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2013 edition
First for Minnesota Wild
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Scaring Women Edition
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Good thread
Whitebros they captured El Mayo
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>finnish goaltending
chicago stadium in '94 was k i n o
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Who looks better?
I'm just finished with my most explosive Marner in years and been sitting on the Tavares for an hour pushing loose bits of Marner out after the initial explosion.
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eat more fiber sven
>fake blondes with roots darker than Kunta Kinte
why do the hockey wives all look the same
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What about this one
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my sharkies
mayli, my beloved
She has a knack for designing cozy homes
Wearing a Swedish designer?
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My Debbie’s (:
thread off to an awful start as usual
There is literally nothing wrong with marrying a bleached blonde skank
>walk into /hoc/
>do a 360 and walk right back out
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but if you did a 360 you would still be there anon!!!!!!
got cuties number after all
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you're gonna drink a big glass of milk
Hopefully you insert your erect penis inside of her vagina and ejaculate furiously.

Do it for God anon
This is what I said but replace wife with daughter
nice work!
Gary should get hawk tuah girl to sing the anthem at an opening season game
hailey welch
>le I don't know who is the pop culture person
who? why should I care?
Why didn't Ryan Nothing Happens get a blonde hockey wife? Doesn't he know the rules that hockey players are supposed to have blonde wives? The other wives probably discriminate against her
Shes yesterday's news so perfect for the NHL
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zoomer I'm a fucking neck beard National Socialist admiring Christian apologist fucking retarded alcoholic and even I have the social awareness to know who that girl is you aren't impressing anyone
again, who?
imagine even knowing whos "popular" in todays day an age. especially women

literally simpery
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That’s what numales do
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mom they're hyping up mid again
you still have no tickets
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I want to go to a sharks/flams game and try to get dustin to sign my AHL jersey, but those [redacted] are charging $86
that's not terrible
for rafter seats? plus $20 to get there on public transit
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i HATE numales!

except for boogie he's funny

>me when i think about numales
>live in literally ground zero for new world socialism and gayness
>complaining that things cost a lot

ya played yaself
I'm drunk and hungry bros. but I'm at metal gig and there's no food.
stay strong lad, you can get mcdonalds afterwards
literally no other sports team in the area charges that much

$86+ would be field level at a giants game
it seems logistically impossible to get an autograph especially as a grown man at an NHL game there's no way people do this
numale is a tragedy of a good one ruined by newfags
only one act left. althoifh they started playing some weird stuff before thy took stage. mitch be a little quork chungus for me
>wolf grew up kinda close to stockton
>played for the heat/wranglers
>somebody from that area/hiis home state remembers him
he might If I got lucky
nah players give autographs to everybody
Lmao just give some kid some money to go get you an autograph
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>letting a child have your jersey
>entrusting a child to do something
>making a child do something for you
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thank god tomorrow is friday
Opening ceremony tomorrow
maybe if you spend a few more years here instead of on ol' reddit, you'll figure it out
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Well my dude, you know who's literally in charge of these decisions?
Take it up with the goblin, I agree with you, $86 is fucking stupid for a Flames vs Sharks ticket. You shouldn't pay anymore than $35 bucks for that.
what did jeff marek do
it's a shame daft punk isn't performing
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Huomenta but opposite
gary would just raise the price even higher
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even a fucking golden showers/sharks game is cheaper
what the FUCK
Why did Gary allow Winnipeg to have a team?
Zayne, Hoob, Weegs, Wolf, Popsicle, Sharky, Kuzy, Bean, Duehr, Coleman... the list goes on.
When do the games take place?
Its almost as if.. Leafs are so sick in the head for hockey they'll fly down to San Jose just as an excuse to watch a hockey game and Gary knows this and raises the prices.
3 days after christas
vs the flyers its $41 on NYE
The boys that will close the Dome with Lee and usher in a new age
Thinking about going off the grid and crawling into a hole again lads
sabres fan btw desu
Cause Atlanta failed for the second time.
Because you now remember a team called the Atlanta Thrashers
Me when my I'm excited for my Flames
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Me when I will have to endure a couple seasons of misery after putting a giant spotlight on my team. I have nobody to blame but myself.
Why did Jeff Marek get turfed from Sportsnet?
He’s gay
you sound like a gay retard, no wonder you care about gay retard things
What's the most Canadian way a guy can get cancelled? Something involving the seal hunt?
Group sex involving you and your teammates gangbanging a drunk whore who consented only to have it revoked afterwards and quietly covered up by Team Canada.
I would literally kms if a fat weeb raped me on April 17 2022
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The even Mightier Ducks of Anaheim
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2013 was forty years ago
>le ebin naxi xd
kys my man
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Fuck, has it been that long?
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I have noticed a slowdown of
It seems to me you would have pride in wherever you are from.
People have blind pride being from shitholes like Mississippe
jeff marek investigated for ties to khalistan separatist groups
Deny, deflect, blame others. This is the Albertan way.
I suppose that means he'll be the next defence minister
my son just came out as a troon. go flames go.
Just like my jlmi
that's your daughter now king
Doesn't it always take two years for things to arrive in nunavut
I'm literally putting the blame on myself. I am not denying or deflecting to anything else. So, no.
thinking about forcing a meme for a shitty team again, like i did with the ducks
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The numale tried to assassinate us, but like all things beta they fucked up and we live on to shitpost another day.
imagine >rags posting but having calgary bros live rent free in your head so you have to seethe about them at the same time in the same post
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Giive it your best shot laddie
Imagining a St. Louis Blues meme
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What do you think lads?
would all of em ya fag
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massively unrelentingly based
Once a Flame Always a Flame
being retarded is not a meme
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Yeah we're oilin'
Lmao at how Bulju still looks the exact same
Stephens Law; someone who is so stupid he believes the people around him are the stupid ones and not him.
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If you really think about it the Rangers might be the biggest hockey team in the world based purely in the NYC Metropolitan area and MSG home stadium.
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audible kek
>Based purely ON

Caufield lol

Thats my top 3. I really would like to believe one of these players has seen an image of them rule 63'd and how it makes them feel.
i prefer the male versions
Nobody in NYC matters though.
It's like the city is a giant garbage dump and because a lot of rats reside there that doesn't make it special, just means there's a lot of rats.
I see the point you are making.

Because of the nature of NYC, its sports teams tend to not matter as much to most locals. There can be a sterile feeling to teams like the Rangers because MSG sells itself out due to celebrities and tourism.

Compare this to a team like the Pittsburgh Penguins and they seem to matter much more to Pittsburgh than the Rangers do to NY.

Maybe the Islanders have a bit more sovl? But it's the nature of the beast I'm afraid, NYC being the most popular city in the world.
They are very cute when they are domesticated, and are surprisingly affectionate to their owners.

Wild rats on the other hand completely destroy everything. They leave shit droppings everywhere, gnaw constantly through walls and historically they carry diseases such as the plague.
make them boys
my name is sean wtf
Hamsters mog them in cute
Hamsters do not care for their owners and constantly wish to escape. Disappointing nocturnal creatures from Syria.
so is your mum
Just like luongo and dipietro
Sorry vlud, my city is literally the cleanest city in the world. One thing there is not in Calgary is NYC style shithole pollution.

Go ahead and find a cherry picked image to totally own me. That'll be a savvy response.
reevaluate this post
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based goat metric to live up to
Wolf fox bear
not true at all. treat pets better. hate to see how fake and an intolerable cunt you are in real life.

and also Otter and Lyon
This entire post reeks of retardation
No one can compare with hasseks
which animal in the animal kingdom equates to your Italian manlet named Matt
many parts of long island are included in nyc
I'm not the one spouting complete mendacity about things I have an innate negative bias over. Thats all you. Thats the only way you know how to argue which lets me know you aren't the sharpest tool in the toolshed.
samir having yet another autism spell i see
Banff won
none of it was bait
God's Own Country
lmao why no milly is up to like 74-0 KWAB
If anon A and anon B are both arguing point A my response is to both of them. None of that is bait either, the dude copying and pasting the same comment may as well also be >>142983484
because they are both retarded equally.
*bows down*
who is more retarded the retard or the retard who measures retardation
you are a literal fucking retard
reset the counter
shame all knights fans have brain worms, i kind of liked the hockey team too
>this years stan lee bought and paid for 1 gorillion dollars!
maybe on planet retard
you're one of those dolls you can pull the cord on right?
you're my favorite deputy
but enough about you
there's a snake in my boot!
spoiler alert: the next season sucks
McDavid should show Caitlin Clark his skills on his basketball court and then they could have ugly children together
the camera side of the lake is an ugly mess
Canada is on fire, has no water or cup, and is overrun with brown people
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i've been lusting after my boss lately (she is native)
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does she look like this?
Do it bro, I used to bang a Mohawk girl back in the day
literally yes. she always wears cleavage-showing tops but whenever she is around me she covers up constantly. like again and again. "oops my cardigan slipped off my boobs I guess i'll wrap them up again!" and this goes on and on
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they are called squaws
start collecting glowbos
get her some firewater and you're good to go
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The biggest jobbers in the NHL
I once dated a Chinese bitch who cheered for the Sledgmonton Broilers. I beat the pussy up hahaha.

Hasek was the greatest goalie of all time folks
I once asked but that was a long time ago
We smokum peace pipe brother. I’ll let you design my milk container.
>2026: Milano-Cortina
>2030: French Alps
>2034: Salt Lake City

I think it's fair to say that hockey is back. Why? Because these are places that the NHL players want to go to. They felt meh about the chink games in 2018 & 2022
If Rangers had won in 2014, hockey would have been saved
Good morning! This morning is brisk, fall will be here before we know it
gary better let them play or he will burn in minecraft
Would you rather have a brisk summer morning or a chilly Easter evening?
why is hockey not in the upcoming olympics?
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looks like a sport canada could succeed in
I live on Alberta the air smells like smoke. I will score 174 points next season. That’s how many.
Thank you I love you. I love to be in the mountains in the forest. The country here is so beautiful. But those fires make me frown :(
what about dek hockey?
Good morning /hoc/
Why can't you western Canadians stop lighting your forests on fire? Bunch of retarded pyromaniacs
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the females wear short skirts
Fall since I prefer the cold
I'm sorry bro. Global warming sucks
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would someone find out what happened to Marek?
Two theories yesterday: He hates a strong successful black man David Amber getting promoted over him
Or: He was letting draft info out early to gamblers
70 days until hockey returns
If I heem one of you manlets every day 'til then, that's about 40 regulation heemings. I'll need to find more manlets I guess.
look mom I found two new cool 4chan words to use to pretend im not new
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>If I heem one of you manlets every day 'til then, that's about 40 regulation heemings. I'll need to find more manlets I guess.
hearing more and more it was a gambling thing, kinda based
32 Thoughts with Elliotte Friedman and Mike Babcock
>get script leak
>tell the boys to bet on the Flames
>we lose
Ok these 2 manlets don't add up to 1 regular heeming, need 2 more like them.
>40 minutes later
good job babe
Been eating like shit the last couple days, the marner i drop tonight will be a record breaker
I'm at the movie theater right now and there are 2 Vegas knights fags in front of me making out
i pray for your hemorrhoids
Some fat spastic keeps looking at me and my buddy in the movie theater.
The Biggest Party of the Summer starts next weekend
God save us from this homosexual and his pride parade
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Thanks for the update numale
(Didn’t ask though)
E-God board ya DUMB tranny
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i miss this lil chink like you wouldn't believe
s(he)s still around, sweeping the board
Opening ceremony is a hour numales
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wish she'd sweep my COCK if you catch my drift
It's (s)he, retard.
daft punk isn't playing so I don't care
potato potato autist
based I'll get ice cream tonight
Who is strong enough to overthrow emperor Gary?
the great one
not Jewish enough, only a Jewish Chad can replace a Jewish Chad
adam fox after a wharton mba
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Gary where hokkei?
it's hard not to blame the jews when they've oppressed you for 30 plus years
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Holy moly
based. can't believe it's been three years since i was at summer slam! hopefully at mania next year tho
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Nice knowing he's an degenerate gambler
can one of you post a single (1) source about him gambling
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My source is /hoc/. Checkmate, atheists.
what's the over under on marek placing bets with wayne
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TBG sucks and is an ugly rape victim
The Governor is a cutie PG legend
cope I voted for ducky
having my cousin over for dinner tonight and then it's right back to gm 3 hawks/laffs in 1994
does she have cute feet
I saw some speculation on the homosexual hive that is calgarypuck that it was gambling related, he was leaking who teams would take to gamblers. A couple of posters posted that.
Not watching the Olympics except for tennis
And women's diving and gymnastics and volleyball and swimming
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might try the new path of exile league but don't think im autistic enough to play it
According to calgarypuck after the cap goes up huberdeau will be a good contract
those people are utter retards, qed
didn't ask and you're brown
I asked.
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I like Dawn Of War 2 Retribution Last Stand, you should play that, pretty fun
Warhammer went woke Asmongold said so
that dude is a certified retard who killed his mom due to neglect
I'm woke
I’m an Asmongold fan. I like how real he is compared to other streamers
Olli Wokeinen
ya real fucken stupid
not sure whp that is but killing your mom seems not very based

I just like using the ion cannon as a space marine. What builds do you guys use in DOW2 Last Stand?

just like my connor mcdavid
Warhammer looks like something id enjoy but I can't into paint
Matt got evicted on big brother
Barzal was on Big Brother Canada?
Real Kids That Won the Calder of Stink Peninsula
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feels like i got reverse sodomized, fuckin hell bros
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should've lubed up. that's what i do prior to my once in every 3 days shits
Koreans are called gooks retard
Lurk 9 years before posting
we used to stack gooks like you 9 feet high in Korea now get off my lawn
>kootenay flames
new whl expansion team
stay strong bro!
Has Gary given up on the asian market?
dog just farted and it reminded me of long island
who asked
the Big Brother Canada house was demolished
Any news on the flames
the islanders fanbase loves to hear about their island
finna pick up a hot n ready on the way to work for the boys lads
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With the offseason rush that was the NHL Draft and free agency, talk of trades have calmed down, including out of Calgary where the focus has been on a new arena. Around the end of June to the middle of July, there was chatter surrounding Nazem Kadri, but things have gone silent since then.

Kadri is reportedly happy in Calgary and is considered a key part of the Flames’ core group. NHL insider Darren Dreger noted on June 28 that while teams have shown interest in Kadri, Calgary is not looking for a full rebuild and values him highly. Dreger stated, “Teams are calling the Flames with interest in Nazem Kadri, however Calgary isn’t in a full tear down. They’re trying to reset their roster and Kadri is a big part of that. He also has a No Move and likes Calgary.”

About two weeks later, David Pagnotta of The Fourth Period suggested that Kadri was willing to waive his no-trade clause in the right situation. There was some talk that he might be open to going back to Colorado, but the Avalanche are facing a tricky salary cap situation.
I wonder...if /hoc/ were to vanish into thin air today, which thread/board would you relocate to?
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he was raped, be nice
I think I'd rather vanish into thin air too
/vt/ and /pw/ have the same amount of autism as /hoc/
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I run /fa I run watch thread
post skinny tummy :3
i hope you're next
teach me how to dress preppy
i wear boots yearround for extra storage and in case i need to do some kicks
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>oh a 12 hour old post i have the perfect japtoon image for?
>let me just post that real quick
kys weeb
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The guy who opened the first Olympic Games was king George I of Greece and he was prince Philips grandfather
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/
>150 deleted posts
>all canadian
makes the almonds turn
didnt ask
worked into a shoot
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volleyball bitches thinkin bout /hoc/
Oh that's Brazil lol I thought there was a Team Saskatchewan
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>amerifat neverskate hockey fans
June is over fags
Gojira :DDDDDD
Thinnest vegas fan
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Have you ever loved someone
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I was married for twelve years
>McBum is NEVER winning a Cup
>soft pusy swede crying
As expected
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butt blasted albertans crying to the jannies because they cant handle the bantz
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take it up with the jannies ya lil bitch
45 days until mettiejetties
Banff won
note of personal safety: 450F is too hot for parchment paper
What the fuck is this I hear that the government of canada owes 15,000 nat8ves about 126 billion dollars in reparations for some treaty signed 150 years ago? Fuck this country. I'm going to kill myself. I fucking hate what is has become.
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I'll miss that tandem :(
This but jeff and elliotte
I’m here for Jeff and Elliot
They should get an expansion team, that would be sick
the attendance would be worse than the california golden seals lmao
>Shannon Skanes of YouTube fame to replace Jeff Marek on the 32 Thoughts podcast alongside Elliotte Friedman
its real
The batch will be good for nothing if we don't clear the contaminant.
I've made that mistake but with forgetting to remove plastic
They can rebrand as 2 cucks
started a channel called the /hoc/ guy where I stand in front of a whiteboard analyzing the days posts on /hoc/
The Hockey Girl :)
This is a fanfiction right?
Ullmark admitted to it in a podcast
The Masculine Art of Dropping Marner in Public
Any flames content ?
No good flames content to discuss for today
A good 95 procents of the channel is about good flames posts
Flames suck until the pedo’s fuck off
you at the park?
Y tho
nah some yuppie hipster bar with $36 cocktails id rather just take a massive gross shit and not flush
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I got you covered lil bro
This is going on my channel
hopefully the anime girl will be there at the ceremony as well, with the mlp guy with the goofy hat
unless you're trying to get laid, you should have bought a 6 pack and spent your time shitposting with us in your boxers
Didn't he say he hated black people (david amber)
went for a birthday thing and made my appearance and I'm fucking out
That was actually me
Pagnotta could write anything and some idiot will take it as believable lol
did you at least get free booze?
I paid for two (2) bottles of beer, tipped $1; and then paid respects: then took the kind of marner that songwriters write songs about lost ships in the great lakes
Crosby better be the flag bearer in 2026
Wahlstrom is gonna get traded to some shitter team like Anaheim or San Jose for a 5th in 2026
Do the Flames still suck? I don't dislike them I'm just asking.
that's not very exciting
>red wings dynasty
>blackhawks dynasty
Crosby and Poulin
>have worst season in history get jobbed out of getting 1st overall Kane
>finally have a franchise goalie and he gets caught in a rape scandal
>your best prospect decides he doesn’t want to play for your team anymore so you have to trade him

Kinda fucked up honestly but also lol
>>have worst season in history get jobbed out of getting 1st overall Kane

And then Kane scores the cup clinching goal against you in OT on your home ice
I could watch some hockey right now. Older stuff maybe. Big game. Nothing comes to mind though. Can't be a leaf team unless it's habs.
sharter hart was never a generational talent
When did I ever say he was a generational talent? A franchise goalie for the flyers is somebody above average. Franchise=\= generational
jeff tried the ribs
>best prospect
Hart was a very good goalie for the Flyers and stole way too many games. Way better than Ersson or Fedotov
Mitchkov is a bust. He was "good" against players who couldn't make it to the show
Michkov has done nothing but do well in the MHL and KHL. He is a better prospect than Gauthier.
Ivan fedotov is cool he was the largest conscript in a shitty army
And "Cutter" was good against schoolboys that aren't even worth paying
1993 SCF
the Flames should change their logo to a fire crotch red head w huge tits
you're just ugly and probably stupid
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Just got invited to eat ribs and chicken wings at this old timer black dudes house tomorrow
bring watermelon to show your gratitude
he told me to bring drink mixers I was thinking grape
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Maybe something from the lady playoffs where the bad guys won
What's /hoc/'s vote for the best (post '05 lockout) SCF? I'd go with PIT def. DET
2019 Bruins vs Blues was slightly better
the one that caused a riot
We don't acknowledge pre Gary cups here
that was a cup under bettman anon
Unlike my islanders
That's why it doesn't count or matter retard-kun
I used to play the sm captain and the chaos sorcerer

Most of my time on retribution is playing the elite mod; chaos mainly, either the sorcerer or the chaos lord. There's even a video of one my matches vs another on youtube, I was playing Impetial Guard (commissar) vs Space Marine (apothecary I think)
Binnington was great that year. But why has he been dogshit since?
>Pit vs Det
Which one moran
Cam Warq and Matt Murray ask the same question every year after their stanley cup wins
You must not be an athlete if you're asking this silly question
Our kitties winning it :3
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>chris is part of the secret service
I'm in this pic btw.
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People in Canada own blowjackets apparel?
You're all a bunch on nonces
Yeah I know THG you love hanging out here.
for me its doughty and ovi
Ice hockey used to be at the summer olympics too
you deserve it josh-san
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lol us rn
>when i feel heavy metal
Gary should bring it back
In Calgary God has diverted the smoke away from our blessed city.
Winning status?
cope i did
i got lungs of steel
still on packwatch RIP BOZO
Flamiacs never say die
some stupid with a flare gun burnt the place to the ground
it was me and I'm not stupid >:(
Thanks bud.

Real talk, would you let Cassie Campbell fart on your balls?
For me its really givin 'er on an empty net goal
listening to death grips and chain smoking on my patio
It was him, but he's stupid.
>texastard can't count to 500
Tale as old as time
some stupid turned out to be some Czech guy, Jaromir Jagr's dad
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Completely won.
you can either love the flames (sigma) or seethe about them (beta)

your choice
why did gary stop growing the game™ in japan and italy?
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In Japan Sutter was smashing too much anime girl box and Gary got jealous so he pulled out.
Because Taro Tsujimoto didn’t pan out
Its up
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Very cool Mr Horowitz! Sorry I mean Mr Stewart, jeeze I forgot about you changing your surname Mr Horowitz.
fuck ur right i got my kikeology wrong
fucking a this place sucks
Good. Get the fuck out and never come back.
Your on the wrong site if anime bothers you
Why would you even come to an Anime website then? God you people are stupid.
was busy as fuck all day but i can see i missed nothing and you're all still as retarded as ever
nobody gives a shit


Not multicultural enough.
1993 how bow dah
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Did somebody say 1993 ?!
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Why aren't they singing, Spain?
Going to the minor baseball game with dad tomorrow even though i'll be pooped after work.
>no sunbelt franchise was represented in the stanley cup finals before 1993
what happened? what could have possibly changed such a strong shift in energy?
you tell me
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LA couldn’t get there with Dionne, Robitaille, and Gretzky?
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oy vey this is anti semantics!!

i'll have you in contempt with the SPLC and I will revoke all your shekels!
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Now we're talking
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shork version
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zoomer broccoli hair of its time
Good morning /hoc/
just like my sharklanders
You're a fairweather poster who comes and goes like the rest of europeans here, you have chosen to be a fan of one of the worst teams in NHL history and you will be gone soon enough again.
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I agree, except the worst team part. You must've meant the BEST!
i'm blue dabba bee dabba die
We're not talking about you.
Snowbeltbros... we're becoming sunbelt
vtubers are gay and for fags like stephen
you are stephen tier by giving these retards your attention

>inb4 pills response
Your team gave up Hertl in exchange for Celebrini. Gary rigged the draft for helping out his pet project Vegas team.
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Giving up Hertl was pure retardation
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it's a comfy 70c right now
i hope september isn't unusually hot to compensate, it would ruin my preseason
hiro turned the little degrees 0 into a big one
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
I was in Toronto last week. Every other person I saw was indian, what happened? When did Canada decide to become an indian colony? I'm afraid that these fucked up demographics might kill hockey
the kinda dress sluts in Newcastle wear on saturday night. You can tell by this picture that she has absolutely no class.
>visiting toronto
kek to me the city just seems like a discount chicago
he's probably just being a contrarian retard
*discount New Delhi

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