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Could you?
Who funds these studies?
i’d win
So a single ace in 2 full sets?
7 of 8 men are absolute cuckolds

A single point in MINIMUM 48 shots is fucking easy unless you haven't got arms
Serena would win the match of course but a fucking point?
Fuck off
>can win a point
>could beat [her]
why does he contradict himself so early into the article?
>headline: one in eight men think they can win a single point
>that's right one in eight men think they have a chance
>you heard that right, a big portion of men think they can beat her

you dont know how shit and disinterested in tennis i am
maybe id win a point somehow but i doubt it
anyone half decent though would win a point and most persuing the sport at am advanced level would win
A point? I could win a set.
Because he's a disingenuous jew?
I don't think it's that hard to win a point. Even if it's a double fault that'd count.
You'd also be playing in such an unorthodox may it'd probably be really hard to deal with by a professional.
your eyes aren't lying to you, a reasonably large percentage of men think they can defeat her
My college roommate ended up marrying the best player on our D1 women’s tennis team. He grew up playing basketball and soccer, had never played tennis. After 6 months of regular rallying he could compete with her. They had to stop playing because she got mad when he eventually got better than her lol
I'm a woman though
Do i think a woman would make one single mistake in a muti hour match? Yes I do. This isn’t even getting into the fact you could play totally different if your only goal was to get a single point. You could spend half of the match playing a certain way baiting her into playing back a certain way, then change it up to force a mistake. If it’s someone whose literally never played tennis I’m sure she could be perfect, but an average man who has played to some extent? I think this journalist doesn’t understand tennis, you only have to be good enough to force her to try just a little, which will force a mistake at some point. That’s much easier then actually scoring one on her, which honestly you could probably also do.
Google Williams sisters vs. Karsten Braasch.

If you're a good male amateur or semi-pro, you'll probably win the match.
I also think I could score a basket against Kaitlin Clark, pretty easily too….
She's 42 years old, of course I could.
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Real story: up to 7/8ths of men are so cucked and brainwashed by media they don't realize they can beat a literal woman in a directly competitive sporting activity.
Should've asked men if they think they could win a set against her, which obviously nobody but semi-pro and up male tennis players can't.
I would 100% beat her if England lose
No, no fucking chance. Unless she makes an unforced error on the first hit.
If they're male tennis pros, of course they can
If they're regular schmoes on the street who could barely swing a racket, yeah that'd be wild confidence levels
That lucky Reddit son of a bitch is being completely swallowed by her massive ass every night.
could you beat a bear in a fight spee? https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/554048-new-survey-reveals-which-wild-animals-americans/
this is not a joke, the majority of men think they can beat serena williams without conceding a single point
Im terrible at tennis. I can never hit the ball. I know I couldn’t get a point off because I can’t even get a rally started. No shame in that, tennis is for women and white boys.
i would absolutely destroy her
This. You’d be able to at least steal a point off of some junkball spin or just smoking a first serve. I feel like if you’re ok at tennis and a reasonably young/athletic guy, you would be able to take some points off of her. She’d absolutely destroy you
lol if you played tenis all your life and is a man you can score easily against her, majority of men never played tennis desu
Its basically a question of who understands probability. At some point she's going to double fault, and at some point just swinging the racket wildly is going to put it somewhere she can't get to or hit the net and dribble over. The probability of her retiring injured is non-zero.

Its not even sexism, a traffic cone would get a point off Djokovic given enough time.
I doubt she would double fault against scrubs
She's guaranteed to *eventually*. Its just a question of if she will given 48 points.
In fact its not even 48 points given only 1 in 8 men think they can do it. For men as a group to be right its once every 384 points.
Yeah, and also all pressure is on her, can't fuck up even once. She has to save like 50 match points in a row. I only played as an amateur, badly, and I'd take that bet on me.
Yes if she committed a double foul
awww shit, we laneyposting? I fucking miss laneyposting
low t post
Male entitlement: the post
EZ PZ chicks blow at sports and blow our dicks
What is a point I just have to have the ball hit the floor and she misses? I could easily do that
i'm absolute dogshit at tennis, so probably not
but didn't she and venus literally lose to high school amateurs one time
No. I hate tennis. I could win against her in ping pong though.
This logic works when you can overpower a woman which can usually be done in anything. However, tennis does take some skill in order to serve the ball with speed in the proper area.

With Williams being able to aim her serve I highly doubt the average man could even return one. It becomes a matter of her messing up as opposed to you actually doing anything.

Anyone man who has at least played tennis enough to properly serve could def overpower and take some points, I don't think the average man has played tennis though.
I imagine at least 1 in 8 guys have played tennis or some racketsport in their life, you really just need to get lucky once and her knees and arm might be completely shot. It's a little disingenuous to go from 1-8 guys can score a single point to saying a BIG percentage(12.5%) think they can beat her, implying winning a minimum of 4 points. I could probably out box George Foreman right now.
Realistically, any man who would concede a single point against her isn't a man.
Ah sweet an incel thread
You didn't even read the replies you spamming faggot, there's close to no incel posts in the thread, people are actually discussing the possibility of laymen taking a point off a female pro.
Win a point or win the match? The journo seems confused
1 in 4 according to this thread kek
Rothschild Family Research Institute
Isn't a point winning 4 rallies though? 15, 30, 40, and then you get the point?
She's 42 an average person who has at least played a little tennis who is in good physical shape could take a point off her even if they lose the game.
6 months is a long time. If you're already athletic, you can learn skills in 6 months no sweat.
D1 college is overhyped. They're just normal students who excel among other students.
I don't believe she stopped practicing a sport she loves because she's mad her husband could beat her? That makes no sense. She'd be happy to have someone to practice with that would improve her against women. This sounds like a fishy story. I thought women were attracted to fit guys? Most women would probably be turned off if a guy was less athletic than her?
is she still roiding?
then yes
i can beat the shit out of her no racket needed
I played Tennis in college for a small time and managed to hit a few serves so fast my opponent didn't even react so yeah maybe I could
>One (1) single point
Yeah. Barely, but yeah.
Ah sweet a reddit thread
She’s what, barely 6’? And skinny? Just back her down, pivot and hit the fadeaway post jumper. Give me 5 possessions im possibly getting multiple buckets on a good day
Nah that’s a match
Yeah, I like my chances.
The terminology is fucked but winning a point means you scored, not that you won a game or a set.
i never played tennis in my life so no. bitch cant get me in ping pong tho.
How fast can you run a mile right now?
Bro what are you on about? First off, D1 is the best group of athletes besides pros. And it’s the direct line to being a pro. Second, you don’t seem to know women at all. Many, if not most, modern women either believe they are close to or as capable as men as anything they put their mind to, or want to not think about it/have it shoved in their faces. There’s still some women that know the score and are ok with it, but the complete opposite of those women are d1/pro women athletes. They work thier whole lives to be the best at their sport, and trust me, the last thing they want is some scrub of a male wrecking their shit with ease. Now sure, many, or even most of these women know on some level the top men of their sport would beat them(some won’t even acknowledge this though) but they truly believe they are better then any but the tippy top men in the world.
Continued, so I played basketball in high school and was very good(for high school, meaningless I know). I got offers to shit tier colleges, but i make bronny James look like his dad as far as skill goes. Anyway I turned the offers down as I wanted to go to a better school. While at the school I dated a girl that was a top tier d1 bball player, and was about exactly as tall as me. Since I played in HS obviously we practiced together sometimes. I absolutely crushed her. When her teammates came along, I crushed them. They were easily top 5 team in the country and I both literally and figuratively dunked on all of them, playing at maybe 80 percent, and out of practice. She hated it, they hated it. They would accuse me of shit like slipping in a men’s ball(as if they couldn’t tell lmao) and different ways of cheating. Hard to know but I really think that’s a huge reason she broke up with me(I also think us being the same height bothered her too). She’s now in the WNBA. I know most here will say I’m full of shit but it’s a true story. Women athletes are a meme and they are quite insecure about it
*greatest womens tennis players in history
She would hit one into the net or miss long - still counts as winning a point
>no sports have a skill component

I can literally sense how fat you are.
I also believe I could win a point or two off of Ma Long.
What are you even talking about

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