrace how bad they were at actual climbing
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>That would allow people to practice the route beforehand
If you want to see a climbing comp where they do get to practice the problems for an extended period beforehand, check out Legends Only

Pic related are watching you goon
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this should just be a subdiscipline of gymnastics
probably true when u think about escaping from predators
the consequences of falling from that high toehook lock position are insanely high, this type of bouldering shouldn't be encouraged
i broke my ankle falling in the gym from less than 4 feet. kinda killed the whole sport for me
Who do you think the easiest problems are meant for?
>If you want to see a climbing comp where they do get to practice the problems for an extended period beforehand, check out Legends Only
that's from my local gym :)
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It’s a little bat hang. What is the big deal?
Just because it's natural, doesn't mean it's a sport. Sport needs a competitive element that can be objectively measured and needs a standardised format/playing field. Speed climbing is the only form of climbing that satisfies the criteria, but it's also the least interesting.
Simple. There's no team play. Bowling and golf, for example, are competitions but they are not sports.
All olympic climbing disciplines fulfill those requirements.
>sports have to have a team element
ummmm no sweetie
Holy shit what a retarded comment
Running isn't a sport unless you're allowed to block your competitors. If they weren't climbing separately it could be a sport.
you are allowed to block tactically anon
Bros I am a beginner and the most I can do is V2s, sometimes. How do I get better?
Spend more time on strength training?
i went from v2/3 to v6 in like 3 months of climbing 4+ times a week. lifting helped for sure
you need to simply climb more, because your tendons have not strengthened yet, and you risk injuries and tendon damage if you don't take enough time just climbing
KYS faggot Skateboarding is top 5 sports
Woah, pretty good. Unfortunately, I can only go climbing at most twice a week.
Didn’t know about this tendon thing, thought it was only muscles. Thanks.
I’ll try to concentrate my training on my shoulders, back and upper chest in the gym
Skateboarding is a genre of dancing, which is clearly not a sport.
extra training isn't dangerous of course, just remember that your tendons in arms and fingers take far longer to strengthen than the muscles and the best way to make them strong is to climb
and by climbing I mean lower grades and full crimps / pockets in moderation
you will feel slight burning sensation that's different from typical muscle pump when your tendons have had enough for the day
Literally one of the most primal forms of human athletics, the fact that it's only been added like 4 years ago is ridiculous and atrocious lmfao.
Climbing is so pure it should be on par with swimming and track sports
acrobatic sports such as gymanstics make a better comparision
And still bouldering and lead climbing are bunched together as the same events when they are very different disciplines, while swimmers get to win gold medal in 10 different events..
>I can only go climbing at most twice a week

I got a hangboard as a beginner and it helped a lot. People will tell you not to do it but it's bullshit imo. But I'm very skinny. and that makes me less injury prone, maybe you shouldn't get it if you are heavier.
Thanks guys. I’ll look into a hangboard as I’m skinny too
Lmao. Climbing is for skinny Incels.
You don't think that human body isn't made for climbing or what?
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>Climbing is for skinny Incels
Massive cope
>t. fatty
John Dunne begs to differ, you punter.
>he’s just like me
Bat hang on a sloper with her head 6 feet off the ground. If her foot slips she's fucked. Most gyms if they have a bathang as part of a problem will set it as either the starting position or the 2nd move
>But I do agree most of the really good climbers seem to legitimately blame everyone but themselves.
probably because in most cases the solution to a hard problem is "just get stronger bro" and many folks can't cope with this
It doesn't feel like a sport

Sure you need to be in physical shape to do it, but it just seems like an activity for redditors who are in poly-whatever relationships and use advanced pronouns, same as people who play boardgames religiously
No, but there are plenty of olympic events that aren't sports. Competitions are welcome.
>just get stronger bro
I don't think so, look at how many good climbers get stuck on low grade slabs. Some people are just lazy and don't practice every skill, and I'm one of these people.
they are learning how to fall. not saying that it doesn't bear any risk of injury but it is severely lowered compared to untrained or amateur climbers.
also injuries happen in most sports as well, just look at how fucked up knees of pro skiiers are.
Britbong, this is like you saying athletics doesn't feel like a sport because running clubs exist.

There's literal mountains between hobby climbers who do it to socialize and brag about it, but can't get past the easiest grades, and actual professional climbers where you go "how TF does he do that, how's that even physically possible" when they do their fancy toe hold variation #2726 while doing some other random ass impressive shit
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janja sisters, do we think ai mori can take the gold?
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>just get stronger bro
is a physique like this even achievable natty?
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you're thinking of a game
Eh it's fine. Don't be a pussy.
No, Ai will have too much deficit from the boulder round. Janja would have to fall early in lead for Ai to have a shot. Head to head in lead they are about equal, setting depending. In boulder Janja is a lot better.
sex with miho!
yes, best new sport in the last olympics in fact
sex with futaba
is there gonna be a /climb/ or will it all be in that integrated olympic shitter thread?
Speed climbing is, the other ones are sporting activities
Nope and neither is break-dancing.
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kek, >dat cope
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Sharma ain't THAT muscular.
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This finnish boomer is pretty unit-y too.
janja just became the face of some shitty personalized car commercial
it's ogre
I'm just watching for the hot chicks
Agreed, but it is not as great as a spectator sport. Mostly because you aren't watching athletes compete at the same time, but also because the scoring is not as simplistic as "who faster" when multiple people finish the same climb or get to the same hold.
This is also why they added retarded speed climbing, because it's more like swimming or running as an event
It's not cope.
Bouldering is half puzzle solving. That's not a fucking sport.
>Bouldering is half puzzle solving
which it isn't, but even if it was, the remaining half requires intense athleticism at Olympic/world cup level, the sport itself is one of the most primal things a human body can do and there's a coear and easy to understand method of ranking competitors
keep seething though, nothing you can say will drop comp climbing into activity status
Is that Nalle?
Naw, I can't remember his name but dude has naturally ridicuously low fat percentage.
For me, it's Alex Honnold's commentary
>Lučka Rakovec
she was very unlucky with health issues, sadly had to give up on going to OG
is she retired?
I'm sad that Mickael Mawem had to pull out
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Last time was pretty fun.
Well that makes it simple then: just don’t fall. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with risky climbing per se.
Probably a substantial sport or whatever but more likely to become the new pickleball to despise
That isn’t the optimal solution most of the time.
What bothers me is that the IFSC made a big deal about how they care so much about athletes health when it comes to "not encouraging eating disorders" (to the extent that IFSC regulations require route setters avoid crimp-focused problems so as to not advantage overly lean athletes) but they're perfectly willing to set wild, flying dynos from the top of the wall.
What's the explanation for me being unable to identify as black, but someone else can identify as a woman?
>Mostly because you aren't watching athletes compete at the same time
That's the same as in field events in t&f though.
And in all competitive climbing events you have at least 2 climbers on at the same time.
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Is there defense?
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how do you forget to clip in to the auto belay?
did he die? honest question
didn't die, but probably wished he did
>all the interesting bits removed
the girls are cute from what i remember yes i will be jerking off to them again
When sport climbing made its exhilarating debut at the Tokyo 2020 Games, it was a thrilling showdown

Spain’s Alberto Gines and Slovenia’s Janja Garnbret captured the world’s attention, and the gold, with their impressive performances

Alberto Gines
You sound like an ai. Write more human, jesus fuck.
I wanna wrestle her
Alberto is pretty mediocre on the world cup circuit. His winning was a product of the three discipline combined medal that year. Janja, on the other hand, is like 25% better than every other woman in a boulder/lead combined format. She's so much better it's hard for route setters to put together a boulder set that challenges Janja without being so hard no other woman can manage to top anything.
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It's good perv bait atleast.
climbing was one of the most entertaining sports at tokyo
after watching free solo i think they should double the height of the wall and make it impossible and see who can get up the highest
>grossman or oriane
*** got about half a year of boost getting super skelly and it never came close to even grab Jania's ankles
Oriane is depressed about her pankace tits and loss of her youth in general
Rabitou is too small and weak - nobody is stronger than Jania

no it was never even close, as it stands Jania can walk on olympic stage half asllep and she'd still win easily
no, Jania would have to fall off lead wall mid root :D
don't look up recent pictures of her
Like interesting and varied techniques, route reading ability, and pacing and tactics
This is as close as you're gonna get


anyone capable of doing that move to begin with already knows exactly what her body can handle
Not necessarily. There's been a few athletes talking about how trends in route setting are reflected in trends of injuries athletes suffer.

Like, a few years ago route setters got really enthusiastic about setting presses in dihedrals or jumps into dihedrals. At the same time we saw a spike in elbow injuries with a number of athletes having to take time off after tearing ligaments or tendons.
Now it's all about big, showy jumps to set big showy jumps you set jugs, to make the move off the jug hard (because it's a fucking jug) you get rid of the feet, and that results in athletes heel-hooking the jug to stand up in a way which puts a ton of rotational force on the knee as you cam your heel into it. I was in Innsbruck for one of the comps this year and a whole bunch of the athletes were walking around with identical strapping on their knees by the end of the comp.

The problem with this is that athletes don't know what's coming - route setters are always trying to shake things up or develop some new, trendy move. Athletes don't necessarily know what's coming and that means they can't train for it, they can't accustom their body to the move or slowly train up whatever part of their body is taking the force.
anyone but gross man and rabbitfu
Last olympics he and someone else did a commentary only simulcast stream which was a godsend because the people on the official stream had no idea. Might happen again this time but maybe they'll get someone who knows what they're looking at to commentate this year too.
Wonder if she ever consensually puts his head in a headlock and squeezes her massive aesthetic bicep until he's close to blacking out
If being a retarded faggot was a sport, you'd be unbeatable.
love bouldering me
It is now.
Well yeah it's a different kind of competition.
It's like complaining about soccer because it took out tennis' tiny ball or whatever
if you've been doing it since you were little and good at it, it can be cool but otherwise the nerdiest sport. I would not get surprised if there was a gaming cafe in a bouldering gym
Nah, it’s more like if they removed all the intricacies of football and turned it into a competition about who’s able to dribble the ball the fastest from one end of the pitch to the other.
actually a more apt comparison would be penalty shootouts becoming a standalone sport

which I unironically wouldn't mind
holy shit that move looks hard
our local boulder gym has yoga classes
why is jacob schubert still dominating in comp climbing while adam ondra is getting worse every year?
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>why yes, I boulder, how could you tell?
I don't understand, is the black guy trying to belay the girl? Also how can there can be three rope ends?
I dont boulder I have no idea how the interracial breeding walls work
Are you a korfball athlete?
why do people who hate climbing insert their interracial fantasies into it?
Honestly most people I meet at the climbing gym are way more chill than at the regular gym.
It is also the only sport I watch from start to finish in the Olympics.
Also, I find toned/muscular backs on women extremely hot.
only reason to watch this >sport
I like climbing but the closest boulder is 4 hours away and the only gym near me costs 1000$ a year. All I can do now is chin/pull ups in my basement and climb trees (very fun, but i'd like to do rock walls too, man :(
it's hard to find more autistic spergs than regular gymfags

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