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Is it true? Is French food really so bad that Team UK has to bring their own chefs to the Paris 2024 Olympics?

What are your favourite French/English foods? Name 5 of each.
The French probably tried to poison them
What did they serve them?
go for the bangers beans and mash

>carefully poisoning all canned beans in the country

nafris are thorough
Brits have the worst food in the 1st world. I’d rather eat a Norwegian fish sandwich than blood sausages
Bongs aren't the only ones who eat blood sausage
>black pudding
british food is disgusting
omg german food is amazing

it's the weeb japan effect
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>Team UK
Uhhh, actually, sweatie, it's Team GB by the WAY
>A British athlete, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “They say the Games are more sustainable and there's a lot more plant-based food, but sometimes, if you go at peak times, it's hard to find even a piece of chicken
Only anglos do this. Why? Here we just call them Sverige. Calling them Team Sverige just makes them seem separated or something
The only blood sausage Americans eat is cleaning off Tyrones weiner after he's finished with their menstruating wife.
branding innit
We do this aswell
Muh vegan leftist bullshit when athletes just want to eat a fucking steak
They will also be referred to as GB or Great Britain or Britain in the media, if the context is obvious. Team GB is just the entity that is the vehicle and branding for the olympians. It's associated with a limited company that is a real seperate entity:

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>english """"cuisine""""
Probably because it's a Team of countries teaming up to cheat their way into medals. You should form Team Scandi for the women's sport and steal all the TV coverage.
blood sausages is older than our lord Jesus
it's not english german or french
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There is also a Team GB House

They're training right next to my place in the highschool facilities
As if you yank spastics can talk. You were all brought up on hyper processed mutant "food". Dosed with HFCS from birth
Careful, the overconsumption of corn has led the Americans to have an increased amount of tryptophan in their brain, which leads to violent, irrational behaviour.
They are used to eating literal shit everyday, they can't adapt to actual food
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Understandable. 80% vegetarian meals, what were they thinking?!
Will there be as much sex going on as in the olympic village? Maybe I can finally sit on Rebecca Adlington's face and wedge her big schnoz up my arsehole.
Albionites need their burnt toast, black pudding, and marmite.
I fucking love burnt toast, the more carbonized the better, dripping in Lurpak and swilled down with a massive mug of sweet tea; superb.
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So once again an enter thread that's a retarded rant over nothing
>canadian flag
>china news
This but real butter from a real damn cow that really fucking moos and shits and eats grass
Yes, Lurpak.
I have to assume food, very insensitive of the French.
Too real
blood sausages are great you tasteless swine
will bongs ever recover from this?
>le heckin chinese nonce cartoons
>nobody has had steak pie, chips and lancashire peas
British food is the best on earth, and undeniably of the highest quality ingredients. We produce the best meat and dairy on the planet,
they are athletes, they want to avoid a diarrhea just as they are about to fight for gold
>french food
ah yes here is some uncooked meat and some dry crusty bread that will be €59.98 plus tax also we will be arrogant and rude the entire time and we smell
London is easily the food capital of Europe now. I accept in the past it was Paris, but the quality and diversity of the london food scene destroys Paris.
Every Olympics has issues like this in the beginning. They usually get fixed up pretty quickly, but if the French try to fix it, the staff will probably strike.
I feel like this sort of thing happens at every Olympic games. Who cares about picky eaters?
>pie and mash and liquor
>jellied eels
>black pudding uncooked
>egg over cooked
>legitimately no idea what’s meant to be on the toast
Bold of nips to comment about food when their shit is bang average
>muh sushi
Invented by Norwegians
>muh umami
Bullshit category
>muh chicken Katsu
Invented after dealing with pajeets on a British warship. Meanwhile actual Japanese cooking is fermented onions beans.
Obviously you've never had a full English or roast dinner before.
marmite on the toast
fish and chips
French food is good and the basis of all European cuisines. It is much better than the ultraprocesed Pajeet slop that you eat
black pudding is delicious
It's not though. Blood tastes metallic, it's very off and not nice to eat
It is, don't tell the amerislop. But the english versions are mid tier at best
In which case you’d never put that much marmite on.

They’re good at staples like breads, soups and stews but it’s still very overrated.
I suppose when every meal pairing is with potato you do notice that stuff but good black pudding should have a subtle spiced flavour not blood flavour.
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>They’re good at staples like breads, soups and stews but it’s still very overrated
Their food is very varied and as I said most European cuisines copied french chefs. It is not overrated, their influence was so large that it is not that special anymore as you find it everywhere.
Also stews are the basis of any cuisine and good stews are god tier
why are carnists so precious?
I think if you're spicing it up so you can't taste the ingredient you're not using a good ingredient. Eat something else
we have a lot of varieties and there's no metallic taste in those I've tried at my late grandpa's
just the idea of eating coagulated (< what a word, couldn't remember exactly) blood doesn't really appeal to younger people here. I'm not sure if all those varieties will survive. I wouldn't buy it myself either, but it can be quite tasty on dark bread.
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You think they're eating peng tings like this back at Team UK's village?
I unironically do not like French food. Its just normal food but with loads of butter, double cream and cheese added. Italian and Spanish food is superior
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and let's not forget, those monsters EAT FROGS
black pudding is phenomenal
your whole food culture is paying $35 + $17 tip for a fast food burger and an ultra large dr pepper which you consume every day until you become a 350 lb planet sized fat piece of shit
no, it's the bongloid chow that's so fucking garbage that only their chefs can replicate the blandness
French boulangerie is top tier.
The rest of the food? Not so much.

Croissants are actually one of the best food things ever.
Englanders think beans, toast and burnt sausage are peak cuisine
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Italians as per usual knowing what's good food
Surprisingly Portugal too, but I assume it's because they probably eat a ton of fresh seafood
1. baked beans
2. bombay bad boys
3. faggots
4. toast sandwich
5. toad in the hole
Had toast sandwiches for my tea today.
It's because of Northern Ireland, atheletes in Northern Ireland can compete for Ireland or GB
I had a crisp sarnie for dinner
>Italians as per usual knowing what's good food
As long as it not from their because they have poisoned their land and waters
You've tried neither, so your opinion is irrelevant.
Wow, what an original joke! Truly the height of polish comedy.
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>ultra processed aka sausages
wait till you learn about the US mutant ninja turtles
We eat loads of sausages. It's basically a map of who eats the most sausages
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We like French food, not Paris nuevo-french africanarab food.
Our language, our rules.

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