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Should athletes be allowed to smoke?
in mitigation, she was probably pished at the time
There's literally nothing wrong with smoking crack.
I heard she has a boyfriend as well, the fucking slut how dare she?
she was old and fat anyway
teammates probably grassed her up
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Imagine training every day for 4 years. Waking up early, turning down invitations to events so you can train more... all for a couple weeks of events. And then you get there. You have a cheeky cigarette to celebrate. And it's over

That's so fucked up. We HAVE to help her
>Should athletes be allowed to smoke?
No, smoking is cringe
she did it on purpose, she just didn't want to go to the shithole that is paris
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she was the Team Captain - she should have been leading by example. She didn't. And got (rightly) made an example of.
If this bitch had a single shred of honor, she'd have sudokued already. Shamefur.
Calm down, zhang
She was sent home because she was reportedly smoking AND drinking at a training center in Japan where other minor athletes were also staying
It was reported by someone in there
She could get away with it if she was just smoking or she was doing it privately

Will gaijins believe another lie about Japan because diaspora chinks post old articles 100 times? It's all so tiresome
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Why are japs such sickos?
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If you wasted 4 years as a deliveroo driver at least you earnt a little money. If you wasted 4 years at university you at least got a degree and maybe learnt something. She wasted 4 years training and gets nothing. NOTHING. Because of a little smoke

This is such a depressing situation. /sp/ has to do something. It's time to step up and Save Shoko
smokers confirmed too powerful
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Japanese "people" are like that. Even their soldiers like filming and raping young girls.
>She was sent home because she was reportedly smoking AND drinking at a training center in Japan where other minor athletes were also staying
Oh noooooo
Report her to the student council body, HAYAKUUUUUU
Translation: She was fisting younger players after drinking
I don't fucking care
At least it's not just
>''OH nOOOO jAPS are so CRAzy she was so INnocent she was ONLy Smoking it's so cRUel AHHHHH''
like gaijins WANT to believe

Anti-japanism is one of the ugliest things in modern times
You guys are spoiling those chinese/korean bots
>it's okay to kick her out from a world competition she trained 4 years for because she was smoking in an area where kids are

lmao japs are such fucking cucks
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I am pro-Japan but anti-Japanese values such as ruining this young lady's life for a cheeky ciggy
It's not a performance enhancer that's for sure.
I was only explaining shit that was confirmed after a press conference

People were assuming she was sent home just because smoking a bit at first, which was wrong
i fucking hate gaijins it's unreal
Cope bug, nothing wrong with a smoke and drink
She broke the rules. Its that simple.
More like Smoko Miyata amiright
She was regularly drinking and smoking at training facilities where other minors were staying too
I don't think there's anything wrong with a smoke and drink

I'm just saying it's retarded to act like she was sent home for smoking a bit you fucking retards
Why are you getting angry at us? It's the rage-bait (((journo))) who's being dishonest here as usual
As a random on facebook said, the Olympics are child abuse.
You're not fooling anyone pvt. Hernandez
this op made the same thread a few days ago
it's obvious that he's diaspora asian spending so much time to shit on japan online
i really hate the fact that there are tons of people like him
it's frustrating to see people like him because japan isn't even real enemy for them

it's also frustrating to see that other gaijins don't want to recognize it
those chinese/koreans keep doing it because they understand people love to shit on japan and ignore their motives when they do this
Make sports fun again
it's the internet. everyone is everyones enemy on this hellscape of wires. it is what it is. no frens on the webzone anymore
Bro stop pretending you aren't either some marine posting from a military base in Okinawa or a weird burger/euro with a WFH job leeching off the japanse housing market
you don't really get it.
there are tons of asians doing this shit like him, and the problem is that westoids are refusing to recognize it properly. that's crazy.
at least more people should be able to see what's going on here.
>complains bitterly and profusely about leafs being disingenous asians
>sneak attacks pearl harbor
>saaaaaaar it's the pakis
Literally Indian tier lmao.
everybody mustto rabu nihon!!! it's the zainichi koreans!!!
you don't get it. it's not even ''japan vs china'' for me.

imagine if ''jap chuds who hate china with passion'' shit on the chinese 24/7 and people can't recognize those are ''jap chuds who hate china with passion''
it'd be frustrating as fuck. it's the same thing.
have some fairness
>gaijins can't get the point
imagine my shock
if you think the op is not asian, you are just really simply naive

i wouldn't say 100% but it's unironically like 99%
it's not like i wanted this shit, it's just the reality

it's ironic since you gaijins keep telling me ''nooo you aren't actually Jap'' and that's fucking wrong
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It literally is the animosity between you guys and China though.

You're hated by a country with one of the largest populations of people. These people also have spread to all other countries and have substantial populations around the world, so their hatred for Japan is passed down.

I mean there are no shortage of Chinese people here and you ask any of them what they think of Japanese people they just will talk shit. Considering how underhanded they are I wouldn't be surprised if one of their top agendas is to make you guys look bad whenever possible. That's just how life is, China has more people than you so they can spin the narrative and yes most people are too stupid to see what is happening, that's why Russia can influence American elections and so on.
japfags have got to be the most thinskinned and most butthurt posters on /sp/
20 fucking posts and 4 posts in a row about how you're butthurt at a factual news article
fucking top kek
I perfectory understand what you are saying but I meant that's not MY point at least

I'd shit on Japs when they are annoying too and I'd defend Chine when people shit on China unfairly too
They are literally nigger tier.

>ids da chyknee fault
>ids da coreeyan fault
>ids da gaijins fault

He'll stay in this thread spamming for the next 10 hours and 100 posts later.
>japfags have got to be the most thinskinned and most butthurt posters on /sp/
you don't believe it yourself, right?
it's just me in this thread and I barely see other Japs on /sp/. there are only a few of them I guess

>how you're butthurt at a factual news article
No, I'm NOT angry at the article at all
Are all gaijins this stupid? I'm basically saying you guys are being retarded and missing my point and you're another one
This is not hard to understand
China hatred against Japan is a meme.

Now S. Korea, now that is the real shit.
>no i won't read your post
>no i will keep ignoring your point
sasuga gaijin
kek lmaooooooooooooooo
literally proved you right, they literally cannot stop being butthurt and respond constantly
you can come back tomorrow and he'll still be posting in this thread being extremely butthurt
>China hatred against Japan is a meme.

It's really not brother, it wasn't a hyperbole when I said you can ask a random Chinese person here what they think about Japanese people and it will be negative. There is a deep rooted hatred in there, like how white people hate black people here in the West.

>They are literally nigger tier.

Your people are also.
Don't worry, man, I understand you.
Why you even do this?
>It's really not brother, it wasn't a hyperbole when I said you can ask a random Chinese person here what they think about Japanese people and it will be negative. There is a deep rooted hatred in there, like how white people hate black people here in the West.
It really isn't, while Chinese usually have negative saying about Japanese, they actually get along fine, proven by so many sport competitions already.

It's unironically the S. Koreans who seethe about the japanese.
If the U.S. hadn't been tricked into fighting WW2 the Japs would have cleansed China by now. That being said, I wouldn't survive the strict regimes of Japan society with my sanity intact.
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No bully the Japanese poster. I think he's a little bit autistic and replies to every post, which can come off as defensive, but he's chill. Like the lone Paraguay poster we have around here, very similar personalities.
>''you are wrong and just being butthurt because you keep replying''
why do low IQ people love this logic so much? literally not an argument
Brother you're speaking about sports, there is a camaraderie between athletes, generally they always treat each other with respect.

I'm talking about the general sentiment of how Chinese people feel about Japanese people and it's not positive. Both countries have done some crazy things to each other and that's something that you simply can't forget. I used to work beside a Japanese restaurant and the cook would tell me stories all the time about how Chinese customers would treat his staff, not to mention plenty of reviews online which simply weren't true, conveniently written in Chinese.

I mean there are plenty of examples out there where certain countries absolutely despise people of other countries, it's not a rare occurrence.
... he says for the 50th time
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>They are literally nigger tier
Well, there are extreme people on both sides but both China and Japan have a rather amicable attitude and respect to each other deep down.
from my perspective, it's just gaijins easily get so mad when a Jap argues back

it's pretty weird to me but I guess it's because they think like Japan is an imaginary meme country that won't argue back like everyone else
It's because you are a rare flag, your posts stand out more.
I bet haf of the posters itt are from /int/
Don't worry, anon, keep fighting.

Autism will win.
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Quite a common theme. If you don't talk about Japan in a positive light, their people go ballistic. They tremble with anger and their tears come out.
Um, holy based?

Muh "thick-skin" literally just means cuckolding.
It's 9am in Japan. Get a fucking job.
I'm on day-off today.
I'd rather make arguments calmly
I was basically just saying:
>smoking is just one of the multiple reasons why she was sent home
>this op is most likely asian who shit on japan online A LOT and this is not the first time he made this thread
and gaijins went soooo mad for some reason even though I'm right
Remember some people don't care about the argument, they just want to rise people up and get them mad.

This is actually one of the classic arguments tactics.
why wouldn't you tell that to everyone on /sp/?

do you guys even have some sense of fairness?
You are new to 4chan bro, we here use every arguments to win, but stay and grow stronk.
Too busy filming naked children and sharing them online to work.
Um, holy based?
>muh japan bad, here's a completely off-topic video about a sexual crime!
go back to /int/

now I think I was really right about what I was saying considering I summoned /int/ posters like you
I don't see why they shouldn't.
It's retarded and can fuck up your performance depending on the sport but the choice still should be theirs.
we need a global ban on any form of smoking.
I honestly think most people still don't understand how rampant online anti-japanese activity is
So I won't stop pointing it out
I don't really hate chinese or koreans or anyone. I just want to speak the truth
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>get punished for breaking rules/code of conduct
>sub-humans ITT rush to her defense
they are merely pretending to be retarded
It's just because it's bad arguments
saying it's just because it's bad arguments is a really bad argument
there's like 98% chance that he >>142980774 is him >>142969550

I'm not like those retarded right-wing japs that say ''anybody who doesn't like japan is chinese/korean''
but people should understand what it's like
that's rough, she will no longer get a chance to have olympic champion seed pumped deep into her womb
man, you guys (dot flag posters) have to understand that this thread is so obviously bait to piss you guys off - remember these are just clowns trying to provoke you
It's cute that Japanese consider poking fun at an strict culture as being anti-japanese. They'd get aneurysm if they woke up one day as an Indian.
Holy kino.
You really really got me wrong. I think it's too strict. So many Japs think it's too strict and were angry.

The media were saying she was just smoking a bit at first so more people were saying it's way too strict and then they revealed that there were more reasons so it wasn't as strict as we used to think.
But I think it's still too strict.
I don't know why this Japanese flag is so angry.
So what.
Stop acting like a woman on her period.

She smoked and drank against the rules and withdrew herself from the competition. Respect.
That Dutch rapist should withdraw himself too.
based argensimio pissing off the japs
Smoking is still a shamefur dispray if you're a celebrity or public figure of any sort in Nipland. Entire bosebore teams get kicked out for a single playing smoking one Marlboro for two seconds.

Don't mention being one of those Gay-Pop "idols" and get caught puffing one blow of smoke.
If you can't handle a few days without smoking or drinking you might have a problem, it seems stupid to get kicked out of something so huge for something that small but hey she knew the rules.

Or maybe just don't be stupid enough to get caught.
Wait till Naoya discovers his favorite Kyoto-based high school baseball team is two wins away from Koshien.
Dude, stop. There are countless Japanese celebrities who are also a smoker including idols.
For fuck's sake.
It was probably someone close to her who reported her smoking and drinking.
By the way, none of her teammates wanted to be in the same room with her because she was so selfish/arrogant...
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don't ever post a m*le on my board ever again
kek fuck you, sad weebs
I didn't even mean Japs are any better than Chinese/Koreans
There are SO many Japs shitting on China/Korea unreasonably BUT they don't speak English in general
There are far more diaspora asians who are Chinese/Koreans living in the west so there are more of them in English websites/forums
Stop posting anymore...

There are several Dutch rapist threads created on /sp/, but no Dutch people are making "muh anti-Dutch" or other noises about it...

Grow up or get fuck out from here.
Maybe I know way too much about all this shit.

But I'm right though
This op is 99% asian who often posts the same kind of shit on places like /int/
If anything I don't know why people are so upset by me pointing it out
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Geez...So what.

It doesn't matter what race the op is.
You need to stop crying in this insignificant thread...
My point was NEVER ''he must be asian!! fuck off!! Japan is good'' or something like that

I JUST explained how op is misleading, he's most likely asian, this is not his first thread about it, etc
And I criticized the westerners for not recognizing how those asians are making anti-Japanese threads/posts because I was asked
And then you YOU GUYS started shitting on me like ''w-why do you Japs alway defend Japan like that and think everyone who shits on Japan is Chinese/Korean??''
So I was telling them that's NOT my point
I don't care if it's whether Japan or China or other countries
What I said was basically all true. That's it. It's not my fault that if you are upset by the truth
Am I clear?
Jesus fucking christ
>My point was NEVER ''he must be asian!
>how op is misleading, he's most likely asian

Geez seriously pls stfu.

Nobody cares.
You should understand this.
>''must be'' and ''most likely'' are the same thing
>don't understand what ''point'' means

you stfu
I've been saying it's not 100% of fucking course
I'm talking about these things in general
you are just sucking a gaijin dick you fucking kyoro-juu
You ARE Kyoroju.
You care about the OP's race because you care what foreigners think of Japan.

If it is true that the OP is Asian and makes threads about Japan...so what?

What I am trying to say is that you are not the right person for 4chan. You should leave.
Just stop responding to him. It's clear that he's mentally ill. Like said in the thread, he'll be here for 24 hours responding to everybody, because he should be in a mental institution.
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There is nothing wrong with smoking with cigarettes
>You care about the OP's race because you care what foreigners think of Japan.
That's not logical at all
I don't ''care'' about race
It's just observation. Why can't dumb people understand concepts like this??

Believe it or not, I personally don't like anyone who is obsessed with specific groups of people. I think that's pathetic since I'm basically individualist
I criticized westernersters for not recognizing those anti-Japan posters because if you don't recognize that factor, your views on it would be biased
It's the same thing that it's important to understand that there are American propagandists shitting on China and Chinese probandists shitting on America if you want to understand arguments about them
Maybe you have no idea what I'm talking about though
KEK cowards
It's so ironic that none of can point out how I was wrong about ANYTHING
You guys are like 8 year olds ''you mad but me not'' ''you bad because you keep replying''
Japanese woman is my holy grail. I just want that bitch to pour some sake for me and give me a hand job
>a fucking leaf
she looks like 39 instead of 19
why are anons obsessed with nips and claim they are much more beautiful than other asians??
Because of animu and mango
It's not their fault. It's a well known fact that yellow fever is a deadly sickness and if you're into that, you're sick in the head. And since there's barely anyone else there, they have no choice to be into other yellows. They were doomed from the start
Biles should've talked to her for some extra Adderall when the authorities confiscated her original stash. She looks like she'd know where to find some. Probably one of the most based chicks there in that straight edge country.
There are no Jap people on here. The Jap flags you see are either westerners living in Japan, or people on vpns.
Only boomers and incel looking guys smoke these days...
Is Pvt Gomez off his med again? Jap poster usually never talk back or barely defending themselves unlike the easily butthurt Koreans. Usually the Vietnamese are the ones defending them
You realize the Olympics isn’t the only sporting event for gymnasts right?
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It's the only gymnastics event that I'm aware of, therefore it's the only gymnastics event that exists. U get me?
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I agree anon, justice for Shoko
The correct question should be: Should it be allowed that athletes who smoke get banned from competition, and the answer is: yes.

As long as you can ban people for shooting porn, making jokes, declaring their support for political parties or idiologies, it should also be allowed that people who don't adapt to other rules get expelled
>Sign contract that says you're not allowed to smoke and drink as an athlete
>Proceed to smoke and drink
>Get fired
I dont see anything wrong with this.
people smoke everywhere here, Japan has a big smoking culture
still, it's for adults only, just like how underage drinking gets punished harshly in your country

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