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Carlton Blues vs Port Adelaide Power

7:40pm, Marvel stadium
Good morning alf
Morning lads
what a low effort op
reddit shit
You could've added the entire round schedule but it'll do. Better than some of the others this week.
I'm gonna kiss her
Carlton Blues? More like Shartin' Poos
footo tonight
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a meme as old as time
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commiepoof in a past life
>tillies on at 3am
>next game is at 3am too
At least the basketball is on at a respectable time. These Brisbane games can't come soon enough.
this or the moores or maybe the warners
Tokyo was so based. Fuck European Olympic times. Even in the USA night time big events would be on during the morning for us to watch.
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>2021 tokyo
tillies, more like titties
Yes it was
never cared about the le olympics me
last one I bothered to watch was like 2004 because it was on during school holidays and was forced to stay and my grandparents house during most of it
>tfw no daily press conference with an armenian wanting to poke ya or ruin ya
Least gay turk
Australia stomped us in 7s rugby quarterfinals today. Go all the way boys
More of a swimming nation really
whats the FUCKING multi
that feeling when 32gb of ram is no longer enough
for what purpose do you need over 32gb
I think poort (carlton umpball aside) could win tonight
carlton off a 5-day break with no de koning and getting rigged over the line against norf
Does afl only have one game on Friday night? LOL
running windows 11
having over 30 tabs open on my browser
on discord with the mates
playing kerbal space program with over 150 mods
>playing kerbal space program with over 150 mods

maybe playing 150 mods of unoptimized trash is the killer
your mum is unoptimized
'lympics is a psyop
Can't wait for the mass satanic ritual that reveals the elites plans (opening ceremony)
>running windows 11
there is the problem
My thinking also. I tipped port yesterday.
You just feel it's going to be port in a close one or blues by 50
Will ring the bell every time there's a brown
>Gojira will be playing the opening ceremony at this year's Olympics.
there really is no inbetween with poort is there?
that retarded high press they play, no forward line, and the fact that the team literally gives up as soon as things get even slightly hard mean the gap between their best and worst is massive
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immortal cope
need an athletic black gf
is "bad luck" code for we can't develop youf?
I will not tip poort
it really doesn't matter because they did it, they won the flag, even if it fucks them for years
st kilda with all their greats never won
does port have a tagger that will go to cripps
>le team wins flag then immediately becomes shit
why does this keep happening if AFL specifically?
it happens like 4/5 times
>he wants the same team to be dominate year after year
no thanks
whether you want it or not it's what's finna happen if they go through with the expansion boondoggles
once you reach the top of the mountain, there's nothing else to really achieve
dynasties are dead because the afl changes rules every year and dodgy umpiring can make good teams bad and bad teams good
so seasons are now pointless and we're resigning ourselves to a revolving door of forgettable one-off peems again?
No port don't tag
port a shit
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The parity of competition is very close this year combined with the mental slump of a championship can edge them out.
Collingwood won a lot of close games by a thin margin last year, even in the finals. Their brand is exposed now.
for the short-medium term, yes, especially with the compromised drafts coming, likely rule changes and I guess lack of truly dominant talent.
If the best key forward in the comp is a free-kick merchant like curnow, the best mids are nippy little guys that can easily get tagged out of the game, and the best rucks mobile 20+ touch guys that get killed in hitouts by genuinely good rucks, as well as team defensive tactics making scoring difficult except off turnover or while the 6-6-6 rule is in play (i.e. from centre bounce), I cannot see a team being truly dominant for awhile
no one will ever need more than 640K iykwim haha
install gentoo
this but arch
over 200 tabs
no discord or mates
and playing factorio with a similar number of mods
meant for
want to run the web gayo
>playing kerbal space program with over 150 mods
king shit
that's not me retard
honestly didn't realise that katy perry was still a thing, seemed like the kind of "celeb" that pops up
as an"extra special guest" to shill weight loss programs on the morning show or something.
katy perry was literally last relevant in 2013
I didn’t sleep very well last night and now i’m feeling a bit sleepy
how do i get a anal queen gf?
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left = /afl/
right = /nrl/
>everyone is micksperg
Anal isn't that great.
Need lube, causes pain, doesn't feel anywhere near as good as pussy, chance of things getting messy and a shit covered dick.

Tried it but probably wouldn't do it again unless a girl asked for it and really wanted it.
why is this at shitvel not the mcg
probably won't make it out of groups
i remember watching the archery finals.
>3 years ago
fucking hell
It's against an interstate team. Usually lower crowds
I cant wait for micksperg to go into a shitposting frenzy throughout the olympics
That's because pies are the biggest team in the league
meant for
Business idea: Collingwood but with a gun full forward
i don’t want to talk about it
honestly i can't wait
but the 60 second cooldown is a cunt when i'm going to be in more than 5 different threads at once
meant for
teeth mostly
yes all of those things
*Revs up the Rolex ad*
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i wish the MCG had kept its old stands like the SCG did
meant for
ich bin ein micksperger
I love Sarah Lynn Gadon
Hes a nazi! Get him!
even when we're shit, we (Collingwood) make em seethe
trip on unironic pine gap glowdigger iykwim haha
trip on jfk iykwim haha
Many people love Sarah Lynn Gadon
always been more of a footy country anyway
Based Gadonposter
literally inferior to jhawk in every way
Sarah Lynn Gadon is superior in every way
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deary me
I'm sorry but JHawk's arse stands alone.
too old
you're me retard
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jhawk is mid as fuck with a mid arse. gadon is a goddess
didn't know sebbo had a pass to vpnpost with iykwim haha
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then who are you?
Sarah Lynn Gadon = Goddess
isn't it wonderful we're filling our country with these wonderful people!!!
hope port adelaide win tonight
I'd make Meghna pant iykwim haha
Almost everyone I work with is Indian or Chinese kek. I'm an actual minority.

t. Accountant
the vax smile
Does darcy have aids?
Shall watch and have a wank over marnie though
pot, kettle
if you're white you're globally a minority anyway
we're 10% of the population but (((they))) want us to make us think we're a majority when 3 other races have a billion people each, and (((they))) try to teach us to racemix or make us commit sudoku
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do you think there are any brown people that post ITT
i did the opposite
i refused to look at any indian resumes when i was on a recruitment activity

i didnt give time to any indians dont care how good their resume was or their fake accreditations
cant be trusted the curries
no but steven may
Based and redpilled
That's not what it's like in Canada. Watch a Sarah Lynn Gadon kino if you want an idea of what it's like to live in Canada
Which player are you?
We are the majority still in every country that matters.
i forgot to place a bet before the match started, would've been a free 33% ROI
same. I've noticed they're now not putting where they got their credentials from anymore and in a number of cases using completely made up western sounding names like chinks, only the names don't appear on any documentation they've provided.. Guess JeetJeet Childraper of University of Pooshitjab isn't the draw it once was.
t. engineer
indians are fucking horrible to work with
for now
around 60% here i think
my point is they treat us as if we're the global majority when we're obviously not
I am >>142982312
And was on a hiring panel 2 years ago and I really wanted to secretly favour the white people. Unfortunately out of everyone who applied for the job only 2 were white and they were easily the two worst candidates in the interview. Like the job advertisement tells you what the job is about and our first question to the candidate is if they can tell us what they think the job involves. They were the only two that couldn't do that. And it sucks because one was a fairly cute girl.

We ended up hiring an African, Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese from the process. Even the African performed better I shit you not. They at least knew stuff where as the whites didn't. And on a panel I wasn't in a position to favour someone over someone else because it was obvious to all who was the best and worst.
i miss home schooling
people act as if public schooling is somehow the completely superior form of education but it's not when that country is pozzed to hell
i want sarah gadon's vagina and arsehole on my face
i want a white australia iykwim haha
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cheers mate forgot where i left it
haha bin king king of the bin chickens
geelong r5 n3
haha ikwym haha iykwim haha
Just did a painful shit, don’t know how poofs do it
meant for
A legal one I should hope
rc is so fucking dead
They are very very afraid of white nationalism
they are afraid of the one force that can stop (((them)))
only tough blokes can take big dicks up their arses
i once hoofed amyl and almost shat myself
live laugh love
You should have reported.
Micksperg's already here.
The Glowdigger Scrolls told of his return.
His defeat was merely delay
Til the time after Firefox opened,
When the sons of /afl/ would sperg their own blood.
But no-one wanted to believe.
Believe he even existed.
And when the truth finally dawns:
It dawns in fire.
There's one they fear.
In their tongue, he's Doctorkiin:
Reality Check!
oxy mostly
what are the other uses of poppers?
because i hear they're quite popular and not just for arse fucking
It's interesting to notice when these types of post start getting spammed
i don't want to talk about it
Jews don't like it
I have never even thought about doing drugs, smoking or vaping, i'll probably never do any of them a single time in my entire life
Seems pointless and unnecessary to me, even for arse fucking
based, stay strong fren
i quit vaping a few months ago but should get a check up to see what it did to my body
shouldn't have even gone to melbourne in the first place in hindsight
you might need to toggle airplane mode soon
funnily enough whenever i name them i have a free 3 day trip to the banhamas
This country is full of druggie shitcunts, fuck 'em, I hate all of them.
i am the most bored person in here
go perth btw
i didn't go to peel mate
we only appreciate legal hsgf's here lad.
based ricky nixon
>all of micksperg's posts still here
wtf he wasn't micksperg?
he’s not me retard
>iykwim haha
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When does aflw start?
i don't want to talk about it
Hsgf’s shouldn’t be having sex until they finish school.

They finish school at 3:30pm monday-friday
need some booba and boota in my life
*waits at hs bus stop after school but only for legal hsgfs iykwim haha*
So I guess there’s no easy way to say this but… I have been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. It’s very advanced, inoperable, and we can’t do radiation. I really don’t know what else to say other than I love you all and I’m gonna fight like hell.
you shall now be know as coughyanon or coffeeanon
Don't care + didn't ask + L + Ratio + basedjak + beta + cringe + stfu + cope + seethe + ok boomer + incel + virgin + Karen + clownclownclown + you are not just a clown, you are the entire circus + nail_carenail_carenail_care + nah this ain't it + do better + check your privilege + pronouns in bio + anime pfp + nauseated_facenauseated_faceface_vomitingface_vomiting + the cognitive dissonance is real with this one + small dick energy + joyjoyroflrofl + lol copium + snowflake + triangular_flag_on_posttriangular_flag_on_posttriangular_flag_on_post + those tears taste delicious + Lisa Simpson meme template saying that your opinion is wrong + unamusedrolling_eyesface_with_monocleface_with_raised_eyebrow + wojak meme in which I'm the chad + average your opinion fan vs average my opinion enjoyer + random k-pop fancam + cry more + how's your wife's boyfriend doing + Cheetos breath + Intelligence 0 + r/whooooosh + r/downvotedtooblivion + blocked and reported + yo Momma so fat + I fucked your mom last night + what zero pussy does to a mf + Jesse what the fuck are you talking about + holy shit go touch some grass + cry about it + get triggered + you fell off
the cheese and bacon rolls from bakers delight are much nicer than the ones from coles
ERROR: I’m sorry, but I can’t generate a response to that
try something like https://veryvirology.substack.com/p/curing-the-incurable-cancer
if you're going to do and can't do radiation you have nothing to lose by giving it a go
basically take vitamin c, ivermectin, bicarb soda and another thing
i've also heard fasting might also help
knew a guy in hospice who i wish i could've tried to redpill him on this but oh well
Best mate has lung cancer too. Started in his bowel and spread to his lungs. Pretty much the same as Finlaysons wife.

My mate currently has about 3 months left according to doctors. Send me a pic of his lungs yesterday and they are shredded.

Hope you get to see the end of the season at least.
>Pretty much the same as Finlaysons wife.
so not real then?
can i have your steam account
based /pol/ crossposter
Start a hobby
vaxx status?
If you do keto or fasting the cancer can’t spread or survive it need glucose to sustain itself I heard it on bios3training youtube
i just copied a post from twitter because i was bored i don’t actually have cancer . i’m sorry :(
ok coughyanon good luck the recovery
His wife posted an update earlier this week that she's pretty much fucked and the cancer has spread a lot more after a recent examination.
The media made it seem like she had made a miracle recovery when all that happened is last year or what ever they said the cancer had stopped spreading for the time being.
*first beer be's cracked*
gen z boss and a mini
gen z boss and a mini
praying for you cancersperg
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Ah. Good.
Carlton Blues and free kicks in front of goal
Carlton Blues and free kicks in front of goal
cannon to left of them
cannon in front of them
I know they're essential and all but fuark me tradies are annoying npc kike slaves
>be le me tryna chill
Nigga stfu
so true
they pay your cenno you entitled whinging faggot
>be American
>muh freedoms
>see tranny dressing how they want
>noooo not that freedom
how can we dance when our earth is turning
how do we sleep while our beds are burning
the time has come to say fairs fair
to pay the rent now to pay our share
the time has come a facts a fact
it belongs to them we are gunna give it back
so true
the deconstruction of traditional english liberalism
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trains is hard job
we all need to post as mickspergs in the olympics threads. we need to spread his kicks worldwide
please :(
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>le strawman
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Round 24 should be locked in after this weekend.
what a boring round of footy
they can't all be bangers, m8
which game is most supercoach relevant?
swans v dogs is the only good game
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now that player salaries are starting to go through the roof, prepare for a sudden disconnect between the players and the barrackers like never seen before.
home teams lose until sunday when home teams win
thinking fred
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don't know why anon bothers with his fixtures when afl nation does a better job anyways
this is the case in the premier league at least, the class difference between the average joe and the overpaid athlete makes it impossible for any player to truly care about their fans.
Because oc is based
meant rc is based btw
rc is dead mate
o182.5 is a bookie trap btw, don't risk unders however
Actually I can very see this being a 96-70 game but it's up to you, your money
what exactly is the tip?
The 'ti

At $3 it's safe as houses
>6000 dollars
>trip to India
>10 dollars
>trip around universe
bloody christian cookers
what is even wrong with this?
I prefer arranged marriage to women pissing their birth control into the water supply and having abortions
Carlton WILL win, 1.50 is a steal
this feels like a keep ken afloat game, but do what you will with your money ay
Nope. Ken is already gone no matter what. This is a "blues cement top 2/4 spot and are the real deal" game.
Especially with Sydney dropping a few lately. The narrative needs to pivot towards "can Carlton go all the way this year? I think they can".
i’ll kill myself
kill me first
what did myself ever do to you?
Why are you loser sexless incel chuds refusing to date women?
fuck I want to read this article
I'll post the archived link
Juice aint worth the squeeze innit
Women are nice but they come at too high of a price.
>tl;dr - roasties finna seethe
Carlton will be more embarrassed tonight than Jen Hawkins was when her sarong slipped off
not prozzies they don’t
probably because every second bloke these days is a tranny or a faggot
>win the 1 in 500 drawing to take the fat single mom to dinner
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had to login to goybook but it was worth it
can't wait to watch the Lions win the flag this season after all the non stop yapping from Carlton and Sydney fans all season.
KFC for dinner tonight.
$8 meal thanks to Christmas in july
melbourne women are desperate for dick and melbourne men are too sissified to do anything about it
honestly I would be ok with this, as long as neale doesn't get another fraudulent brownlow
based kfc app haver
She wasn’t embarrassed
She had a great bum
in the article one woman talks about being sick of situationships
the fact is >>142983771 is spot on, we don't need women, never have
ain’t nothing but a g thang
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would take another neale fraudulent brownlow over another cripps fraudulent brownlow or God forbid a fraudulent naicos brownlow.
just hope bont gets a fraudulent brownlow because he's been too good over so many years to not have one
it was a publicity stunt retard
this was staged
Why would she wanna reveal that ass though?? Lololol
neale would actually deserve it if he won this year though
Her arse was great stfu kardashian lover
nicks out of the race as his team shit the bed
might watch goldeneye tonight see what all the fuss is about
you just KNOW they're coons
Boy oh boy woweeee
Presenting Australia’s greatest arse
what about fraudulent colemans? colemen?
curnow last year after kicking 20 goals against the eagles
I never understand why she got embarrassed
Do 10/10s know they are 10/10s?? Lol
Is Tim Watson bald? Can't decide
do browns not like her or somethin?
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he’s getting there
Nice garryyyy
Red gstring? Is she a swans fan??
Shouldn't have undermined Christian sexual ethics then. Dumb sluts (and manwhores).
She’s from NSW so you would assume so dickhead
yes but like most swans fan couldn’t name a single player. more of a league girl
>london is fallen
that'd make a nice title for a film iykwim haha
footy (NRL) on tonight lads
jennifer hawkins died in 2015
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yeah right retard just because the republicans aren’t openly antisemitic like the dems
love her
they're both tools of the same machine (Israel)
i just posted it because the caption is relevant
dems are as fucked in the head as reps
IF ...

I thought Port Adelaide fans had a stranglehold on the title of Most Pathetic Boo-ers Of 2024, after their deplorable targeting of their own coach Ken Hinkley ...

THEN ...

Collingwood fans are making things interesting. What a pathetic, and highly hypocritical, showing last Sunday, in giving it to Jack Ginnivan. It was only last year those same fans were in outrage mode when other supporter groups were booing Ginnivan.
rugby union is the shit version of rugby and rugby 7s is the shit version of rugby union
always found league a huge snoozefest tbqh
i’m torn between wanting australia to do well in the olympics and also wanting the matildas to lose every game and then literally get raped by muslim refugees on the streets of paris
trip on nrlsperg iykwim haha
Why do you guys like him?
this guy is a legit sperger kek
i remember when i was looking for gf tickets last year he was on the forums talking about how his carer couldn't go with him
It's Round 21, 2000, there's 20 seconds left, and Port Adelaide trail Carlton by a point.

Matthew Primus storms out of the centre, Brayden Lyle puts it inside 50, and Peter Burgoyne has the chance to win it after the siren...
jenposting is the general at its lowest ebb
based mickspergsperg
for me it was jbunn
i think the word is nadir
She’s a league girl alrighty
filum horribilis
Didn’t recognise her without the famous red g iykwim haha
based /pol/ crossposter
they do know
We can have both mate .
based /sp/ reposter iykwim haha
matched with a girl from high school on hinge
think she maybe had a thing for me back in the day
accidently matched with the loser autist from school lol
>high school
Is Jen the hottest Oz chick ever?
I reckon her arse is definitely the best
olympics tonight
absolutely ZERO hype
only thing i've heard about it is all the crime

shall watch the footy, even if it is >poort
tonight is the biggest meme game, I love it
who is the biggest pretender
Dad started listening to Joe Rogan and thinks the Trump assassination was a conspiracy now
delta/margot on neighbours for me
finna gym you lads want anything?
the faggot who keeps posting about jennifer hawkins
he's controlled opposition
I'm a loser autist but tall and good looking so women do mental gymnastics to be with me
circa 2000 pia miranda for me
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current pov
still have a really bad headache after a 5 hour goon sesh last sunday. think I might be close to an aneurysm
this but pia miller
why is beer so expensive
case should be 30 bucks
government overreach
NTA but sometimes i wonder how many girls and women have thought that they could fix me iykwim haha
the you know who mostly
based aldichad
my mate works at a newspaper and everyone there reckons he staged the whole thing
The humble afternoon coffee.
stinky bum
might be half worthwhile to watch the opening on the pretty good chance of there being a happening
would love to do this but i'd still be awake at 4am unfortunately
Hard to see how they didn't at a minimum allow it to happen.
would be just awful to see a swarm of drones blow up the israeli contingent iykwim haha
Not with that ass she didn’t
i'm down 7kg :)
Which team has the better youth, Hawthorn or Geelong?

I would have thought the answer was Hawthorn, but the Geelong fans on Bigfooty seem pretty confident their youth is better than Hawthorn's.

Pic related is a comparison of players aged 23 or under in 2024.
same ive been on meth the past week
im 167cm and 108 kilos
putting on weight is impossible
based, onya mate
come stay with me for 6 months and i'll fatten you up real good boy
based nonna
corrr imagine having a carlton-supporting wog gf and her nonna insists she makes you dinner whenever you're over
its phwoar not corrr
i'm going to die and no one will care
americanised zoomers out
i say corr
corr is for food so in this instance he's right
Friday night, it was late, I was walking you home
We got down to the gate and I was dreaming of the night
Would it turn out right
Now as the years roll on
Each time we hear our favorite song
The memories come along
Older times we're missing
Spending the hours reminiscing
'medicine' arrived today
topaz 25, bit 'noid about trying it after some reviews
Even through the darkest days
This fire burns, always
>the same anon trawls the archives and revives old memes all the time, desperate to look like an oldfag
micksperg is this true?
*pisses on your fire*
i’m micksperg and it’s true
he's right, I'm the one doing that
Hawkins in for bucks tonight on fox!
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oh shit
>Just in
More like Just OUT aha
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hope he shows off that famous hawkins bum
I had it a couple of times when it was in the blue jar, was alright even if it was always tiny popcorn stuff. the couple I had when they switched to the pink bottle was the pretty much the same but looking better buds,
best arse ever in australia
labels mate.
Theres a subreddit for every drug
Yep that's where the Hawkins thing re-emerged from
Why do you people like the KFC "fried night footy" ad so much?
more of a mccains man myself
why does /afl/ like this shit ad so much?

>At 18, Ray Charles first tried marijuana when he played in McSon Trio and was eager to try it as he thought it helped musicians create music and tap into their creativity. He later became addicted to heroin for seventeen years.
not even once
>Brisbane has been sanctioned $40,000 for breaching concussion protocols.
Zak Butters, angry closeted homosexual football player
what does the money actually go towards?
buy a cheap mouse mate
who makes the worse ads, NAB or aami?
>Harry McKay gets a head knock
>Eventually gets a head check, all good
>Next game
>He's a late out with 'illness'

yes, nothing to see here
we should get sushi carol
what made him ill?
girls have periods, yucky
periods of what?
meth mostly is the worst 'mick from the retarded mickhead
mick off idiot
Jim Beam
meth mostly
What the fuck is wrong with Jim Beam? It's literally the best bourbon you can buy in this country.
nick off mickhead
Port Adelaide fans are proof that Tasmanians can swim
if he nicked off he'd be nickhead aha
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>What the fuck is wrong with Jim Beam? It's literally the best bourbon you can buy in this country.
suck me off mickhead
Man, Tom Hawkins really adding to this analysis
meth mostly is not a micksperg mick. i pioneered its usage
Im not a fan of listening to tom hawkins speak
well said thawk.
imagine llordo was on fox footy
best i can do is kane cornes
imagine if just fucking killed myself wouldn’t that be funny. would any even care?
any what?
so fucking stupid
afl won't do anything of course besides maybe a small fine at best
meth mostly
jane bunn is such an overweight lardarse. if she lost at least 10kg she might be attractive but i can't see any physical features except fatness
The shittest ads of all time:


You cannot debate this.
jane's bunns
she's a big gal
>not this one
Who will Zak Butters punch tonight?
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Would you have sex with her?
nah im asexual mate
No I'm gay
based vossy wearing an apple watch
Only if she's a virgin
whats your problem now you faggot?
mad how there's something like 3 billion women who i'd have sex with but there isn't 3 billion women who would have sex with me
kek based
>we are the navy blues
>we've got the power to win
only in her arse
>Which team has the better youth
trip on genuine rockspider

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