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It's complete shit isn't it

They can't host opening ceremony wtf. Bring it back to Japan please
I hate how homos rule culture
No you're just insecure and would never applaud anything
stop coping. maybe e-sports is more suited to your country.
Feel like I'm watching eurovision
looks terrible so far
wtf i love tranny niggers 3 somes now
Must be the wokiest effeminate opening ceremony ever made in the history of sports.
im surprised a bomb hasnt gone off yet.
its just so dirty and pathetic
why did they not do it on the stadium? it would've at least appear better
paris is a dirty shithole
I knew Paris wasnt paris anymore but holy shit, i think any middle eastern shithole would have done a better job
This is probably one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life. I am in awe at how awful this is.
I'm a bit disappointed, I have to admit. And the idea of doing it outside was great on paper but actually shit live.

I'd also forgotten how boring and outdated my country is. That'll teach me to spend my life on the Internet in the company of Americans, Japanese and Chinese.
Really bad compared to Beijing and London.
i would make fun of u if it wasnt this bad but holy shit anon, is too depresive, im sorry
Everything is better in Japan
We don’t worship niggers here. California is the most populous state and is bottom 10 in terms of nigger population. LA is the second largest city in the country and we have very few niggers here. It will be Hollywood, film, TV, entertainment and the other tropes about LA that will make up the bulk of the theme of the 2028 games
Glass paris please
>cuck islands
>great on paper
anon are you on drugs or something? this is quite literally the worst olympic opening in world history.
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you can almost see a tear in his eye
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>if only you knew how bad things really are
We'll all be dead by 2028
Japan is also getting pozzed, m8. You're a fool if you think you can just run away from it forever. At some point it will catch up with you.
Japan's sucked ass, France's is already much better
Tokyo is also same shit though
our government gave a authority to a fuckin commedy production
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>We don’t worship niggers here
the last kino summer olympics was Beijing 2008
that shit was so hype
Isn't the point of the olympics to leave politics at the door and just have countries get along with each other?
Weebs are embarrassing even for Japan
Every major event in east asian is great. I don't know what you're smoking.
The idea of holding the ceremony in the heart of the city and its inhabitants was an attractive one. Having the city as a scenerie. But technically, it's crap.
>having the backdrop be full of squatting niggers was an attractive idea
The format is okay I guess. They are having difficulty disguising the way it's all spread out with no atmosphere. In a stadium it's all a close unified thing. This may as well be a montage of teams getting off their planes at the airport. The main problem is it's way too gay and way too globohomo.
The Chad London 2012 ceremony remains undefeated.
every major sport event in east asia have been great*
Gayness aside, the whole dancing segment was confusing and felt really random.
Why does it HAVE to be a different location each time? Just make an Olympic city or something, it was always in Athens in the ancient one
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I completey missed the story of the Minions. I see them at an event like this, remember that they must be hugely popular and then I forget about it for years
You spergs would still find something to seethe about even if it was all straight white people in this ceremony
>French national anthem randomly in the middle for…just because, ok???
homos ruin everything they touch, the lack of soul is funny because religionchads always said they don't have a soul.

>mu all whitey
your brain is pozzed to the core
I hope there are mimes at some point. Mimes are fun and they are the Frenchest thing in the world.

I also think your opening ceremony would look a lot better if it was later. A lot of these things would look fantastic lit up in the dark, but just standing there in daylight makes everything less impressive somehow.
It’s also a clever idea to integrate the parade of the athletes into the main ceremony. That’s the part that nobody watches normally, so if they want to make us watch all these Eritrean pentathletes and Guatemalan trampolinists, this is the way to do it.
>thirdie failed state
Most suck knowing the refs won’t carry you when Messi retires for good

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