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What the fuck is wrong with these people? Is this that European rehabilitation I've heard so much about?
Europoor moment
Oopsie :3
did he actually raped her? or she gave him consent and people are calling him rapist
More rapists invading paris, the west has fallen...
Joe Hart's new career already off to a bad start.
Doesn’t matter. Still a rapist.
What did she look like at the time?
Hispanic moment
He raped her a bunch of times actually, got her drunk and did it
He admitted, it's not like he denied it
Maybe he didn't know she was 12
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she gave him a blowjob ergo not actually rape
anglo cunts always have seething roastie laws kek
then how tf this mf is free? netherlands better do something about it
Why would he be isolated?
I thought the Olympics was entirely about degenerates having sex, this is exactly what they want and promote
You just know they'd break his sweet ass in
she seduced him pretty much. anglos will call you a rapist if you brush past a woman on the street, not much you can do about that, it's just their culture
Representing his country at the Olympics as a rapist is more important

yes but do you understand how good of a beach volleyball he is????
>we must protect women from convicted rapists
what about the convicted trannies that change their gender to go to female prisons?
>uhhh, shut up chud
Ofc it's a serb
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He's not even a real ethnic Dutch
Stefan is common here as well. Or used ro be from the 80s to early 2000
>irish education
would be kino if he won gold
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this is what happened
not a fan of noncery but she probably got knocked up by a callum or a matty from the council estate a few weeks after
Based redemption arc

literally predator behaviour, taking advantage of a neglected vulnerable girl like a Rotherham taxi driver
imagine the banter
Can't exactly have him in the village with the 12 year old skateboarders can you
statutory rape isn't real rape
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> The judge sentenced Van de Velde to four years' imprisonment and placed him on the Violent and Sex Offender Register for life.[8] During his sentencing remarks, the judge stated, "Your hopes of representing your country [as an Olympic athlete] now lie as a shattered dream" and He [Van de Velde] has lost a stellar sports career and has been branded a rapist. Plainly it is a career end for him.

> In 2024, he was controversially selected to represent the Netherlands in the 2024 Summer Olympics

Bong judges in shambles kek
kek, young Brazillian skatekids swooning over a white tall Dutch chad.
anon, if you need to drunk a 12 yo to have sex with you, i think you are not a chad, just saying
>Couldnt even find a 12 year old that would fuck him sober
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>The victim would eventually go on to self-harm and once overdosed
he sent her to get plan b kek
i hope the gang rapist African gangs in France do their job on him desu
>He did not ejaculate inside her, and stopped when she said it hurt

good lad
hungover more like. Drunk blowie at night. Lost virginity in the morning.
I'm kidding obviously, but it's such a funny typically Serbian name I just had to
he got to fuck tight cunny and get away with it
is he based or cringe, chudbros?
I thought that swamp monkeys invading English coochies is called "Glorious Revolution" and has nothing to do with rape?
did they really have to write that in a report
That's literally rape
Hopefully this Dutch subhuman gets murdered in the village
Why are dutch people like that? Revolting. I hope the sea does invade the low lands
will they give him condoms, like with the other athletes? bit weird.
Doesn't seem like he did anything wrong besides be poor
Looking excited to hearing the boos. I don't think that really happens in olympic volleyball but surely he will be booed by most of the crowd. Any dutch fans in the arena won't want to cheer for him/the team either
>In August 2014 van de Velde, then 19 years old, raped a 12-year-old girl he had met on Facebook who lived in Milton Keynes, England. He travelled to her home and, when her mother was out gave her alcohol and then raped her several times at her home as well as near Furzton Lake which was nearby.[5] The victim would eventually go on to self-harm and once overdosed.[6] Van de Velde returned to the Netherlands after the rape, although he was eventually extradited to the United Kingdom and arrested in January 2016.[7]

It sounds like she invited him and they hooked up. It's not clear if it was forced or coerced.

>Under a treaty between the Netherlands and UK, Van de Velde was transferred to the Netherlands to serve his sentence. The sentence was at that time adjusted in line with Dutch law, and the charge of rape was substituted for that of fornication.[10] After serving a year of his original four year sentence, he was released from prison.

Given a current law change in the Netherlands, it makes me think that it may not have been found to be forced or coerced, though I admittedly am not an expert in Dutch law:

>...the Senate voted to remove the requirement that rape must involve physical force, threat or coercion. The Netherlands will become the seventeenth country out of 31 European states analysed by Amnesty International to recognize that sex without consent is rape. The act will come into force on July the 1st 2024.

I'm not justifying it but I wish we could differentiate between sex with a minor, forced rape, forced rape of a minor etc. consensual sex with a 17 year old shouldn't be the same crime as physically forcing yourself on a 12 year old. Same thing with cp, drawing a picture or sending a selfie as a 17 year old shouldn't be the same crime as the abhorrent real cp. It's all crimes, but I think differentiating is important to focus on and punish the worst offenders and hold the rest appropriately accountable.
Wonder what his team mates thinks of all this, kind of ruins it for him 2bh
We have that differentiation, it's called the Age of Consent
You'll understand how young 18 is when you're much older. Much less fucking 12.
>woman beats horse
>man rapes loli
>allowed to play in the Olympics

something ain't adding up here
this should help you figure it outhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence
oh look it's this thread again.

What do you want people to say? He did something stupid and disgusting that is classified as rape in the UK but really isn't rape in the sense of: dragging some girl from her bike and forcing your cock in her while she's fighting, he got busted, he got sentenced, he served his sentence. So now he is not allowed to ever do anything in society anymore? Why does that only apply to him? Everyone who gets out of prison is expected to become a functional member of society again. So all he can do is get benefits and sit at home now? That hardly seems productive.
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>rape 12 year old
>welcomed with open arms
>drink and smoke cigarette
He's already nominated for the Palm d'Ore at Cannes
Reminder that yelling obscenities at someone in the UK is classified the same as punching them in the face.
He's just been picked as Kamala Harris' VP candidate
how long until she kills herself?
This, 18 year olds are fucking retards and can't even balance a check book.
>after the pair slept in cardboard boxes under a stairway
he travelled to another country to have sex with a 12 year old, he had been talking to her since she was younger too. He lives in the Netherlands and he's an athlete, he only did that because he's a paedo, he could have had sex with a 19 year old woman if he wanted to.
didn't they also send some freak who tried to rape someone at eurovision this year?
no she was 12
if you want to fuck someone who can balance a check book I hope you're gay, because otherwise you've got a long dry spell ahead of you
> he could have had sex with a 19 year old woman if he wanted to.
guess again. he can't get hard for some old hag like that
that's the part I'm not getting. My dude is/was a pro athlete or at the very least fit as fuck at 19. You really need to cross the channel for some pussy?
I'll come and balance your checkbook, hans, don't tempt me.
>You really need to cross the channel for some pussy
you do if she is 12 and you're a mentally unstable pedo.

because he loves grooming and manipulating pubescent girls and thought he could get away with it in a different country
even if that is your thing you can groom some local kid. It sounds like he really fell in love with her but that's even weirder considering how stupid 12 year olds are when you are 19.
How did she let him get her drunk a bunch of times? My bullshit rape accusation sense is tingling.
>got too horny and fucked an underage slut
>muh rape and cp
lmao ok nerds
If there's grass on the field and all that...
"This water tastes like alcohol."
"Huh, that's weird!"
I remember using Omegle when i was around 18 and flirted with underage girls, I thought it was fun.
Thank god I didn't go any further than that.
oh, look, reddit just showed up
Yeah that was Netherlands too
>he really fell in love
kek he treated her as disposable garbage, the case was reported because he send her alone to get a pill to the local clinic.
>He's not even a real ethnic Dutch
>Posts proof that he's a real ethnic Dutch
should have just mixed some abortion meds in her booze desu
Are there fbi agents in Norway?
he flew to another country and slept in cardboard boxes just to fuck some 12 y/o while being a good looking tall athlete, he´s not right in the head
women will travel first class to Dubai and sleep in 5 star hotels just to get shat on by an 80 yr old camel fucker

0 (zero) respect for them, I remember plenty of 12yr olds from when I was that age and they're just the same dumb sluts

for his sake I hope he did rape her desu at least it would have been truthful
i mean you are a gypsy, you marry 12 year olds in your village
once a girl menstruate, shes a woman and should be allowed to have sex. its literally her body telling her she's ready.
Him being good looking just makes it more based since he had a swarm of used up hags trying to lock him down. He went for the best of the best because of his looks.
you mfs should be locked up
She voted for it
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Moralfag. If some qt 14 begged to have sex with you, you would probably shake your knees and only say no because you were too scared.
>A 12 year old seduced a 19 year old
Hello ahmed
you're the one simping for a 12yr old Mr pedo prole
love the duality of paedos
>19 year olds are kids, they don't know what they are doing
>12 year old are seductress, full grown women
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I wonder how it will go down for him in the Olympic village, will he participate in the crazy amount of sex or will he be blacklisted? He seems like a good looking enough dude but I doubt anyone would want anything to do with the scumbag.
Hes married now with kids
man your brain is fried if you see defending a 12 y/o child as ¨simping¨
it was not rape. he was 17 back then so it was no big deal, she wanted to do it with him and se was almost 13

living proof of “it’s OK when Chad does it”
>Is there anything worse than a rapist?
>tears off card
>*gasps* a child
>muh children
fuck off retard, bet she had very juicy tits (undoubtedly saggy now)
he was 19
He was 19 not 17

Yeah she must have known
This is sexism
>she took him to her empty house
she's a police office kek
imagine marrying a paedo that will probably diddle your kids
That's what I call dedication.
>she was the predator
spanishtard take

almonds activated by the pathology of this woman
yes dipshit. the nigroids use language games because they bank on the idea that people imagine a much more damaging thing that the actual event.
Rape in the mind of the normie is *grab *pund it *she's bleeinf buckets *drop her on the ground on the verge of death while you hear the ambulance coming
T. Nicolae Pedoescu
WRONG! She consented
HOWEVER, 12 years old falls under statutory rape so in that sense he did, did he know she was 12? Very dumb if so
it's quite obvious your a nonce anon
>did he know she was 12?
obviously not
what are anglos?
>a bunch of people that got kicked from germany and france for being too retarded
>anglos forced to incest and those who came out less fucked up survived
you literally invented pedophilia
Alri Stevan simmer down
paedos always try to project onto others to make themselves feel normal. you´re not and should kys
>WRONG! everyone has to use my definition of this term!
Said the gypsy rape baby. In a country infamous for the privation and treatment of its children

>sex trafficking: the country
no wonder you spawn thousands of broken soulless prostitutes throughout Europe with these kind of takes
based retard
yeah start talking to a 10 year old in Facebook to then years later travel to another country to have sex with them is not paedo behavior
>or she gave him consent and people are calling him rapist
firstly no she didn't.
secondly, if you believe a 12 year old child can give informed consent to sex with a 19 year old, fucking rope yourself you cunt.
a 12 year old girl. she looked like a 12 year old girl.
there are many of genuine paedos here. they´ll call you reddit or new if you call them out. keep doing it tho and hope they kill themselves sooner or later
>a 12 year old girl. she looked like a 12 year old girl.
this is a useless tautology anon and you know it
I mean.. if he didn't know this already he's retarded. I've no clue what happened but i do firmly believe when you've done your time you should be given a second chance. Otherwise we might as well kill everyone who's ever done a crime.
The fact that this polish dude is denying that 12 year old whores exist is the weirdest part
>russian migrants move to the west
>make their independent groups/tribes
>name themselves poland
it's literally astonishing the culture of hypocrisy you pedolish people have
we're a semitic country, what can i say
>they´ll call you reddit or new if you call them out
Moralfag or pearlclutcher. Get lost newfag. Cunny used to be what filtered newcomers like you
wait, he was 19 and not 17??? THAT SICK FUCK! GIVE HIM THE CHAIR
>t. syrian rapfugee
>t. newfag
This site was lost when you retards invaded and started to promote censorship. Can't take a bit of gore or margarita, sensitive pussies as you are. Cunts, the lot of you.
Anon he shagged a 12 year old
>secondly, if you believe a 12 year old child can give informed consent to sex with a 19 year old, fucking rope yourself you cunt.
12 year old nymphos are all asking for it, trust me bro
If you get "seduced" by a 12 year old while you are 19 then there are two options: You are a pedo or you are one of the weakest willed losers that can't get any pussy around your own age.
have you seen 12 year olds nowadays? they are tall and have big boobs

dont tell me they are children
nigga i have been here since like early 10s, i'm probably older than you.
kek apparently he had been talking to her through facebook since she was 10.
Bro couldn't handle the mesugaki
Have you seen 19 year olds? They also are tall and have big boobs. Why not go after them unless you are too pathetic to actually get with them?
Even going after a 16 year old with a better body would be more understandable. The only reason you would go after a 12 year old is because they are so easily manipulatable and you could convince them to do whatever you wanted.
>Have you seen 19 year olds?
yea, too old
>rape a child
>go to prison for 1 year
>still play the sport you love
>marry a hot woman have a kid
>go to the olympics
Did he win
>The only reason you would go after a 12 year old is because they are so easily manipulatable
this is projection. women manipulate men more than the opposite
The entire point was that 12 year olds look older than they are, so what is the difference between a 12 year old that looks like a late teenager other than their mind is less developed?
Why is he isol, they're clearly too old for him.
If you get manipulated by a fucking 12 year old as an adult then you are worthless to society.
>Did he win
did he marry the loli? if so he won
you don't know how she looked like kek
obviously not since his country is sending him to the ollympics. seems he is highly valued by soceity
Read the replies you fucking idiot. The original point given was that 12 year olds look older than their age and that was the entire argument presented.
But not 18 or even 16 you spastic
If he was highly valued then why couldn't he fuck someone with a great body that was also an adult unless he wanted to fuck a child?
he said he did it because he was stressed due to the sport he completes in, nigga plays male beach volleyball KEK
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12 year olds can look 14, which is peak female form

19 is way too old
The age given in the original argument was 12. The original argument was if a 12 year old looks older then she should be free for a 19 year old to fuck instead of fucking women around his age even though women around his age also have developed bodies.
19 year olds can look 14.
maybe he liked her personality better? did you think of that?
Here come the nonces
If you connect with a 12 year old on a personality level as a 19 year old then you are underdeveloped and probably a fucking retard.
>19 year olds can look 14.
go find me one then and Ill marry her
but enough about you
How horny do you have to be to sleep under a fucking bridge just to fuck a girl? Regardless of age
>maybe he liked her personality better?
Why would a 19 year old man like a 12 year old's personality unless there was something seriously wrong with him?
bruh, all women are mentally 12
well he was picked for his athleticism, not his intelligence.
have you ever talked to a 12 year old girl? much better personality than old roasties
There's an entire show about a girl who's in her 20s that looks like she's 12
We're not talking about his athletic ability, we're talking about his personal behavior. The fact that he's so physically gifted and still can't fuck anyone around his age actually makes him more embarrassing as a man.
oh a paper with a graph in it!
>have you ever talked to a 12 year old girl?
Yeah, they're fucking retards
>admits to talking to 12 year olds
nonces always out themselves
get fucking help or kys
Do you not have any family you actually talk to? Do they just want to keep you away from any of their children?
those are paedos calling you a paedo, it's their tactic

ur not british lil guy, it's pedos
Moralism is a mental illness.
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>if you believe a 12 year old child can give informed consent to sex with a 19 year old
I don't, he belongs in the jail, but it's not rape per se, it's more like abuse,

but here's how the law is arbitrary: a 12 yo can commit a crime and be held accountable for the crime in england, but cannot consent sexual activity. (???)
he served his sentence, he had to qualify. Which he did. I don't see the problem.
So he got 4 years of prison in 2016 which he served. Whats the alternative here?
Dude didn’t listen when >we told him never get into a van with lolis offering lite beer and rock CDs.
it's just old hags trying to ruin a mans life so other men dont choose better than old hags
he didn't serve 4 years, the Netherlands went out of its way for him to only do one year in jail and he can't stop bitching about it
Wow the criminal age here is a joke.

Yet whenever someone suggests to lower it to 14, the media makes it sound like they are the greatest fascist pieces of shit on Earth.

That map was very enlightening.
I think thats too lenient but again whats the alternative
Its above 15 years old here, not 12 or 13
the Netherlands not going out of its way to get their paedo back?
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The Netherlands, huh?

>In 2020 the European Commission reported that in 2019 The Netherlands hosted 71% of the "underage" porn detected in Europe by the Internet Watch Foundation, an increase from 47% in 2018.
Thats in the past. Its the same thing for Polanski, the sentence at the time was ridiculous but its done.
>What the fuck is wrong with these people?
holy cow, I knew they were pedos, but not like that
yeah, out of 10
i thought leftists were the ones putting 19 y/o in jail for having sex with 17 y/o´s. there is a middle ground you know and most of the guys on here saying it´s okay are poltards
he never served one day in prison, and he's a serial rapist, several women had said he raped them when they were young, why do we have to forget that a dude is a nonce serial rapist?
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>she took him to her empty house
i remember an article about a pediatrician who got caught raping little boys, he escaped to Sweden that didn't want to extradite him to USA because according to them raping little boys was not a crime at the time in Sweden ( late 70s) and they needed pediatricians. I'm not jocking, northern euros are very pro nonce.
You dont have to forget anything you dont want to, but laws exist for a reason and you dont go around putting back in prison people because the initial time they served doesnt seem enough. What the volleyball player did was obviously wrong and he should have been in prison for more than a year, but now what?
>some roastie teen whore fucked an athlete and false accuse him
Boo hoo
More news at 11
this is just pedo shit. I aint defending no 19 year old fucking 12 year olds. If this happened in the Netherlands it would still be illegal it just wouldn't be called rape because he didn't use physical violence. In NL kids between the ages of 12 and 16 can fuck legally. In this case our lanklet volleyball player could have only legally fucked a 16 year old. Apparently the girl in question struggled with her life afterwards. I always wonder if that is because of all the drama and the court case or because of the act. I suspect it's probably a bit of both.
polanski didn't serve his time in prison though. And you can totally suffer the consequences of your actions after going to prision. Nonces can't work with kids for example and in this case, he's sexually predatory so he's not going to be close to other athletes in the Olympic villa. My guess is that's a protocol that applies to all people convicted of sexual crimes probably due to insurance issues
>laws exist for a reason
150 years ago people would expect that he put a ring on her and that's it. And that expectation belonged for millennial
yea.. because we're Europes hosting base. kek a fuck ton of servers are located here. Pretty sure big american tech companies are building their own hosting locations as we speak. Lot of people have complained about it because we've basically built these solar and windmill farms for fucking google.
The policy in NL is that if you get convicted of a crime abroad that our government will try and see if you can sit out your sentence in NL. Doesn't always work out but it did on this occasion.
>Be person
>Commit crime
>Go to jail
>Pay for your crimes

>people still expect you to suffer more than the law said you have to endure

They want all criminals to be banned from all jobs, so they end up committing even more crimes?
>because we're Europes hosting bas
i thought it was Ireland
>He’s married to a fellow volleyball pro from Germany, Kim Behrens, and they have one child together.

>His brother-in-law Kevin Behrens is also a sports star who plays for Bundesliga team VfL Wolfsburg and the Germany national football team.

Mmm, nice...I mean eew, gross, what a pervert!
No, this guy can work in some warehouse somewhere for a decent wage, but he shouldnt be representing his nation at the highest level of his sport of choice
Bar him from competing in the Olympics, he can still work a normal job like the rest of us
i wonder what they were thinking
>yes, we should send a convicted child rapist to this meme sport competition ( male beach volley) it's worth it.
>"got her drunk"
>not "made her"
Every. Fucking. Time.
so no rape
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Did he even spend 4 years in jail?
He spent 1 then got sent back to netherlands where he was freed kek
>The fact that he's so physically gifted and still can't fuck anyone around his age
Anyone with a brain knows he could, he's just a child molester.
>he never served one day in prison,
This guy?

imagine if his skin color was brown. what would /sp/'s reaction be then?
This entire argument breaks down when you read they couldnt get a hotel room because she looked like a fucking child. But this is the pedo hill you want to die on
yes and roasties are also fucking retards and on top of that they are bitchy and ugly
This could be a Smiths song, if the girl were a boy
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>she took him to her house
Just ignore the Moroccan goat fucker
Who said athletes can't have a record?
If he's out of prison he's a free man.
the brazilian skate girl has literally an army of security thanks to her mom and sponsors
Massive respect to the Dutch for not cucking after the globohomo onslaught
Baileys is such a teenager/early roastie leg opener, when it will be cancelled/regulated? Roasties move onto cockails/spirits/wine later on

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