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lmao >de POL
>13 flags
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Che I ain’t gonna lie the frenchies just put your guys through the biggest humiliation ritual I’ve ever seen
Eh, you win some you lose some, what matters is making people on twitter angry
Que bien que los maestros de perder estan regresando a su base forma, gracias a regresar a lo normal, Shartgentina.
france could literally send a nuke to your country lol
muere gordo
every little girl raped by arabs in europe is on your hands you disgustingly jewish fake country
Que pasa, hermanos? Everyone else can cry when battered but you guys can't? Come on, take it on the chin like you always have for the past 36 years, it'sall in good fun!
El ChicANO
Europe is much safer than browngentina...
You'll have to pay me a lot to live in your shithole...

how is this sports related you loser
Lmao, pueden tratar sacar pica pero lloran cuando pasa a ustedes. Save those tears, this trophyless streak of yours is gonna go for 50 years starting today.

saying a country can nuke is top tier bantz for you fags i guess
yeah /sp/ died,im going to /vp/ im not reading you faggots anymore
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>Can't handle a little bit of banter so he quits
Kek. Just like the Falklands
Stop stealing my phrase
Going back to /vp/ is mine
the truth is De Paul is ugly like all argensimeans
Damn, you guys really do cry as easy as you yap. Enzo has been my favorite player, he completely derailed any ability you guys had to get people mad even after you won against the weakest south america ever, I want you to know how much I love him.

and now this porteño wants to steal my board
yeah im done im going to /vp/ right away
You’re going back to /lgbt/ provinciano puto /vp/ is a porteño board
>not a porteño
Hold up, now I'm sad that I went too hard on a non porteño. You guys deserve all the losses from now until the heat death of the universe but nothing more than that.

leave me alone and you fags better dont follow me to /vp/
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Please stop bullying our retarded brothers, moors are nasty animals and they deserve zero (0) positive propaganda.

You would know if you actually came in contact with those 4th rate arabs, there's a reason Saudis hate them.
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>leave me alone and you fags better dont follow me to /vp/
latias, cum_in_mouth, feral
Favorite waifumon?
Why does Argentina cry about France and the turtle so much and yet the other side never even notices them?
they're sore winners, they love attention.
This ain't it, Chief
Objectively, nothing will surpass the pure raw unadulterated kino that Argentina brought upon us.
Losing a (rigged) match or two isn't a big deal when you are already a champion
It's amazing how many anons are still seething to this day
Getting really tired of these thinly veiled racist posts

a bunch of our national team chants and songs are about other countries,maybe one day you yanks get one too
The human brain has evolved so as to have an entire part at the back of it dedicated to thinking about france 100% of the time
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dafuq goes on there?
We made (((someone))) mad by going against the narrative. Just gotta soldier through this one too
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baltics seem like a dangerous place
Sorry, red white and blue countries just care about themselves. It's why Chile just celebrated amongst themselves instead of listening to Argentina trying to take away from that victory by crying about it two years in a row, why France did the same thing when they beat you and then had a B team that brought a final to penalties and why why USA says nothing to anyone in anything other than soccer because we actually know how to celebrate amongst ourselves as well.
>make your victory in a completely unrelated tournament about france for no apparent reason
>go to france
>lose in hilarious fashion
>get mocked

fucking kek
Colchonero cagón

you are so full of shit,jamal KEK
kek they did NOT like this post
he cute

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