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>It’s also worth noting, without wishing to detract from the blatant racism, the transphobia that is at play here too. The full lyrics of the song make reference to French players being “cometravas, like Mbappe.” “Cometravas” is a slang term that essentially translates as “someone who has sex with transgender people”.
Smdh...wtf Argentina?
big yikes
I still have no idea why they're so much obsessed about us for absolutely no reason
Just singing old songs during a celebration, local fans do this kind of thing all the time, stop thinking we care about you. They also sang brazil decime que se siente and songs against the brits
Because it has been decided that you are a football rival of Argentina. During the following DECADES, expect anti-France chants being sung at random games, just as it has been done for England and Brazil.

Who decides you are a rival? Nobody really. It's a collective hive mind process. But Mbappe's comments about South American football, the epic final on which both sides were amazing, and the fact that France has one of the strongest NTs has to do with that.
Exactly you have been added to the repertoire of songs. It's not a big deal.
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Holy shit you're talking about pic related?

Are you literally and unironically saying this is not just a /sp/ meme and that insignificant piece of quote that no one in Europe is aware of has actually buttbroke your whole country?

LMAO this is golden
I guess you can hate us then
Holy shit my sides, talk about an inferiority complex
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>I'm totally not le hecking mad
Mucho texto, frog
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We don't hate you. It's about adding mystique to the sport. It's a game. Stoo taking everything so seriously.

We will sing anti-France songs for the next 3 decades, it's about making the game more epic. (Maybe not this one since everyone got so buttblasted about it)
Maybe he shouldn't fuck trannies and make a big deal out of it in the media trying to get wokepoints.
mental jej
It was the only story last week though
Enzo already apologized, what more do they want?
Who cares, it's a catchy song. the french don't mind. They're proud of their colonies.
>brown people being racist
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These little manlets have literally NOTHING in life except povertyball Pierre
Don't even try to explain to them that France is the only reason they're a nation at all and not a colonial holding of Spain
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>Stop CARING about the frickin sport!!1!1!

I know you frogs hate Mbappe but he was lowkey respected here at the time. He's arguably the best and most famous player of this generation. He taunted us, we taunted him back, that's all there is to it lol. Such a fucking meltdown all over the world. Just an average tuesday in Argentina.
The shart I'm taking over this toilet bowl is deafening and damning
imagine the smell
>frogs who have been seething about this for months calling anyone obsessed
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>“Cometravas” is a slang term that essentially translates as “someone who has sex with transgender people”
they went full oriental with this one, made a word to express a full sentence. Actual chud moment
Is killing journalists a sport?
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Maybe argies aren't so bad after all
uh your bot needs fixing
Was reading about this on Breitbart and they put a literal trigger warning on a SPANISH video for "racist and transphobic language".
And they bitch about woke all the time kek
>Here's something to make you mad, written and published by people who make you mad.

hahaha how the fuck is being mad real haha just close your eyes haha like nigga just walk away
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Why are people getting butthurt over a footie chant?? Especially when the lyrics were 100% factual.
Watch out Argiebros. First they accuse you of being racist, next thing you know, they're sending democracy and cultural enrichment your way.
How will Euros even be able to play 2026, that will be on Copa America territory? Will your players throw a fit and cry every time they face an hostile crowd being racist to them? (which will be the case 99% of the time, btw)
Will you all respectfully request (you’re too cucked to demand) to play all your matches in Cucknada?
That beer looks yummy
sounds like soccer a has serious, systemic problem with racism, nationalism, and xenophobia

I still dont understand the supossed 'obsessed' claims.
>football chant is about football
>the only two times that said song has been exposed to the rest of the world were a couple of fans singing it in the preview of the Qatar world cup and a few footie players a year and a half later while it was very likely they had alcohol in their blood
>wah wah they're obsessed about us
I wonder what this board would think if they ever found out about the 'chaca va por el callejon' song.
If we make it I want to play in Mexico with our bros
Name one civilized country that sings songs about some other country in a non-banter context.

You're not obsessed because you sing about us, doing this after the WC final is fine. You're obsessed because you sing about us when we have nothing to do with what's going on.
My customs>your customs
We are clearly way less stunted socially and emotionally than you frenchies, so instead of crying like bitches you should try to emulate how we engage with ethnicity
They won a world cup against donatello who told that yurop were better, you just pretend to don't understand and cope with the obsession tsundere card. escuchen will last until the turtle retires at least, get over it mamadou
you don't sing songs about old rivals?
I know the English sing about German bombers, so at least we're not the only ones
we sing songs randomly desu
No one is obsessed with you, froggy. You are just part of a silly song. That's all.
I'm awaiting all the EHHHHH PUUUTOS
This is so fucking stupid, it's a harmless song about a team they played recently. All it says really is France are considered big rivals by argies now.
This all will be forgotten after the 1st terrorist attack in the Olympics
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>(((New York Times)))
This is a psyop, only whites can be racist so they're trying to push the Argentina is white narrative.
How can Argies be racists? I thought in the anti-racist pyrmaid non-whites can't be racists?

So far as the eye can see not a blue eye or blonde hair
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Here's your white Argentinian bro
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Latinx think you're white if you're over 51% European
They also think meds are white
even the likes of cuti Romero look pale next to the french NT, that's why.
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You're obsessed with povertyball because your nation is a LITERAL joke in economic circles and it's your only cope
Nobody says this. Your media are the ones saying we are white Aryan Nazis that hate black people, m8.
Sure but we used to call those immigrants in Sweden "black heads" in the 90s until it was not PC anymore
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we too
we still do
negros cabeza
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>chikaner having another meltie
>we used to call those immigrants in Sweden "black heads" in the 90s until it was not PC anymore
kek, if you only knew

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kek I've seen your flag claim you had 10 whites on a team while all Europeans confirmed you had 3 at most.

You lack requirements to be white
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>what do you mean we're not white
What's the modern equivalent my Aryan brother? Like %50.1+ or single drop/player
Fun fact, he also thinks rocco's basilisk is real and he thinks he's building an AI that will take over the world.
Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug
we know you're mexican
And I've seen a thread where the opposite happened about two days ago, fetch it in the catalog my dude
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A stable economy
Not requiring a visa to enter the first world
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>it CAN'T be a white person mocking me it must be that Mexican
>study on admixed populations has all admixed samples
No shit, Sherlock.


56% have a native ancestor, not 100%. At least get your studies right.
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Yes, we are racist and rigged the cup. Hate us as much as you want
>le non-banter context
Again. It's just a couple of drunk players celebrating a win about four hours after the match ended.
The euros were filled with songs about killing another nation's population and I am yet to see about anyone making an scandal out of it like your federation is making out of it.
Next time we'll ask Umtombo 'Le roi de France' Mugembi what songs are okay to sing though, dont worry.
you're talking about a country that started a war with a country 8,000 miles away over islands 300 miles off their own coast and lost, not getting cucked isn't their strong point.
Chikaner had to vanish for a week after Spain won the Euros and Argentina won the Copa, don't let him forget that.
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no one here beats their family over a NT match like in britain or france though.
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You're one to talk.
>You can't go on holiday
I am somewhat surprised he didnt have a meltdown the day Spain beated Germany.
Or well, maybe he did and no one gave him any attention, who knows
That's because he's not German, he forgot his VPN a couple of times and was outed.
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>I am totally not extremely angry and triggered while demanding people be punished for mean words I just think it's cringe bro just a bad look dude don't be so obsessed buddy
that news of the australian woman being raped by a pack of blacks and she saying " they look african" had me sining ESCUCHEN inside my head
>racism is bad to the point that people who do it should have their lives ruined
>except when arguing with the chuds on 4chan then it's okay
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there's nothing wrong with gatekeeping racism by being racist to lesser wannabe racists, it objectively reduces racism
Or more likely, you are a prejudiced person and you use anonymity and acceptable targets to vent your true nature. The anti-racism is pure psychopathic virtue signaling.
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i guess jews are like this
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>tfw even Cuba is more European than you
See >>142943001

Nice selfie, btw.
sure,give us the islands and we'll give you HURRY KANE unleashed in 2030
>about us
they're not obsessed about you, they're obsessed with the agenda they've got prepared for you
Based af.
Argentinians are true bros.
It's because Argentine fans are apes. Worse than English and Brazilians.
t. ranny
wtf thats crazy we used to do that too
maradona was right in the 80s
maradona was right in the 90s
maradona was right in the 00s
maradona was right in the 10s
always the double standards,argentina vs world
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