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leafbros... I thought white people were supposed to be virtuous

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So this is how they got to the Copa America semis huh
>Other teams aren't doing this
Step up your game faggots
>Staff and contractors connected to the men’s national team have also filmed the closed training sessions of competitors, one of the sources told TSN, adding that Canada used a drone to record a U.S. training session before a Nov. 15, 2019, game in Florida. The U.S. won that game 4-1.
Daily Reminder
>Hockey Canada has charge 4 players for sexual misconduct on a minor
>Canada Basketball has 2 or more players invole of illegal gambling
What am I missing?
how convenient that these stories pop up now...and of course mutts never cheat
There is no men's soccer since it's a woman's sport
once upon a time maybe. cheating sounds like SOP for the nu-canucks
its soccer. cheating and being a bitch is part of the game. git gud
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t. Cletus
have you looked at your national team? It's full of mercs
>its women. cheating and being a bitch is part of the game. git gud
someone did that to them during copa america and they thought they could do the same to others.
Why are you signing your post? Hope you're enjoying your summer vacation, Pedro
Every team is doing this. Our nation is just the one that was caught doing it so blatantly. This is akin to the Ben Johnson incident several decades ago where every participant in that gold medal race was eventually exposed for the utilization of performance enhancing drugs at some point in their career. Even the victor Carl Lewis had controversy arise when he tested positive for banned substances just prior to the 1988 Olympics.
>Bielsa spies during his time at Leeds
>Mourinho hides in a hamper during the 2005 UCL
we're just retards who got caught doing something everyone else does
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they learn it from Indians
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Bro, I live in Toronto and no one even knew when Canada was playing soccer.

No one here cares about soccer and soccer isn't even a game where spying matters, there are no tactics or planning in soccer. You just get open, someone passes the ball and you run and shoot. Most of the goals come from set pieces and you don't need drones to plan a corner or a free kick.

It's a very simplistic sport when you think about it.
I can't tell if people are trolling by pearl clutching about this, who gives a fuck. it's not like they got caught doping or something
everyone spies in football
lol there is more skill there then furpuck where you shoot the puck most of the time and hopefully it goes in.

lol still they barely win
Lmao. That's what happens when you import a bunch of jeets
But... Is it actually against the rules?
>be Canada
this, what fucking rule says we can't do this anyways? how is it cheating if no rules are being broken
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>any place on Earth in 2020+4
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>t. Cletus
>Why are you signing your post, Pedro?
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>So Tronna did something for the right and legitimate reasons! Now they're pussy-ass scared and want to take our advantage away!!
What is there even to spy on in soccer?

>Hey look they are jogging around the field take notes eh
>Yep that right there was a pass, we need to watch out for that during the match ya know

Exactly, why do people think soccer is some intricate sport?
Hey Cletus

Hey Pedro

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