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whitest palmeirense edition

20:00 Corinthians x Grêmio

19:00 Cuiabá x Palestino
21:30 Athletico-PR x Cerro Porteño
21:30 Always Ready x LDU

previous: >>142961566
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we can't let river fire micho
send him your strenght bros
you can't do anything cousin el chacho it's coming home
if simultaneous repeated digits pechacho will win la 5ta
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bidet bros...
Remember the World Cup?
We are going to be the champions of the JOJO
just imagine the seethe will be eternal
i miss these days some of you weren't even born when this happened
that WC was a shitefest, Brazil was a beauty to watch but the germs choked hard and I'm still mad cause it's like they only exist to haunt us and ghost every other important game.
sending all my strength to micho
Ronaldiiinhooo numero noviiiii*brasiul siul siul*
menoscherano to biver
fuck a.nal
>lorenzo se quiere ir
i told you fuckers, there's not proceso here, this was the last chance to the nt to win something in the last 20 years, and they fucked up.
a better offer?
looks like it
probably jaramillo, alzate and jesurun are boring him.
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Quickly reminding the reminder
desu if I were Lorenzo after the shitshow of Jesurun in USA I would also try to get out ASAP.
bora beber uma cuequezinha gelinha
drinking some coffee with cheese manito uma beleza
nah thanks to god he will never put a foot in river plate again
>we are more a team of staduais chud btw
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minha cueca cuelou na janta du boa, tmj blz
Peidou? Cheirou
>ynr bielsa sperged out after losing vs culombia
oh yeah
going to bed bros
micho better be still there when I wake up
>The mexican lolcow is here
como é bom é ser flamengo
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We're back ;-)
to la C
>inb4 he already talked to river
>wake up
>micho still in river
send him your strength bros \o/
>match vs talleres is still 3 weeks away
I don't think we're gonna make it bros
sentiu e ficou chorando
A invenção de Morel tho...

O técnico Mano Menezes promoveu um banheirão de arrepiar antes do jogo contra o Palmerda. Marcelo e Nonato foram convocados para o meio da putaria, com Serna estreando na orgia tripla.

A dupla de zaga brilhou na preliminar, com muita troca de fluidos corporais. A torcida tricolor lavou a alma quando Arias finalmente gozou dentro do estádio.

Thiago Silva, o ex-capitão da seleção, não se conteve e arrancou as roupas no meio do campo para participar do banheirão coletivo. Seu pau duro denunciava a saudade que sentia dos banheiros imundos do Maraca.

O cheiro de borracha queimada tomou conta das arquibancadas, emocionando a torcida presente. Muitos torcedores se juntaram aos jogadores em uma espécie de "banheirão das arquibancadas".

No final, todos os envolvidos, atletas e torcedores, estavam exaustos, mas com as almas purificadas. O Florminense renasce das cinzas do desespero para uma nova era de orgias coletivas!
tapetão operation
Why has no big club hired Abel, Jesus and Gallardo ?
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This is why i come here
reminder that anon couldn't finish reading la invencion de morel cause it was too long
but borges slop? He consumes it everyday with feijoda and cuecacetinha quenchi
>anon couldn't finish reading la invencion de morel cause it was too long
it's like 200 pages though
>it's actually less than 150
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>the entire world will be seething at is for the next decade
>the bald fraud gets to keep his job and journos will suck his cock24/7
you know the brasilero market, if there's no incest between clones, they don't even bother
is it really incest if they're clones? wouldn't it be masturbation?
>stares deeply
he was blind bro
yeah his eyes didn't work and relied on his secretary to read to him
He would often stand in front of his 3.000 book collection, blind as a bat, in complete darkness, caressing the book spines and trying to figure out what book he was touching
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What a pathetic game from palmeiras
that's sad
homosexuality jokes aren't funny
imagine being a fag lol
just laughed at this but not in a "I found that funny" way, it was more like a "everyone is laughing and I don't want to be left out" way
Maybe Palmeiras should hire someone better than Rony rustico
>Zoomers dont know who ney matogrosso is and need a picture to understand it is an extravagant gay singer from yore
Boomer bros...
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>miss São Paulo
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I didn't understand even with the picture
As long as it is actually a woman in the dictionarized sense, I am not complaining.
imagine how ugly that inbred motherfucker must've been considering these portraits are usually very flattering and this is the best they could come up with
Sangue latino = gay
>he doesn't know about the twink cabal that runs all the banks
I bet José Sarney was cute when he was little
She's probably trying to appear 'cult' but that's a nice poster
Cazuza accepted him. (Both are flamengo supporters btw)
A woman!
>Cheque Mafia summoned escritorio for yesterday match
Sometimes I hate argentina so much
Does /copalib/ play rpgmaker games?
she had nice ankles
only the sex games
what the fuck
Brazil has fallen
Yes we have him
stop ruining Kscerato and Yuurih's prime just to sell more merch, Gabriel
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Yeah that's what I mean.
I'm playing Yuuka's game right now.
19:00 Cuiabá x Palestino
21:30 Athletico x Cerro Porteño
21:30 Club Always Ready x LDU

20:00 Corinthians x Grêmio

18:45 Lanús x Belgrano
18:45 Platense x Vélez Sarsfield
21:00 Atlético Tucumán x Instituto Córdoba
21:00 Tigre x Central Córdoba

18:00 América de Cali x Envigado FC

21:30 Ceará x Botafogo-SP
21:30 Goiás x CRB
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>Garchando got tired of eating bech with Scaloni and moved to rugby
Based GarnaCHAD
Hmm I will check this one
and she likes the same things I do!
I need to give her money
and lost
gace blidness is an early sign of autism
>today they play vs france
>they're gonna lose to them at their home and get mocked into oblivion
>why is this country go-
i'm balding, it's the genes
I'm fighting balding with modern medical(jewish) science
just grow hair, i do it everyday
I am angry and I want to fight.
greBBBinho needs another relegation.
i was before but i'm calmer now
let's all calm down and have a group hug while we take off our clothes
I think 5 substitutions is too much
4 is enough
it sure looks way more assustador with the À
now that i think about it, how do you go from "luis" to "lucho"? i don't get it
Galoppo já topou jogador no Boca Juniors após contato de Riquelme, mas ainda tem cautela em relação ao Rosario Central.

O Boca tenta incluir Pol Fernandez, busca garantias e melhores condições ao São Paulo para a compra de R$ 14 milhões por 50% dos direitos do volante (SP tem 100%).

Rosario, no entanto, ainda conversa com São Paulo, quer muito o camisa 8 e estuda aumentar a proposta inicial de R$ 19 milhões.
Calm down Kojima.
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escritoriobros, we're so back
>O Boca tenta incluir Pol Fernandez, busca garantias e melhores condições ao São Paulo para a compra de R$ 14 milhões por 50% dos direitos do volante (SP tem 100%).
This was debunked yesterday
orangutans are usually pretty chill that dude was probably teasing him
it wasn't though?
que gordo puto
te chorrearon? aguantate o cagate a palos con la barra rival, no me vengas con el escritorio, pajero
nah escritorio would be funnier
>te chorrearon?
is this a typo or do dinos actually say chorrear instead of chorear
>orangutans are usually pretty chill
have you dealt with brazilians?
that's not a brazilian, that's an orangutan, please don't slander them
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>nah escritorio would be funnier
doubt it
That comes after the hug.
man bun with a bra what a tough guy
emu hands typed this
Pol Fernandez is not leaving? why is Boca so shit when dealing with Sao Paulo? Do you have us because of what exactly?
>emu hands
>Pol Fernandez is not leaving?
Yes he is
>why is Boca so shit when dealing with Sao Paulo?
boca is shit when dealing with everyone, don't take it personally
O apelido do Calleri virou Noé Calleri
O jogador que tem de levar umonte de animais nas costas
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they got claws on their wings apparently, really nasty fellas
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who would win in a fight an emu or a based ñandu?
this, but in a sexual way
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Well well well
We meet again.
>look up the 2018 series
>pavon, pablo perez and mauro zarate scored
Well, you got the size right
that's cruzeiro now sadly
Put on your fighting stance, wombat boy
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*opens your belly with a single strike*
*the next raptor flanks you from the side and does the finishing blow*
in my dreams
>Pol Fernandez is not leaving?
>why is Boca so shit when dealing with Sao Paulo?
Cause you took Calleri and brainwashed him to be a anti boque
>Do you have us because of what exactly?
I don't understand this question
Guaranibros... it is over....
Not a boca fan but i would be glad to make a list
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*bites your ass*
wild dogs and dingos kill houndreds of people every year
"si le cambian a galoppo por pol fernandez los dirigentes de san pablo son los mas boludos del mundo"
what does boludo mean in this context?
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Imagine being an irish convict just off the brit prison boat after landing on some tropical beach and seeing a pack of these coming at you and the other convicts.
>dingo ate my ass
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boca lost the league bro nobody fears them lol
smart and handsome
God, i want to fuck this thing.
2000s boca also had bums + riquelme
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what is the top 3 DMF(defensive midfield) in Argentina?
We need at least 1
I accept also some random gaucho from Uruguay or Colombia
Hopefully marta wins the gold
We have a super star, whose loved by everyone here, his name? Polchi Fernandez.
Download sofascore and order by ratings
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>some men want to watch the world burn
Santiago sosa
Ezequiel fernandez
Mauro piton
Something that grind my gears are brazilians who make comics calling themselves "brazilian mangaka" and his comics "manga"

No retard, your shitty comic is in the same category as turma da monica
Also tomás belmonte and federico fatori
nasty ballsack dinosaur, they probably taste like shit too
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i agree
Chico bento no shopping
I know that feel, dog bro
Death to all frontend developers
Ive never met a good brazilian artist, they all cant draw, pick a hesrthstone card with ugly art and theres 90% chance it was drawn by a brazilian
I agree but youre sounding like you are more worried that brazilian is staining your precious heccking superior nipon art with their filthy gaijin hands than just nomenclature
Otherwise yeah i agree, if they think "quadrinhos" is too childish they can just call it HQ
Based quoll
Nigga you dont know any brazilian artist stop talking
It is simply NOT manga. You dont see any of these niggas saying "i want to make a bande desisneé"
Don't come to Australia by boat you will be eaten.
Mauricio de souza >>>>> stan lee
Bossa nova >>>>> jazz
Jorge ben jor >>>>>> justin bieber
Flamengo >>>>>> chelsea
Pelé >>>>>>> messi
If i go to australia someone will eat me? Wtf booking my flight
Sushi com queijo > actual sushi
>someone will eat me?
no something will bit off your leg and then spit it out and leave you to die in the ocean
cute shark
nothing, don't think about it
It's a great deal, you should take it
Just look at thiago sp*ked art and you see what im talkong about, this dude has 500k subs while his art looks like that
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He got famous for his advice not his art dumbass
>taking drawing advice from someone who cant draw
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if you squint that background symbol makes it look like he's bald
I dont own a smartphone
Let's see if I can do this in the website
>Santiago sosa
Thank god boca played that last corner smart and beat fortaleza at home, imagine if we had to play repechaje, playing vs a team like idv would've been a pain in the ass. Now, cruzeiro is gonna be tough but with the refuerzos el consejo del futbol will surely present in a timely manner we can do it, we have over a month to prepare it.
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>no the guy who i commissioned to do my vore fetish art didn't make it qtpie anime girl enough so the art is bad
Wow australians must all be resilient 2,0 m muscular chads
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Can you?
you say this about every team
there aren't that many picas around
>Boca is underestimating Cuguloso
nah boca is cagated
I know two great players that can take the position, but the club is not willing to let these rising stars go for a small sum of money: Bruno Praxedes, Leo "Pelé" Pelé and José Gabriel.
mascherano confirmed as next river manager
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>Wow australians must all be resilient 2,0 m muscular chads
Wow West A*ustralians must all be resilient 2,0 m muscular chads
Im learning, and kt already looks better than his shit and I dont give advice
this australian is cringe, what happened to the cool australian
how do they suck on them titties with no lips?
it's sleeping
Idgi didnt he take the picture with the kid?
because he thinks he is a superstar
pyw beg
river is waiting for the next choking in libertadores to sack out demichele, right?
There are 2 superstars in rio that dont play for flamengo
One is marcelo, the other is john textor
they said that last year
Name one coach in argentina better than demichelis.
this demichelis debacle is way funnier if you remember all the media calling river "la maquina alemana" last year lol
ramon diaz, unironically
Whos the best coach of all time
>hurr durr fraudiola
The REAL best coach of all time
Larry David
doctor ochoa
that's every post metal band, anon
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Based quadrado magico enjoyer
>[PTSD in australian].midi
That wild perro is my spirit animal
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you really never know were life will take you
Still cant believe del valle lost to this timinho meia boca
Wymin needs yo take the L and accept they need to change the rules for them and play in smaller fields with a smaller arco as well.
Why is he so fucking fat?
imagine gordo ronaldo but with none of the talent and charisma
>with none of the charisma
But he cute.
I have a mirror at home
The best player in argentina is marcelino moreno.
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>he cute
The best player in colombia is yeison guzman (joking , it is edwin cardona)
O São Paulo realizou uma proposta formal a Pol Fernandez, volante do Boca Juniors.

O volante quer jogar no Brasil e vai analisar a proposta do Tricolor. O Boca segue com desejo em ter Galoppo.
>edwin cardona
The best player in uruguai is leonardo fernandez. He is already set to play for toluca next year
I'm gonna fucking kill myself
bora trocar
I wish my team got good players for cheap like botafofo instead of overrated overpriced frauds
they spent 300 million reais in transfers
hehe ese gordo caminando jodio a miyos.

the absolute state of colombian futebol
de musica ligera
jantou um garrão da grão flautinha
well yeah it's not hard to yiy the yiyos
cardona has magic on his feet
sadly his feet are too busy carrying 100 kilos of culombian and 50 kilos of merca
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Who even watches the olympics wtf
what was this class about
imagine the smell
>gorda with shart on his pants
do brazucas really
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>cafezinho da tarde
>tá pronto!
did you notice we brazilians eat everything with rice?
- Milenesa: beef breaded fried with rice
- Strogonoff with rice
- arroz feijao e bife
I would have to sell 3 of my children to pay for all that
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Are y'all sad that the NT didn't qualify to the Olympics?

Personally I am relived. This way the media shills less this boring ass event.
>>lorenzo se quiere ir
El tipo vendio la final a cambio de un puesto en la AFA o en el Inter Miami
Se va ir despues del mundial, no tiene mucho mercado, hace 5 meses estaba en Peru
I was when it happened.
wdym brasil is playing today
I miss the times when you guys didn't had won the gold and every 4 years we see you choking for the gold, good times
People do care.
For exsmple, fhe current team has a clear influence from the 2020 champion formation.
When thenplayers didnt wear the official cob jacket it was the subject of the week. Daniel alves said some crazy stuff to defend the team.
ok lemme see comparing to the prices of the chino from aca a la vuelta I can remember
looks like about 200gr, $1800
have no fucking idea, let's say $1000
1500 in the verduleria close to home, that looks like close to 2kg so $3000
>the saddest piece of pork I've ever seen
around 5000/kg, that looks like 200gr so $1000
>whole wheat tortillas, so easy to make buying them is for faggots
let's say $2000
>a small chocolatada
I have never in my life bought tapioca, according to mercadolibre it's $3000
>have no idea what that thing above tapioca is
>olive oil
about 10k

that brings us to a grand total of $22400, so that's like 16 dollars, plus that thing above tapioca, whatever it is
oh I missed the 2 small onions, let's round that to $23k
but IDK if is yuca or almidon de yuca.
btw pan de yuca o pan de bono best pan.
But you are trying to write history and you are a big loser
yeah I have no idea
alguem sabe se esses aparelhos tipo BTV que custam 900 reais tem canais argentinos?
>300 million reais
Yea on actual good players
Asian influence
imagine the peidos
you are the same one that asked about gas connections right?
>Marroquies and africans mad at france, kicking them out of their countries and so on.

now is clear that all the trending bullshit around argentines chanting was just a cover.
>portenhos buy bananas per Kg
Su papa es de espana
Su mama de kenya
Pero en el documento
Nacionalidad: colombiano
Fuck argentina.
Oh i remmber now. You posted about the country niger. They are changing france for russia as patron. Is that good for them? Only time will tell.
Is there a team anywhere else in the world with more libertadores/champions than leagues? I can only think of grêmio with 3 libertas and 2 brasileiros
Its easier for botafogo and bahia to do that in this decade
There are like 5 countries on that trend. IDK about the future of africa, but is too obvious that all the attention a simple chant got was another western media manipulation.
Is Gilnacia the Spuds of Englel?
nottingham forest
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Is there a reason why modern music is shit nowadays? I just listen to old remixes nowadays.
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Go easy on us today cerro bros
Its harder to get a brasileirao than libertadores so it could happen
If you count europa league and copa sudamericana there is Parma, Sevilla, Independiente del Valle and Athletico PR
if Brasiu spoke spanish they wouldn't care more about their state championships than the copalib
Good one but I guess that's it. I couldn't find anything else in the other confed champions
Market got reduced to revenue/amount of time needed to produce a musical piece, the smaller the divisor the better for the musical jews.
I dont think those events were related. Russia is just taking african countries. They even make movies about their actions there.
Once again fuck argentina, the most irrationally arrogant country (cmat the same time a very vitimist country)
Brasil is one of the biggest countries in the world, speaking spanish wouldnt change our state championships
If Latam spoke portuguese we would lusobuddies
If hispanos spoke portuguese they would have a league with more than 3 teams and central cordoba would be considered a grande
We understand spanish nonetheless. Maybe, just maybe our culture would be more towards reggaeton than funk if we were latinxs.
Used to play, and had plenty of basic/meh wip (aka dead) games
Let's cut to the chase: you're just black and ashamed of it.
I am still angry and I still want to fight.
Yeah sure, like brasilero teams would be part of Copa Matorral Espeso or play in Estadio Nueva Quimica
Being part indio is somewhat better? Both people lived on Stone Age technologies before colonization.
At least blacks are more athletic and helped develop our culture in a distinct way
>oh look african frens, we are not the bad guys even tho we exploited your continent and threated you people like shit , the real bad guys are these jester argies and their chants, also please watch our olympics and don't try to ruin it.

sure not related.
Let's cut to the chase: your team is small
For me it's Copa Competencia and Copa Merecimiento
Argentina is also one of the biggest countries in the world. There is still time for them to adopt estaduais.
If my team would have played in the 50's they would be bi-campeãos mundias
'Murica is bigger and they don't even have state championships. I know it's a different system, but I honestly think you're really isolationist sometimes and that's to be expected because of the cultural/language barrier, even if it's not that big.

>tfw you won't see the Patria Grande in your lifetime
More like
>please forget you are black. You are french. Dont go back to burn cars like you did 15 years ago because of social differences and police brutality. Forget the argentinians reminding you you are black. We are united. Social cohesion. Social cohesion! Social cohesion for the love of God
>having children is now profitable in argenchina
that's neat
Parabéns Copa Merecimiento for winning the "Copa" "Copa Merecimiento" Cup
America is only bigger because of alaska
Also the fact they dont have state championships is a detriment to them, its one of the reasons why MLS is garbage
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I have been thinking about it folks and this cannot go on forever
I have decided I will serve as /copalib/ president until 2026 wc, then I will be stepping down
who will take over after I retire will be something for the perros and the cacas to decide
That was the mindset of old people here. They would buy a farm and then spend the next 10 years breeding 10 children to work for them. No need to pay anyone else.
Totally innocent geographical comment. No second intentions here.
Copa Gato
Always monkey never frog
>Murica is bigger and they don't even have state championships
They do, you just don't know about it
Like imagine if you could actually grow a team in your community in LA and compete for a tournament, america already has strong state cultural differences, but they choose that lame ass franchise model instead
Im a state championship truther, also alaska should belong to canada
To be fair he's not wrong if you see it as a mainland country comparison.
Yeah alaska the american state, this is what we want to talk about here.
Alaska is rightful brazilian clay chud
I know bro, but he has a point about how would they even manage to play football there.
Souf American teams need to become more professional or something. We're barely competent and mog the shit out of you.

What does 'sapo' means in argentinian, figuratively speaking?
The nfl has divisions that look like estaduais. Bu thtese estaduais are connected to the national league.
>They do, you just don't know about it

you know what I mean anon, not even the yanks give a fuck. Their B is college football which isn't even pro and it's still national
nunca mono
If paramilitarismo wasn't a thing here, I would like to live like this.
Fat pussy lips
Slang for cop
Even before paramilitarismo. Los años del tropel is the most sadistic book I've ever read. And I've read a lot of sadistic stuff.
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Send us some Itau cash money and we will do it.
Sapo in this case means snitcher.
In some verano superclasico bover barras had a HUEG fight, riBer were getting their ass kicked so they called the police.
And why exactly are the boqueteiros monos
Ah okay, and mono means?
Because monos fight and keep on fighting even if they are losing.
cause they play for argentina but they're all from Tawantinsuyu
>riBer were getting their ass kicked so they called the police.
KEK that's worse than 2018
you should know
You live amongst them
The regular futebol enjoyer just celebrates a bit when the team wins, maybe throw some fireworks
When Boca wins women get hurt, streets get raped, glasses of water turn half empty, etc.
Allegedly bosta barras injured bystander families and non barra riBer fans, so the descendido barra called 911 for ambulances.
>dance samba barefoot to the smell of beans being cooked
>with hot jungle women
>drinking a caipirinha
>flamengo scores
you can't suffer in brazil
And police came along with the paramedics.
Bista barra said their familias also got injured but they didn't call for help because "Siempre mono nunca sapo" thing.
because there's nothing white man fears more than the happiness of brown people
Grow a pair, there are no innocents in a civil war
If you show up to the cancha in a torneo de verano expect to die
Brazilians used to pretend to say that corinthians and flamengo fans would do the same but the truth is that aside from some fogos and people screaming on the street football fans it stops there
Most flamenguistas celebration in 2019 ended in instagram

Maybe it did happen years ago but not nowadays
Why are even you grabing it eoth me retarded faggot?
I'm just telling him the shit that was said at the time when the phrase was coined.
I used to pretend to say that
Sorry im eating and weird english came out

Anyway vamos meu inter btw
fica LOUCO da raiva
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Perro gordo (fenomeno)
I remember 2009 being closer to 2002 in terms of people screaming in the streets. I don't think it will ever happen again though.
I read some old copalib threads
You niggas used to act like corinthians fans were going to nuke this country
what happened
Honestly I don't know about corinthianos because I'm from Rio but I suspect they are as annoying as mulambos in SP.
They won the league after 300 years
Carnaval ≠ breaking shit and destroying everything like boca fans do
Hoping that inter fans also destroy porto alegre after win o brasileirao
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Copalib as we know was created around 2013/2016
However there has been threads for the copa libertadores competitions as early as 2008, one of those are the mundial match thread for corinthians x chelsea
copalib tanbien es historia
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RIP in pepperoni this qt...
Sudaca football peaked in 2019
You can cope but that flamengo would beat any team over 2 games
Independiente, Seleção Gaúcha, Chicaritas, Guarani, you name it
Without going to penalties? They went to penalties with memelec
What were YOU doing in 2008
i prefer not to talk about 2008 copalib
can we change the subject
I would rather talk about 2007 copalib
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>2005 copalib
Copaliberta was a thing pre 2010???
2008? I thought 2019 was the first edition of the competition
masturbating without ejaculating
Are we ready to admit they werent actually "defending their families"?
The first edition for me was when i got here for making fun of my rivals
starting to making mistakes
getting laaaaaid bro
The first one was a fluminense vs a random sudaca team i forgot the name i think
A match thread of*
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It was probably this one kek
You are a recognizable character from the copalib multiverse
smoking prensado
No one answer my questions
I'm getting tired. You guus talk about peidos and fiejao but dont talk about football
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studying for vestibular (a mistake)
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>they’re praising Edwin Mcdonalds for what he’s doing in the colombian league
Ese gordo flojo triple hijueputa, lo van a llamar a la selección y vamos a tener tres que no corren
Brazil won like 3 times today
what makes Palmeiras so successful?
Con una verga adentro, demás que si mueve el culo la ballena esta
Crefisa money and abel ferreira
The avarage gordaskafag looks like THIS?
me in the left
I know about futebol feminino but what else
valeu beleza
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we're just built different
Women handball against shitspain
Apu is sponsoring udinese now.
Handball and i think archery or some shit
Brazil confirmed to be a feminine country
Recently, yeah. This olympiad we sent more women than men
Which sport are you going to play this Olympics anon
Leila Pereira cocaine
dota 2
Alguem aqui tem BTV? tem canal argentino?
vcs assinam algum IPTV?
Assino tvbox mas aqui so tem canal brasilero irmão
shopee has some good chinese lads that sell it at a good price, no subs but you'll need to use zapzap
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si llamaron a quintero y borja, por que no van a llamar a ese hijueputa gordo? la prensa paisa es de las peores de este pais.
Thanks for Arias amigo. He's soon to be playing in Europe btw.
bom mesmo é cheirar peido mais a chivi não da pra fazer, tmj vlw blz
because the answer to both questions is the same
When does argentina play in the womens football olympics
ai mlk, agr nmrl fmz, pprt tu eh mto cria tlg slk tio
A ignorância é igual pra todo mundo ou o brasileiro que tenta imitar a ignorância do estadounidense a todo custo?
vlw blz mano
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Hey always be ready!
>Brasil é o país com mais homens assumidamente gays em Paris
Paris is the Brasil of south america
how do you say banheirao in french
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ready for another disappointment tonight
>other countries adamantly stay in the closet
O Banheirão
>womens football
kek this reminded me of the rio olympics with every brazilian cursing neymar while simping for the womens team because the mens team didnt win their first match, and in the end women won nothing while ney got the gold
well rounded team with good amount of money from crefisa and shady referee calls
What does the CP in Sporting CP stands for?
Thats what kickstartef the men x women football garbage shit here
Obnoxious as hell
chinese party
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celso portiolli
Cristiano Penaldo
cheira peido
River vice president got doxxed
to stay on topic
the olympics are fun
it was the famous hacker known as copalib
and his famous hacker friend known as 4chan
Capturen al PeruANO
Las urinas son argentinas
But my heart belongs to (you)boludito
>schadloni presented the new copa america design
>won it and took it home already
very based
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what the fuck
always kong never toad
really feel like playing something like dk 64 bros
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then do it
recommend me one
if dk 64 had a pc port or decomp I'd be playing that shit like river played la B
Is there even anything better than that shitty Project64 emulator these days?
nah nintendo 64 emulation is still kinda lame
They don't know that concept of personal hygiene
Le bannéi'rron
yeah because banheirao is all about hygiene
>pumas talked shit and got kwab'd
that's why you can't trust chetos
>he doesnt rate banheirao
I can smell you from here
cuiabá is ready for serie B
oq é tvbox?
Its like the most famous iptv box you can buy here i think
chegou momento do falar pra vcs tuda a verdade da beleza, tá? tmj to du boa
a verdadi da beleza é a cheireza dos peidinhos do feijão. falei, tá falado.
Evo Morales sorprendió al confesar que es hincha de Boca y de River
When is argenchina hosting a olympics
Boca juniors has 0 olympic medals BY THE WAY
tv box é um termo generico nao é q entra app android?
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not yet
Oh yeah sorry mine is mxq pro somethibg
>mxq pro
what app do you use or IPTV?
Ronald koeman to brazilian nt
>Sao Paulo had to personally ask Zubeldia to call Pol Fernandez
fuck off you nigger
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They love their bagres too much
Que precoce
>post 500 replies
Are u guys redarded
Thats how we always did it
you want him, you call him
Do you bring your yuuka fumo to Barrio Chino for dates?
U bet he trained beating up familia.
The name is derived from the Latin word mundus ("world") and delez, a fanciful modification of the word "delicious.
>its 473
>my app was just not updated
Oh damn sorry some shit must have been deleted
we only letting pol go if he asks and to do so you need zubeldia to talk to him
yes they are retarded
all me btw
O bando de cornos is losing btw
>copalib was talking about the 2008 threads earlier while I was away
Damnit I wish I could've dug the oldfriens archive links in time
But anyway we have records of posts about copalib since 2005 which is the absolute earliest any archive reaches. It's simply impossible to know if it was talked about in 2003/4
The first threads specifically for copalib in a sports board were made in 2008 for the final Fluminense x LDU.
back then it was called taça jules rimet
imagine how kino the copalib threads must have been in 2003
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>demichelis has a wizard giving him advices
you killed the man but not the idea
Corithians has suffered a gal in 1 minuted
Banheirão legend
if river doesnt win against sarmiento this weekend micho will leave
so you all better twist for the bideteros
eu quero estuprar a mari caronas do twitter
I will celebrate their goals like I did in the match vs racing a couple of years ago
>he'll leave for real this time bro trust me
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trikaschizo is kil
He comes back quickly
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camon sarmiento
*bang bang bang bang*
score sum fokin gols
bump limit this thread
grand toilette
they don't know about bidetazo
no one's ever really gone
especially not trikaschizo
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delete this
Sua bolha de esquisito ta sendo processada seu merda se fuderam Kkkkkkkkkkkk
never monke
always frog
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ur mom
gorda puta
>3 minutos
>gol do CAGAIANI para o atléthihco BANHEIRENSEH

eu vou dormir
vai tomar no meio do cu
cute and phunny

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