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world against us, as it always has been
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w-we don't hate you guys
based brazuca cocksleeve

nobody that watches futbol regularly hates argentina or brazil or any euro country that has historically been good at it
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You don't look like that...
They look Spanish by the way
at least you are white. france had 5 coal africans playing for them the rest might be arabs for all I know, that might make you feel better
santo cielo el bostero de la paz
Latinx telling each other they’re white truly heartwarming
and the morrocan animals who btw filled the stadium to the brim in france pigged out and began to throw food and drinks on the grassfield after suffering a goal. no olympic spirit I guess, bunch of animals
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we got robbed,the punishment for that song is here
mostly white, they must be 50% white while brazil might be 30%. we are not the west but its sad to see afrocentrism in europe and the usa in sports, those people dont have spirits its in the bible
we love u too :)
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the only >people who really hate argies here are favelados because muh racismo despite the fact they never met one or been to argentina
when did this board turn into argentina central, anyways
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The world hates us for being the last bastion of the West
I love them too uwu
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I desire you
If someone said this was Spain’s team, I’d believe it
Hate towards Argentina was always forced by the media (mainly Globo). More recently, wokies in social media picked up hate towards argies, but that’s solely because Milei and racists n sheit. When Argentina had a leftist government, they all sucked it’s metaphorical dick.
where's my twink Barco?
about time someone made one of these
Yeah I called it there was no way this wouldn't be an humiliation ritual
Didn't expect them to hit us with the roll back the already finished game to justify taking away the goal and force 3 more minutes of humiliation ritual though
> nobody that watches futbol regularly hates argentina or brazil or any euro country that has historically been good at it

False. Everyone hates us. Admit it!
It's the u-23 lelympics, I don't know why people even care about that shit.
> Did not even swap the bud light with a quilmes
one job
nobody is "always" against you. there are two issues:
1) you just won the worldcup
2) in a questionable way and
3) some of your players are major assholes
of course you won't be as popular as you were before that.
whoops, those are 3 :D
disregard the looks, the olympic squad is insanely bad. Also, mascherano.

spoken like a true creatura.

now you're being ridiculous. Your country is full on agenda 2030 despite what your prez says between one jew cock fellation and another.

probably eastern europe is the last bastion of the west, but they certainly don't win football world cups.

not really. Maybe Italians.
French are butthurt fags so they sent there marrocans dogs

show me a world cup example where the players went sent to the lockeroom to wait almost 2 hours
show me a world cup example where a goal was vard 2 hours later
show me a world cup example where you they had to play with a empty stadium for 3 minutes 2 hours later
what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm not against you

yesterday match,the biggest robbery in history
the olympics organizers wanted us to lose
I want to have sex with Kuruminha
oh my fucking god youre talking about olympic football how embarrassing
did every high school kid in Argentina came to this board?


ahahahha suck my balls,luka
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>+15 of added time out of the ass while losing and allow to score almost at +16
>"the olympics organizers wanted us to lose"
>the rigging was so blatant that they literaly had to cancel it with varsinson because of the chimpout it caused
never change Argentina

lets ignore the pitch invasions,lets ignore the marrocos players diving every 5 seconds,lets ignore the fireworks,lets ignored the stabbing attempt
They added 13 minutes on the Ukraine-Iraq match, retard. Yesterday, too.

And the Dutch scored another goal on the WC Netherlands - Argentina match because they added 10 min. Nobody invaded any pitch.

They are adding more time these days, it's not unique to this game. With the 7 pitch invasions it makes sense.
Brazilian here unironically rooting for Argentina. You were robbed yt btw
We got a goal ruled out after the end of the game against Tunisia in the last word cup. You should consider yourself lucky you got 3 additional minutes to equalize
your league is more effective than clonazepam 2bqhw(You)
>browner than the main squad
>worse than the main squad
coincidence?, I don't think so
eastern europe will get ravaged by some meme war before 2030
ignore chilean posters
Nothing else is going on
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Which team do Argentinians rate higher?
They have to dunk on us someway, we are winning way too much lately

this,/sp/ been horny to mock us since 2021,is funny in a pathetic way
/bundes/ is the most exciting top league in Europe tbqhw. It‘s less tactics more vibes than the other ones.
>less tactics
The premier league if you remove Arteta and guardiolaball is just ngubus running around like headless chickens
I always just hate who won last.

And England.
Isn't bundes the "hand bayern a trophy every year" league? Sounds boring as shit
Me on the left.
If anything we are more popular than ever.
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so exciting, much wow
I hope their cum dripping tiny penises tips are touching
>simeone redondo cambiaso
So you don‘t actually watch games ever. I figured.
meta AI is giving me very interesting results
Why no Diego or Ardilles?
la mano negra is getting dangerously close
Based Lithuanian Karuminha sex haver
me on the right
me on the left
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I would die for Argentina
thank you based brazucabro. Don't mind our kids running rampant here lately. School starts this upcoming week thankfully.
is this achievable natty?
white team is all offense with no midfield. I'd switch Cambiasso with Aimar or Gago. Still an ez right side clap tho, just ditch Kun for Valdano or Crespo
I meant left-side*. Diego, Di Maria and Riquelme on the same team should be illegal.
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>I meant left-side*.
it's a bit too late for apologies
you made a mistake
and now you're paying the price
not for a white boi
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bodied that freak
fair enough, i only hate futbol nations with 0 accolades in the last 100 years that have fans constantly talking shit, absolute mindrot

it's like brazil. i want them to lose, but i don't call them dogshit at the game because at least in my book, historic baggage has weight

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