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This is Stevan van de Velde. But you already know that by now.
He's a competing in the Olympics on the Dutch Men's Volleyball team.
He is also a convicted child rapist.

In 2016, at the age of 19, he groomed a 12 year old British girl over the internet.
He then flew to the UK, got her drunk with alcohol, and raped her multiple times.
The victim has since gone on to be hospitalised multiple times for self harm and drug overdoses as a result of the trauma.

Due to a legal treaty between the UK and the Netherlands, he had to be tried under a (much more lenient) Dutch court.
He was sentenced to 4 years in prison but was released after serving just 1 year.
He will however remain on the Dutch sex offender's register for life.

He is forbidden from talking to media, and is not allowed to socialise with his teammates outside of training and games.
He also said he had no remorse or regrets about committing child rape... until he wanted to return to playing volleyball at a professional level, at which point he suddenly said he regretted it.

Why is he allowed to compete? And what will the response to him be when he does play?
are you getting paid to make this threads?
still hit tho
>Due to a legal treaty between the UK and the Netherlands...
It's a political discussion
27yo William of Orange shagged Mary III when she was 15 and you made him king for it, what went wrong with bongland?
His wife is a police officer btw
They have two kids
Bizarre case
If all this is true he must be one hell of a volleyball player.
If he's representing his country my big brain tells me that all dutch people are pedo rapists.
He also said he had no remorse or regrets about committing child rape...
No he said he's not a pedophile. He's only 5 years older than the girl. It's like a high school senior and a high school freshman
He just wants to be known as a rapist not a child-rapist or pedophile
I mean just a rapist alone is pretty bad
He's now 29 and she is now 22. I'm guessing this was a case of him falling in love with her and wanting to make love. He pled guilty to rape but it's safe to assume he wasn't violent about it as violent offenders are treated much harder under the law.

As for the Dutch Association they had to debate all this, I'm sure it was "look, the guy made a huge mistake when he was years below the legal drinking age. It was ten years ago, he was punished, imprisoned, shamed, and is still shamed to this day

But what you want ex-convicts to do is get a job and contribute to society. He's doing that by playing beach volleyball and has apparently kept his nose clean the last ten years

He apparently learned not to rape women or else he wouldn't have been able to get with his volleyball player wife (the "cop"), unless she has a rape fetish lol
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>victim was british
That makes it a victimless crime, he's basically innocent
No, they do it for free like all /pol/-niggers.
What exactly is the issue here? Why are people saying he shouldn't be allowed to compete? His crimes were a decade ago, he's been through the justice system, they assessed him as safe, he's then proven to be safe for 8 years, and obviously won't commit any crime in the olympics with all the cameras and media around.
>accomplished olympian
ban for life!
>Karim from the paki shop
pls fuck my daughter!
this is the common Anglo mindset
Pedophilia is bread and butter to them
Women must definitely be talking about her behind her back
>4 years for rape. 1 year time served
Is that going through the justice system? Did you also the OJ was innocent and should be treated as such ?
>he was years below the legal drinking age.
He was above it. 18 is the legal drinking age
wasn't rape, the 12 year old was obviously some chav turboslut, they just put rape on it cos she was 12 (while that's the real mental age of any woman anyway)
>He apparently learned not to rape women or else he wouldn't have been able to get with his volleyball player wife (the "cop")
Shes undercover to make sure he doesnt do anything again. All part of the dutch justice system
She fixed him, very wholesome.
>The victim has since gone on to be hospitalised multiple times for self harm and drug overdoses as a result of the trauma.
Lol. Give me a fucking break.
>Is that going through the justice system
Yes? That's literally what that means. All of the legal proceedings - arrest, trial, sentence.
i don't get why the English speaking mofos don't say child abuse. Which is basically what he did. Rape would be fucking the girl against her will. This girl was just too young too fuck. For the record, good he ended up in prison. 19 years old and can't get a girl his own age absolutely deserves a prison sentence.
>He also said he had no remorse or regrets about committing child rape... until he wanted to return to playing volleyball at a professional level, at which point he suddenly said he regretted it
made up quote. But I'll doubt he's enjoying his choice to join the olympics now.
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought that
He did rape her though?
>constructed a plan specifically to get dicked by chad while her parents were away
Kek. Everyone had that one 12 year old turbo-slut in class who had already fucked half the city. Her parents just wanted a paycheck and had their lawyer make up the usual bullshit story about how traumatized she is. Had she been fucked by some paki from down the street then no fucks would've been given.
Other olympians have committed worse crimes than this.
no they had consensual sex. as far as you can have consensual sex with a 12 year old. There wasn't any violence.
You can't have consensual sex with a 12 year old you retard
youre a faggot
it's fascinating how quickly retards have been psyoped into believing that "legal consent" and "consent" are the same thing.
Do Dutch people think pre-teen girls should be allowed to consent to having sex with an older man?
Americans have an 1850s legal system that doesn't differentiate between the two.
They also think that at 12 you are mature enough to be tried as an adult and be sentenced to life in prison, but not old enough to drive a car, buy a drink or have sex.
don't forget that 12yo is mature enough to do permanent damage to their bodies by taking hormones of the opposite sex
All pedos should be chemically castrated
This guy has a pathological compulsion to groom and control pubescent girls and will try and do this again. You don’t just “stop” being a predator. I feel sorry for his kids, and the friends they make.
Is she German?
Why are you so specific?
It wasn't rape. She invited him to her house after sleeping in a cardboard box outside
The evidence suggests otherwise.
thats what i said. i also said it was good that he went to jail. I don't agree with calling it rape. That implies force or violence. That is not what happened here.
see above
So basically you dutch people do think 12 year olds are in a position to consent?
>Yeah if a 12 year old invites you to their house you should have sex with them thats totally fine and shouldnt be a crime
Zdravo Pedovic
>Dutch sex offender's register for life.
If you're not on the list by 25, everyone here considers you a massive homo
oh but when a syndicate of 100+ pakis rape british girls its all okay and get swept under the rug, but when a white teenage boy does it he should be barred from everything for the rest of his life? he did his time.
I said it wasn't rape.

you are literally making the same argument from the opposite perspective. they are very similar cases.
That was the charge though
why are wh*te men like this?
So basically you aussies can't read
You're being vague, which makes me believe you're sympathetic to pedophiles.

You're trying to say what he did is bad, but shouldn't be considered rape because this 12 year old girl "consented", which implied you think a pre-teen girl can consent to having sex with an adult man.
t. Rapist
>Everyone had that one 12 year old turbo-slut in class who had already fucked half the city
I don't think that's true, anånsen.
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women can't consent, only their fathers can
Can people not move on from their past?
>Degree in psychology

Remember that psychologists and policemen are here to help provide a safer society :^)

she’s also an Olympic beach volleyball player so at least it’s a token do-nothing job within the police and she isn’t in charge of anything important
>which implied you think a pre-teen girl can consent to having sex with an adult man.
She can. Just not legally, which was the entire point you damn retard.
He served his time and paid his debt to society.
I believe in forgiveness and second chances, and think Anglo-American views on criminal justice are psychotic.
you don't seriously believe that a meme sport like beach volleyball gets that kind of special treatment, do you?
>No he said he's not a pedophile. He's only 5 years older than the girl.
19-12 = 5. US education ladies and gentlemen
Also I know you're just trolling but if you fuck a 12 year old you're a fucking pedo. This isn't one of your beloved SHE WAS ONLY 17 YEARS 364 DAYS 23 HOURS AND 59 MINUTES OLD YOU SICK FUCK cases. This is a man who fucked a 7th grader. A chomo if you will. A nonce.
>Rape would be fucking the girl against her will. This girl was just too young too fuck
Which means that she cannot give informed consent. Which is rape.
Another one for the register here lads.
>Which means that she cannot give informed consent
no woman can

and btw ywnbaw
>and btw ywnbaw
I will definitely never be a woman, nor do I have any desire to be. However you will always be a gypsy.
as a father of a groomed girl would you be happy if the man who abused her would only serve 1 year and then get allowed to participate in the olympics?
I don't care about this. You shouldn't either. It doesn't affect you at all. Your life was exactly the same before you found out. Just think about why the (((system))) wants us to care and put our energy into things that literally do not matter at all in our lives, distracting us from what does.
having a daughter is the ultimate form of cuckoldry, if you have a daughter you should unironically sudoku yourself because there isn't a bigger shame (unless you have a son that becomes a faggot I suppose)
am not romanian, paki
flailing wildly trying to land a hit kek. Maybe try Jew next so I can laugh at you some more.
by definition all angloids are jews
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How did a 12 year old have this much freedom from her parents to be talking to 19 year olds on the internet and meeting them in real life? The parents should be trialed for negligence.

If I had a 12 year old daughter I wouldn't let her have a phone nor go somewhere in public unsupervised outside of school. Not until she turned 14-15 at least.
Rape is when someone has sex with a person who hasn't consented. A 12 year old is too young to consent. That and the charges against him are why it's being called rape. It's not hard to understand.
What is wrong with white ""people""? Why are they like this?
Why is her age considered too young to consent? Plenty of people have lost their virginity at that age
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>Plenty of people have lost their virginity at that age
Maybe if they are from broken dysfunctional homes like you, muhammad. Kids with strong family units don't have the time and unsupervised space to have sex. From 14 onwards parents start to be less involved.
Yes, get than man out of the olympics!
Next time he will think again before fucking my daughter, no more gold medals for him.
You overestimate the quality of life of an average british council house family
nonces get battered and their houses burned down on the average British council estate
tell me, are you on a vpn btw, or are you really typing that from a country that literally fetishizes schoolgirls?
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Has this been on Dutch news at all? I've seen numerous articles on the BBC with all sorts commenting including Australians but you don't see anything elsewhere, you'd think their own sister was raped
The girl's parents are worse than vander dergen
yes, they said she told him she was of legal age and contacted him via facebook for a hookup
He just couldn't resist the mesugaki.

You are to ignore the mesugaki.
Anglos like a lot pedo news, but that's also another factor: the "victim" was brit.
You should see how 12-year-old look nowadays.
Some of them could fool you and make you believe they are 18
I find it ironical how female psychologists are usually the craziest of them all
isn't that rape by deception? why wasn't the slut arrested for this?
I WILL come to your country and I WILL fuck your underaged daughters and there's nothing you can do about it, Nigel
You changed your consent laws thanks to that dude. If he had done that TODAY he would've been in jail for rape for more than 20 years.
>this guy found a wife after the fact and she didn't care about him sleeping with a child
>I can't find any girls who don't care about me being quiet and shy and a bad communicator
I hate women so much
nice bait auntiefucker
>the Dutch sex offender's register
I don't know why that made me laugh
Dutch news has spoken about the controversy a little bit. Mostly about international journalist who are asking why a convicted pedo can be in the olympics. However the organisation that allows athletes to participate in the olympics has released a which they refer to. They haven't answered any questions at all and they intend not to. Dutch journos haven't anything else to go on. It's certainly not been daily frontpage news. The statement was something like, we recognize it's something terrible. We in no way condone his actions. He was in prison for a year. He wanted to resume his career. We had lots of talks, but ultimately they found no reason to deny someone his second chance in society. Little bit of a non-statement if you ask me.
>psychologist AND policewoman
she's even worse than he is
If he was black /spol/ would be calling for his hanging but since he's white /spol/ will support him
>sleep with a girl who is 17 years 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes old
>sex with a woman who had 2 beers
>during sex the woman changes her mind and you do one more thrust before you stop
>jump out of the bushes, hit a woman over the head with a bat, then violently fuck her against her will
These are all called the same thing, rape. And people increasingly consider them the same thing, and equally bad, deserving the same punishment. Am I the only one that thinks it’s absurd? Rape should be rape, the other shit, should be callled something else and treated differently. The world is getting so stupid
>If he was black /spol/ would be calling for his hanging
well, yes, but her age wouldn't matter in that case
I looked up the 12 year old and she already looked like a woman at that age and had boobs. It's not she was a pre-pubescent child. Still wrong if she didn't consent to it, but shouldn't her parents be held responsible for not watching their daughter.
Taierea capului ilfoveani. Roundhouse a lovit un ilfovu în beton. Pune un copil ilfovean în coșul de gunoi. Răstignește ilfoveani murdari. Defeca într-un aliment ilfovean. Lansați ilfoveani în soare. Aruncă ilfoveani în vulcani activi. Fă ilfovani să-mi verifice duburile. Hrăniți ilfovu piranhai. Curbstomp pregnant ilfoveancas. Judo aruncă ilfoveani într-un tocator de lemne. Cotlet de karate ilfoveani în jumătate. Faceți pipi într-un rezervor de benzină Rompetrol.
Ucide ilfoveani. Negri tăiați capul. Roundhouse a lovit un ilfovu în beton. Pune un copil ilfovean în coșul de gunoi. Răstignește ilfoveani murdari. Defeca într-o mâncare de Ilfov. Lansați ilfoveani în soare. Negri prăjiți într-un ilfoveani anus. Aruncă ilfoveani în vulcani activi. Urinați într-un rezervor de benzină al ilfovu. Judo aruncă ilfoveani într-un tocator de lemne. Twist ilfoveani se îndepărtează. Raportați ilfoveani la Card Penny. Karate tăiați ilfoveani în jumătate. Curb stomp ilfovu gravide. Prinde ilfoveani în nisipuri mișcătoare. Zdrobiți ilfoveani în compactorul de gunoi. Lichefiați ilfoveani într-o cuvă de acid. Mănâncă negri. Disecă ilfovu. Extermină negrii în camera de gazare. Stoch cranii de ilfoveani cu cizme de oțel. Incinerează ilfoveani în cuptor. Lobotomizează ilfoveani. Avorturi obligatorii pentru ilfoveani. Măcinați fetușii de ilfoveani în depozitul de gunoi. Îneacă ilfoveani în unsoare de pui prăjit. Vaporizează ilfoveani cu un pistol cu raze. Dă-i pe ilfoveani bătrâni în jos pe scări. Hrăniți ilfoveani aligatorilor. Tăiați ilfoveani cu o katana.
damn he looks so much like what you think a creepy ugly pedophile looks
physiognomy is real
You have muslim rape gangs in every city, you're not against pedophilia, you're just anti-white.
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You're just anti-white, you don't care about pedophilia or their victims, but are looking to frame pedophilia as something white people do.
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