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>another 10 game losing streak
>50 games under .500
27-57 record never before seen in the history of MLB before

The league HAS to step in at some point right? At this point it's not even fair to other teams because all they do is provide free wins. There's no actual competition anymore
they'll be in Nashville in 5 years
What did the fans do to deserve this? We showed out in droves in even 2021 with the blackout 2.0 game and it's been all downhill from there.
This isn't fucking fair at all
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>tfw Jerry will never sell the team or die
When was the last time the Sox were respectable?
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The team just keeps on losing and losing and losing and the front office and especially owner don't care, it looks like the league doesn't fucking care either and for sure the players don't fucking care or try and all of the consequences are placed solely onto the fans who suffer.
Fuck this fucking shit
Just like they'd be in Tampa Bay 35 years ago? Jerry "creates leverage" as he put it himself. Even the worse half of Chicago is still more valuable a market than Braves North and he knows it. MLB would rather keep it as an expansion target. Even then, they won't have any money left after blowing their whole load on the Titans.
I fucking wish they fuckingpved to TB 35 years ago
But then I guess 2005 wouldn't have happened
But then also 2024 wouldn't be happening
Fuck this fucking shit so fucking much
About that...
2005 was 19 years ago.
Take that away and it's truly historic. They could have rivaled the expansion Mets.
It's simple, just kill the kikes
dude calm down, your team's tanking for a rebuild, it happens
Never before seen tanking this bad. And they can't even get the number 1 pick. The highest they can get is 11.
i'm so sorry then
>The league HAS to step in at some point right?
That would be anti-Semitic
>Jerry wants city to pay for a new stadium
>City says no
>Jerry uses a PR firm to do a city wide survey to show that people want a new stadium
>Forgets that more than 50% of the city is Cubs fans
>Only 30% of people said they wanted a stadium
>Jerry threatens to leave to Memphis
>Memphis says they don't want them

Truly the worst owner in not one, but two major sports
it's funny, coming into this season everyone was talking aout the Oakland A's. Now the ChiSox, Rockies and Marlins all suck balls and no one is talking about the A's anymore.

I hope Chicago caves in and buys them a new stadium.
I root so hard for the Vegas deal to fall through
But sadly it looks like they're still moving to Sacramento
Poor Oakland fans
Not even Sox Fans care about a new stadium
they made the playoffs with 93 wins just three years ago. They were at least competitive all through the '00s, winning 90+ games three time and the WS in 2005.

They seem to have a good team two or three years every decade and nothing in between. It's weird.
It's funny that we have reached terminal "new markets" for teams to move to. Imagine moving to a smaller city and thinking it's a good move for the fandom
It's because Jerry actually makes money when they suck. He has a deal with the city that if they sell less than 50% of tickets he doesn't pay taxes for the year.
>>Forgets that more than 50% of the city is Cubs fans
>>Only 30% of people said they wanted a stadium
Even white sox fans don't want a new stadium, they want a better team and especially a new owner.
their top two SPs are among the best in baseball, but they have zero hitting and the rest of their pitching is sketchy. Without those two starters they would be beating the '62 Mets for worst record in modern baseball history.

With any luck, one of those two SPs will be on the trading block this week and Cleveland can improve some.
Crochet will be going to the Yankees or Orioles and Fedde will be on the Padres or Dodgers
Oakland has kinda always been that way, especially at the start. Those fuckers won the WS three years in a row in the early '70s and only drew 1 million fans once during that span. That's how much everyone hated Charley Finley.

They drew big during the bash brothers years tho, but other than that, they have never drawn fans. The Giants outdraw them even when they suck.
probably, but Cleveland still has the best record in the league, and >we lost our ace in the first month of the season.
>Truly the worst owner in not one, but two major sports
The Bulls recently announced a new development project next to the United Center too when the team is on such shambles after losing Demar while keeping Lavine and Vucevic for no discernable reason. How can two teams be so bad?
>How can two teams be so bad?
how bout dem burrs?
>27-57 record never before seen in the history of MLB before
The 1935 Boston Braves had Babe Ruth, who led the team in homers despite retiring on June 1st, and still only won 38 games
The 1916 Philadelphia Athletics have the overall (MLB-era, 19th century had worse) record though, Connie Mack ran out of money trying to keep up with Federal League bidding wars and only won 36
White Sox on pace to beat those, the 1962 Mets (lol expansion team), the 1904 Senators, and the 1919 A's.
Also bad but claims they're improving with Williams
Same with the hawks being bad but they have Bedard
Both those teams on wait and see mode
No, not the Bulls, the ownership group of The United Center. Which is 50% owned by The Blackhawks who actually WANT to win and improve. I wouldn't be shocked if they forced Jerry to go in on this.
Oh I must be mistaken. When I saw of the news of this first, it was coming from the bulls media so I thought it was them.
understandable. But yeah, the UC is owned 50% by Bulls and 50% by Blackhawks
Meanwhile the Mets having the comeback season of the ages. If they finish strong, it'll be quite a story.

>yfw Jake Diekman struck out Judge with the bases loaded in the 9th inning of a close game
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>4 on the list
soxsissies not like this...
>Andrew Vaughn
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>50 games under .500
>Chairman says the core is too good to break up
White Sox just had their beat writers say they're standing pat at the deadline cause they think the offers will only get better next year. In reality I think Jerry doesn't want the team to get any worse and break the record for losses in a season.
Please understand, the team result on the field may not be matching up to the talent we have, but think of the revenue we've achieved this year.
Even then they still will
They did step in with their anti-tanking rule, which was designed to make sure big market teams always try to compete. There's only one big market team that doesn't want to compete, so it was really just an anti-white sox rule.
Everyone is really hyping Nashville or SLC when in reality they’re lower ranked markets than Pittsburgh.
>so it was really just an anti-white sox rule.
Comedy gold.
That’s why they're in the Comedy Central!
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Crochet just tanked his trade value by saying he won't pitch in october unless you give him a huge extension.
Why would he purposely suicide his own career like this by WANTING to stay on the White Sox?
Maybe he thinks he's so awesome other teams will happily pay up. Either way it's a really odd thing to put out there. No one's trading for him now.
51 games under now
Cease just threw a no hitter too.
>Truly the worst owner
The Monforts, Fisher, and Arte Morono have entered the chat
Fuck off. Rockies (fan) here, not really cause they fucking suck. If the MLB doesnt do anything for the Rockies, what makes you think the MLB will do something about the White Sox?
it was very evident nobody at the united center cared about winning culture or being winners or anything to do with the history of the bulls or the blackhawks when they removed the madhouse sign in favor of more adspace. It's very obvious no one at the united center cared about winning. They will dick ride the 90s bulls and 2010 blackhawks forever. They give no fucks about the future of either club. They identity of both teams is cemented in those dyntasy runs. (If u can call the 2010s hawks one)
The Rockies aren't breaking historical records for amount of losses

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