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why are brits like this?
I don't know.
I'm too busy eating my lasagna made with HORSE MEAT.
>sent footage from 4 years ago 3 days before the opening ceremony
So was it whoever is replacing her that sent it?
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>every time England wins I make an error of judgement
Was similar shit with the Japanese girl, only got leaked when she arrived in Paris
People with grudges against Olympic athletes got their timing down, wonder if we'll get a leak the day before someone's meant to actually perform
>People with grudges against Olympic athletes got their timing down,

That's what I thought. This seems to be a very pervasive thing in horse jumping. Difficult to find a solution without cancelling the whole sport.
*show jumping
Nice, should be some easy medals for us if she's out
>Difficult to find a solution without cancelling the whole sport.
it's not a sport
I had a Bolognese style sauce made with wild boar the other day and it was really good
Ok, pajeet migrant
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Turns out every accusation was an admission
it was an error of judgement, like the blacks gang raping a white tourists
Too bad that never stopped it from being an olympic discipline

Which countries will medal in the bbc gangrape category?
You just know
Women shouldn't be allowed
It's that a girl holding the belt? Looks like a girl butt
Only thing brits are good at is eating british food, literally no one else on the planet can do that.
I thought she'd be sucking its cock or something.
What's wrong? Why is she banned now? /an/ told me whipping horses is alright.
Britain may have had an animal abuser on our Olympic team. But we removed her as soon as people found out what she had done.

There's a literal convicted child rapist on the Dutch Men's Volleyball team.
Their player Stevan Van De Velde was convicted of brutally raping a 12 year old girl back in 2014.
Yet the Dutch Olympics team won't remove him from competing.

Why focus on Britain for removing an animal abuser from the competition, if you won't go after the Dutch for still keeping literal paedophile child rapist on their volleyball team????
I'll also add Dressage is not a sport, it's just a circus performance act that very wealthy people pay to learn to do and pretend is a posh person's sport.
All professional horse riders abuse their horses too, this is just a very rare case where it was caught on video.
>brutally raping
she invited him to her house
Probably because he already served his suspension from free society
Yeah, children just invite adult men into their homes to rape them.
What the fuck are you talking about, you deranged paedo defender?
that's exactly what happened, after an entire day of not finding a place to fuck
you are a brainwashed good goy, go to have autistic kids with your 35 years old trad wife, retard
don't even @ me
>Yeah, children just invite adult men into their homes to rape them.
Ah yes I'm a slave to the Jews.... because I don't support paedophilia
Yet another great Argentinian idea, after invading the Falklands and electing an Anarcho-Capitalist who has crashed your economy again LOL
Brownie moment
>children just invite adult men into their homes to rape them.
You have buzzword brainrot. Reframe this honestly as “12 year olds invite 19 year olds into their parents house to have sex” and while it isn’t condonable it’s no longer a nonsensical concept
How did the horse send to footage? they dont have hands to use a computer
3 brown posters all explaining how child rape makes sense
They got a NEIGHbour to do it! haha
if you read the story the woman who had the footage had been asking about releasing it for a few years but everyone in england she mentioned it to told her not to bother because the Whipper was protected by the horse establishment. only some Dutch dude convinced her, so i would look at Dutch Eventers to benefit from it.
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are u german
'The Desire to Inspire Compassion.—La Rochefoucauld, in the most notable part of his self portraiture (first printed 1658) reaches the vital spot of truth when he warns all those endowed with reason to be on their guard against compassion, when he advises that this sentiment be left to men of the masses who stand in need of the promptings of the emotions (since they are not guided by reason) to induce them to give aid to the suffering and to be of service in misfortune: whereas compassion, in his (and Plato's) view, deprives the heart of strength. To be sure, sympathy should be manifested but men should take care not to feel it; for the unfortunate are rendered so dull that the manifestation of sympathy affords them the greatest happiness in the world.—Perhaps a more effectual warning against this compassion can be given if this need of the unfortunate be considered not simply as stupidity and intellectual weakness, not as a sort of distraction of the spirit entailed by misfortune itself (and thus, indeed, does La Rochefoucauld seem to view it) but as something quite different and more momentous'
compassion to pedophiles ?
after their hanging perhaps
Horse meat is super tough but man is it good
it's a nintendo gamer, you can tell from the wrist and forearm
he stomped his foot in horse code.
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>U.S. horse meat is unfit for human consumption because of the uncontrolled administration of hundreds of dangerous drugs and other substances to horses before slaughter.
god i wish that were me
You need to read the whole thing.

'Between good and bad actions there is no difference in kind but, at most, in degree. Good acts are sublimated evil. Bad acts are degraded, imbruted good. The very longing of the individual for self gratification (together with the fear of being deprived of it) obtains satisfaction in all circumstances, let the individual act as he may, that is, as he must: be it in deeds of vanity, revenge, pleasure, utility, badness, cunning, be it in deeds of self sacrifice, sympathy or knowledge. The degrees of rational capacity determine the direction in which this longing impels: every society, every individual has constantly present a comparative classification of benefits in accordance with which conduct is determined and others are judged. But this standard perpetually changes. Many acts are called bad that are only stupid, because the degree of intelligence that decided for them was low. Indeed, in a certain sense, all acts now are stupid, for the highest degree of human intelligence that has yet been attained will in time most certainly be surpassed and then, in retrospection, all our present conduct and opinion will appear as narrow and petty as we now deem the conduct and opinion of savage peoples and ages'.
who gives a fuck? I trust someone who rides horses to know the right way to treat a horse over some soft dipshit whose only view into this world is this particular video. it's the hunting outrage bullshit all over again. just fuck off, you leftist twats
>Horse meat is super tough

Is it ?
I've had horse steak and horse tartare both were pretty tender
>rape them
lol using that word again, begging the question. sex with someone underage isn't automatically rape
The idea that people have evolved greater intelligence is a myth. Trial and error is our only advantage. When we learned things like "half your age plus 7"
>The idea that people have evolved greater intelligence is a myth.
That would mean evolution is a myth, mate, or the apes we were were as smart as we are now.

>When we learned things like "half your age plus 7"
We don't use that retarded shit here. If under eighteen, it's simply a age difference of three years.
>The idea that people have evolved greater intelligence is a myth.
Try teach a thirdie not to wash their meat (literally) and see what happens.
any posh cunt that has anything to do with horses are cretins and deserve the worst
>Charlotte Dujardin
Horse meat is much sweeter I like it more than cow it’s also perfect for carbonade
Based, horses deserve better
Abusing an animal is more disgusting than abusing a child.

Abusing a child at least means that victim was a human. If you do that to an animal people will think you're not from this planet and they think you deserve to lose your human rights even more.
Is it even her horse? Often the horses used in these competitions are rentals.
how is it abuse, cockring? do you know anything about horses at all? you're just a sentimental dipshit kneejerking to something you know nothing about
When there's a whip (*crack*), there is a way
Look for those Karens that banned her. They're the ones you should ask. They will tell you child abuse is okay and the dutch should participate in olympic games while horse abuse is not.
When all else fails there is nothing left but to whip the horses eyes.
How the fuck do you think you train horses. Just like women they need an iron fist to be put in their fucking place.
She's training le horse like her bf trained her.
He's mimicking retarded lefties
It’s a waste of a horse regardless. They should be trained for racing only.
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For the Los Angeles games we're removing Dressage and replacing it with the far more practical Hog Walking.
Men are supposed to have shapely buttocks as well
Look at her go
those fucking Dutch bastards

ok, i get it now. thanks, croatbro
When did it stop being normal and acceptable to whip horses? It's not like you can just politely explain to them that they're supposed to do this and that.
I'm moving to Texas.
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there's cheaper ways to satisfy gambling addicts
Having seen the video, it just looks like a fairly normal lunging session, with maybe a bit firmer whipping then maybe needed.

The reaction is way way over the top and I am guessing there is an element of prople getting some revenge in as well as herd following by sponsors afraid of the reaction Should have been a reprimand at most really.

As for Peta, they can go and do one, the attentuon seeking pricks.
Love it
Finally, a chance for the American athlete to shine in these dressage competitions.
Did they ask the horse if he like it?
kek brown thirdie is a pedo. like clockwork. negro de mierda

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