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Why doesn't America have a hooligan culture despite its massive sports industry?
Guns actually prevent this from happening
We don't have guns or hooligans here either. It's not only the guns
Drinking in public isn't allowed in the places its laxer bout it you'll see remnants of hooligans
But you can drink in stadiums, right? I've seen the Simpsons.
Because sports in america is about watching the cheerleaders and eating burgers.
Hooliganism doesn't exist because of alcohol. There's no hooligans at the rugby for example and there's a lot of drinking goes on there
Americans are more civilized, believe it or not. While Brits are fighting to death over Brummychesterfield FC losing to Evergrovington Rovers 1-nil, Americans are hard at work being the most influential and wealthy nation of the past 100 years.
White Americans are more civilized

Black Americans would be even worse than English hooligans but they can't afford to go to games
Proper English hooligans aren't allowed to go to games because of bans
The usual racebaits and other poor explanations.
The truth is sports in america is just a show, it's like going to the movies.
Because if it did they'd just shoot each other. You can't really have that culture when everybody has guns
This is true to some degree for sure, I went to a baseball game in America and both sets of fans sit side by side.

Inside the stadium there's shops and fairground attractions. People get bored watching the baseball and stand up mid game to go look round the shops and stuff

I don't think they have the passion Europeans and south Americans do when it comes to sport.
Aside from some outliers like at tennis and water polo involving Croatian idiots the overwhelmingly vast majority of hooliganism is attached to soccer. There's no hooliganism in the rugby despite it being as popular as soccer in places where there is a local hooligan element.
I don't think you can argue that rugby people are in it for the entertainment
You can go to the rugby league in the north of England and sit side by side with the other team's fans and get drunk and there's no hooligans
Kinda depends on the sport and also what teams/cities are playing against each other. But honestly it's just not something Americans are that passionate over. Sports aren't as endemic to individual identity as they are over there probably, and our laws are always universally more strict on assault/vandalism/disturbing the peace than it seems over there but that's just an impression I get. Also geography is a thing as most regions are so spaced out and diverse in living space that there isn't as much of a local pub mentality.

Also nobody wants to get shot.
would have been cool to see the Hells Angels be part of the Raiders, Crips and Bloods represent the Lakers/Clippers, south side of Chicago murder people on behalf of the Bulls…would add some much needed edge to American sports
America has a huge focus on individualism which means they don't form the same tribe and collectivist culture to sports teams that Europeans do
>act like a hooligan
>someone calls the police
>get riddled with bullets
real wonder that
>White Americans are more civilized
No they aren’t. Road rage in the Britain ends with swear words exchanged, maybe a few punches exchanged, road rage in America ends in shootings.
Geography has something to do with it.
English clubs used to be representative of a very small catchment area in a way that isn't possible for American sports.
And they were rooted in and identified with those small communities. Eg Preston or Blackburn or Wolves are representing towns that are tiny by American standards, certainly not big enough to feature in a nation wide league. Even the London clubs, back in the day we're talking, Millwall, QPR, Chelsea, West Ham were representative of very local communities. Its much easier for someone hooligan in the 80s, born and bred spitting distance of the Boleyn ground, to get riled up by the glory of West Ham that it is for say a Chicago Bears fan, who have a massive catchment area in comparison. Because the old school Hammer knew that everyone in that stadium, everyone wearing those colours, was like him, came from the same place, probably went to the same school etc etc
You don't really get that with NFL because there are so few teams they can't really be a part of your life in the same way as a local football club
Hooligans don't drink, ultras don't drink, at least not much. It's despised in the "notorious" stands, they're all on speed or crystal tho

Op basically answered the question
Where sports become a product, hooliganism goes down, it's no coincidence that the more marketable and profitable a league becomes the more hooliganism goes down. That's why it's practically dead in western Europe, and the last remnants fight against the football industry. Only in the east of Europe and the MENA states there's some SOVL left.
Football Hooliganism in the UK isn't really the problem it used to be, football at it's highest levels has gone up market which has essentially priced out a lot of the young men that would traditionally gravitate towards hooliganism as a lifestyle. Also policing of football matches has evolved a lot over the years and electronic ticketing and every seat having to be allocated to an individual person has made circumventing banning orders difficult. Also in this day and age there isn't any understanding or tolerance of hooliganism from the populace of general football fans, everyone else has moved on, it's time the last vestiges of hooliganism did the same! As for why this doesn't exist in the US, it's entirely sports-cultural, because of the relative lack of professional sports teams vs the sheer size and population there aren't many truly "local" fans of teams, whereas in the UK a most large towns (particularly in the heartland of football in the north) have a professional team so they are far more integrated into the local community. Another factor is that the presentation of sport in America has for the longest time now concentrated on general family entertainment, the idea of football matches being a "family" destination in the UK is a relatively new innovation and as it has got more into this groove issues like Hooliganism have become more and more marginalised.
You don't have people either
Because they fake and not dedicated enough to anything to risk getting in a actual fight over it. They also have guns so a good fight just won’t work because the looser Americans will always shoot up the winner because of they small baby egos
It's because their leagues are businesses competing against each other
And just like movie studios, the know that appealing to families rakes in more cash
And yes, basketball is sort of the outlier, the NBA is still a regimented corporate soap opera, but credit where credit is due, blacks in the arena sitting right next to the court have passion, compared to crackers and their brats watching baseball
Cause nobody really gives a shit about a bunch of niggers catching a ball for jews on a team that was in another city the previous season

have you seen the crowd cam feed during timeouts in NBA games? all children and manchildren acting like they’re at Disneyland
We’re just more civilized. Even before sports really becoming an all consuming "industry" we weren’t doing any retarded hooligan shit. Baseball's identity is too rooted in romantic pastoralism and football/basketball's origins as the sports of the college man when being in college actually meant something. You get all your fix of violence at a hockey game by just watching it.
>water polo involving Croatian idiots
what did we do now
how can you get past the age of 14 and think hooliganism is cool?
>We’re just more civilized.

Kek, good one but who are you trying to kid here?
Hooliganism is basically dead here.
Lets face it, the only good thing to come from British Football Hooliganism is the classic 1989 TV Movie The Firm starring a young Gary Oldman!
what about that guy parodying Danny Dyer
Danny Dyer's Football Factories, a series he did on TV after being in dogshit hooligans and bad slags flick The Football Factory, was unintentionally the funniest thing I have ever seen on TV, the most pathetic was Derby County where their old boys "recreated" looking well hard walking to a match to a ground that was wiped off the face of the earth in the 90s! I think them profiling actual total idiot football hooligans kind of eradicated any residual mystique or curiosity about hooliganism and exposed it for the sheer idiocy that it surely is!
That shit is cringe as fuck
bashed some Serbs in Split last year or year before. There was also something in Australia at the tennis then at the water polo wc (not the recent one), and it was probably soccer fags anyway
Americans have healthier outlets for masculine energy not available to places where holliganism is established. Additionally the more violent physicality in North American sports is a pressure release valve. Of course people are going to be pissed watching a game for 3 hours if you lost 1 - rip and your faggot team didnt at least take a pound of flesh.
Why are English working class so influential?
Nobody cares about what German proles get up to or what their women look like. There are no memes about Italian Deanos. There is no Norf FC equivalent for trailer park yankees watching Nascar.
It's by and large a cultural and business model thing: clubs vs franchises

Clubs in Europe are heavily integrated into the local economy and identity. They've been around for a century, sometimes more, and support is passed down generationally. Great grandpa was a supporter of Local Club FC, he raised grandpa in it, so on and so on. They may also own shares in the club. Add to that pro/rel, cup competitions, continental tournaments, and the stakes are so much higher. A club could fuck around and go broke and then disappear.

Franchises over here are privately owned by zillionaires (Green Bay Packers are an anomaly- only pro franchise owned by its supporters). Zillionaires move franchises around at will if they don't get muh tax breaks or muh public funds to build billion dollar stadiums. No pro/rel, no cups other than the championship, no continental tourneys. Astro turfed franchises pop up overnight via expansion or a city losing its team (Seattle Sonics became the OKC Thunder, Houston Oilers became the Tennessee Titans, Baltimore Colts became the Indianapolis Colts, etc etc). Imagine Man United becoming London United- Manchester would burn to the ground.

Here people will be pissed for a year or two and then get over it.

The closest parallel would be college football. Intense rivalries, part of local identity (majority of fans at a college game didn't even go to the school) and once in a while you'll get a drunk chimp out celebration
american sports are too corporate for hooligan culture
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american football industry has been monopolized
Based Green Bay Packers desu

I'm now officially a Bay Packer!
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European hooliganism is nothing compared to what happens in America.
>pretending to be retarded
Guns are for pussys
>bashed some Serbs in Split last year or year before.
Oh, that. From what I remember they were thrown into the sea for flashing Zvezda symbols walking on the riviera.
>the water polo wc (not the recent one)
You must be thinking of water polo EC 2003 in Kranj when we played Serbs in the final and there was a massive brawl, barely 20 policemen guarding hundreds from both sides. I remember one of sport journo fags who did the live there got hit in the scuffle by our fans, kwab.
Yeah, it was football hooligans involved in these, just a different sport. And the tennis thing was some randos, Croats fighting Serbs at the Australian Open.

How the fuck do you know all this btw, I bet barely anyone remembers it even here.
Funny you say that. In ther inner city ghettos you can't wear certain hats because they are gang affiliated. Dodgers blue being used by alot of crips and the Cincinnati Reds hat being used by bloods. There are others but I'm not a nigger so I don't know.
I only know NBA and the reasons there's like no fan culture are:

Your team can't really lose - being bad is just a good draft pick
No consequences cause no relegation
The audience is mainly 30-50 while for example soccer is mainly wild teenagers/young men
America is too young to have old family club traditions
Idk why clubs don't have ultras, maybe cause there's guns everywhere?

Main reason though is the no losing. It's all just for money in the us, and the same 30-ish clubs will always be there
Because you need at least a little bit of soul to have a hooligan culture, but american sports are the most souless plactic in the world, imagine they get exited because of "college" football and women basketball, they really seem like to be kids going to movies
i doubt LA is that low
The National League is the oldest continuing sports league in the world, older than some of the most soccer crazy countries even having heard of their game.
American students are actually associated with their school and don't have to larp as an 'ultra' to create a sense of identity. The counterpoint is of course that lately we are dissociating these semi pro athletes from the school system itself and so cfb will take a hit
englishmen are just russians that speak english.
stupid, violent, no class. this combo is very unique among people that aren't brown
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>no they aren't

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