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3rd Test @ Edgbaston: end of day 1


Stormont Test: end of day 2

v ZIMBABWE 210. & 12/0.
here I am BTFO a*glo shitter’s and their soul limbo voccaros with my superior BHARAT tunes
>Wh(y) flags out
why indeed
Olympic Test Cricket
ceremony was shit
t. knower
full of trannies and nogs, sums up Paris pretty well.
How was your queer meet up zachy? Did you get bummed or be bummed?
forgot he was doing another cytube
lmao just realised he never linked it
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quite fancy the '''date'''
and shes got good strong German genes, just like my mother
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Is this the incel general?
WW 1 and 2...who was in the wrong there?
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Just woke up.
>Michael English
>Plays for Scotland
took an escort to a love hotel and sniffed her panties while she was showering lads
hello future literal billionaire
trip on bard
based 1.6 chad iykwim haha
Only thing that would make me truly happy is no donkey toiling for globohomo ever again
we're all in here >>143024642
What can I do to actually make a difference? There is nothing? Any wealth I get (and theres a lot trust me)just kinds of supports me buying avax Avalanche , maharishi rain coats and like day passes to bouldering gyms
do you ever think about shutting up
you'll be like 60 by the time your parents croak and that's assuming they don't spaff his money up the wall themselves
My wealth resources are kind of like the Russian military resources I guess
Just not going to run out, ever
Do you?
based Pentagon which spends $1 trillion on military resources every year iykwim haha
Based pentagon which spends 1 trilliona year to keep penises beheaded ifykwim haha
meant mossad iykwim haha
Can- Future Days
Unwound- Leaves Turn Inside You

What's the third?
haha Ikwym iykwim haha
what you doing today zachy
probably statpadding some v4s as usual then coming back to the bedsit to watch some slop on my TV (I actually bought one lol), mate
Fell asleep before Popchips vs Skips yesterday but determined to stay awake late enough to see Tyrrells vs. Butterkist
i paid for discovery (3.99)
olympics all day on laptop
criccy on tv
few beveriginios
simple as
V5 is Urozhaine at this point
Already fallen
Fintan Stewart is looking out for me

I got the unfortunate (((earth))) duties, it's ok my man
thought you'd retired that meme
It's nothing these broad shoulders can't handle
We will meet again Fintan
How about you unironically kill yourself, you fat laptop thumbing neek with a puffy belly button that has its own ecosystem
dumb alchy
Actually don't
Spiders turn inside your belly button
Please lose weight
I need a toothpick to get them out. can I use your arms?
Sad to see Zachary resorting to death threats
expected better even if he is a schizophrenic drunk
Lol holy fedora
Mate just because you have been eating a lot while playing baldurs gate 2 doesn't mean your arms are big
I can do chin ups with 180% of my bodyweight attached, you will never get close to this you humongous geely neekazoid
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pls stop fighting
Fat toffs just piss me off
>wall of text
lmao got you seething
These wrinkly anglos can't compete with a welsh boulderer
It's ok, I'll take these Chris woakes worshipping murderers all on my own
Wrinkly fat neeks
yeah we're really scared of the larping welsh twat who was chased out of /fit/ for having tiny arms (even when photoshopped) and being unable to spell leg day kek
don't tell me what to do
Zachy you big dosser
Nice cope angloid
Fuck off back to Germany
yeah it was only the 10 or 12 people in that /fit/ thread saying the same thing, no biggie
Why is Zachy mixing himself with his Indian persona?
sick of hearing about this /fit/ thread from repeaterer man
>go on! Go on mate play us a tune!
>endless horrifically out of tune vocaroos by a*glo shitters
>Soul Limbo voc posted
>39k malder doesn't even acknowledge it (grudgingly says it's "ok" days later lmao)
>a*glo shitters never post a vocaroo again
The Natwest 2002 Series Final moment of /cric/
Looks like I got the fat Anglo neek clique absolutely seething
>noooooo don't talk about me getting btfo on /fit/ please pretend it never happened
photoshoppy b on a mad one
can see why nobody good posts here anymore, this is absolutely fucking dire. swear zachy never used to be this bad
Left my keys inside
Just climbed like megos
Over the wall

Most natural thing in the world is being able to climb
I've got steely reserve for an Estonian web3 piece of equipment
test cricket in 5 bings
cazball onto the stumps
work just called
So many chop-ons
Fucking hell.
fucking hell bros
For me, it’s the women’s synchronised 3m diving
>every other sport enjoying their olympics
>/cric/ virgins have to make do with their little tests

Cricket but at the Winter Olympics
We’re a good chance at a medal in the 7s after NZ and Argentina were knocked out
>55/5 against worst grimdies
ah yes the power of spazball
I wouldnt represent the puke gay at climbing way
When king George looks down at his vast dining table he will see nothing but my Welsh uppercut
Zachy didn't even place on the podium when it came to impressing a woman last night
oh yeah
forgot about that
how was your date zachy lad?
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the evening's spin, to remind me of a time when englel stood for something
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>ynr brook being called the new kp
You two got Platinum, gold silver when it came to being a fat neek lmao
The infamous platinum medal that they give out at the Olympics
I am the chosen one
bit rude mate
was actually genuinely interested in how your date went because you kept talking about it yesterday
>Platinum, gold silver
How is he so thick and uncultured
>Not leaves Turn Inside you or future days
May as well listen to Westlife
Blur owe their whole sound to Unwound
certain man will never be called a fat neek
a wasting away neek, maybe
bitchforkcore shite you wanker
It went ok
She had strong German genes but she lost her mind little bit later on in the night
If we bred we would probably we produce Hitler x Welsh cave climbing super humans I guess
certain man feeling uncomfortably called out.
we going to see one of those rare stokes 20 SR 50 (250) innings when england are in deep shit?
you are so pathetic
it makes me sad

Would you rather be bummed or get bummed my bard? Maybe here at /cric/ we can make your wish come true
He's been so poor of late that I don't see it
pretty insulting to brook considering his clearly superior average
yeah that's exactly when these innings happen though historically
spacky completely lost his marbles now.
Would you rather be bummed or get bummed by bard?
Answer the question you little fat neek freak
The date never happened and we know that and we know he knows we know that and also he knows we know that he knows that we know that
And it's doing him in
nah just turned it on he isn't trying to play like those innings at all
was full blockmode then, sorta like cook except without getting out for 10-20 because his technique was awful and stokes actually had a decent technique
Stokes should declare
fat neek
says something about bard that he thinks anyone who criticises him can only be the same person
Go get botex you wrinkly Anglo cunt lmao
Sick of your like
Clean my faeces and go back to Germany
bard is a narcissist
simple as
Not totally fair to judge a youth with a dozen so games played v a long career like Cooks, but here’s a comparison:

>FC average after 75 games: 43.13
>Test ave after 14 games: 62.54
>t20i, 39 games: 30.73
>ODI after 15 games: 29.07

>Big Chef
>FC: 46.41 (352 matches)
>Test: 45.35 (161 matches)
>ODI: 36.40 (92 matches)

Also worth remembering Cook had to pay the opener tax as opposed to Brook batting at fifth.
no idea why you're banging on about cook (hand-eye merchant who was just a flat track padder later in his career) when the post was about kp not cook
it's quite mesmerising
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was it zachy who was the root needs to go man years back or was it the cook fanboy?
To watch an actual narcissist
Wounds and all
Post on /cric/
calm down zachy, don’t get so aggressive. It was just because the meme is with Cook, anyway here’s Pietersen's stats, and kp is the superior player btw.

>FC (217): 49.76
>T20i (39): 37.93
>ODI (136): 40.73
>Test (107): 47.28
they could have appealed for double hit there for stopping the ball
root knew he wasn't dealing with australians though so probably trusted these black islanders more
>and kp is the superior player btw
>posts inferior stats
and I'm not zachy bard/countrystreamsperg whichever persona you're playing today.
Tbh I wish I was a narcissist schizo
Think I might have to knock bard out di lads
He's simply too insufferable
stop thinking about bard sexually, you do it way too much
not bnob-ing just because I (like most) recognise he's the protagonist and would have won the poll if you didn't rig it like a little snake
>thinks bard and countystreams are the same person
>claims not the be zachy
>makes several more posts about bard
meds now, you’re not fooling anyone.

>inferior stats
>better FC, T20 and ODI average
Just because Brook statpadded against Pakistan and NZ very early on and then avoided India because his dog died, but let’s see where the average is in 5 years time.
>we’ll have a pooview pls mon
I still believe
Didn’t his dog pull through?
I believe wholeheartedly in my climbing ability, like nothing I ever believed in
yeah cus kp never played pakistan and NZ and other actual minnows lol
cook was shit btw, should have been put to pasture as soon as his hand-eye grift ran out when he hit 30
>actually goes to the effort of researching all the stats
>posts them as if they prove his point
>they're actually worse so they don't (what???)
>copes with some gimmick about quality of opposition when peer reviewed

are we sure bard had a phd
>actually goes to the effort of researching all the stats
>everybody is bard
literally on Wikipedia idiot, what do you expect from someone who has never heard of ctrl+c and ctrl+v.
The bazooka off time splitters 2 order york
Oops thought this was Google ignore that one lads iykwim haha
>it's literally on this website I researched to get the stats from, thus it doesn't count as research
>thinks wikipedia-ing it counts as research
what's for lunch then lads
>It is a quintessentially British meal but the "chippy tea" is now becoming more of a luxury than a staple, partly due to the cost of rising potato prices
>That is what fish and chip owners are saying, as they watch their margins grow smaller and smaller, with a bag of potatoes now hitting its highest price point for nearly 50 years
just because you do poor quality research (also, you can't filter on no. of matches on wikipedia so you were lying anyway), doesn't mean it isn't research
just increasing your copium levels at this point
>you can’t filter no. of matches
wtf are you talking about, it literally just tells you the number of matches when you look at a players statistics. You are such a fucking idiot, go back to pretending to muh boulder.
Finna boilin
bard's bibliography for his phd was literally wikipedia.org and because it was only exeter the professor just accepted it
shan't iykwim haha
that's not bard, spaccy
few beers for the afternoon shesh
>that's not
even trying to distance himself from the persona persona too as he accuses everyone of being zachy

couldn't make it up
Might run a bath and listen to the cric from there
This is my first post of the day, and judging by the same repetitive dreary shite in the thread so far I think my decision to post here less is justified desu

Just a waste of time/effort posting here when schizos have decided to ruin it desu

Comes a point when you have to take a long hard look at yourself if you're wasting time each day having the same boring conversations with the same mentally ill alchies
he's not me retard
grigget :--DDD
Didn't do my PhD in Exeter desu, uni I did at was a far worse ex-poly (who tempted me in by giving me a £30-33k salary while I completed it)
fuck meant to post this in /ozlympics/
>against the wall, suddenly wheels out the full bard persona to try and pretend it wasn't him all along
dreary indeed, fortuitous timing
still does the everyone is zachy thing too because he can't help himself
>everybody is zachy
>everybody is bard
>I greentext my opinion so it must be true
everyone is everyone schizo having a bit of a breakdown here
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>everybody is micksperg
he's unravelling
going to drop a Saturday truthnuke here, so brace yourself:
zachy and bard take a lot of shit but if we're being real it's because they're the most prolific posters and not because they're the worst
the true axis of evil in /cric/ and the ones who have made this general nosedive are
>everybody is on a VPN schizo
remove the above rubbish and /cric/ will start healing
countystreams and bard are probably the same guy
sebshit, shitjeet and micksperg are the same guy (and possibly bard too based on empirical observations)
zachy is at least half of those though. he's proven to be britjeet, and he definitely does a lot of the "everybody is on a VPN" posting too (i think he deliberately calls other people out straight after he gets called out, to deflect). i dunno if he does the VPN spam too but it wouldn't surprise me, we know he's part of that britcord mong gang who did the same things in brit
he's not me retard schizos
pretty sure I am the prompt for the AI spam seeing as how the micksperg name didn't start being spammed in /cric/ until I mentioned it a couple times
aussie flags mentioned it but it didn't seem to react to them
all britjeets out
good general take but the proper names for those posters would be -
>must make the new thread autist
>mentally ill poo 1
>mentally ill poo 2 (prob zachy)
>literally a bot (his code malfunctioned the other day when he accidentally talked about serving the USA)
>he's still unable to understand satire even when the lyrics were posted right in front of him
britjeet and sebbo are definitely the same person
notice how he started renaming it to everybody is a vpn schizo because he became everyone is zachy schizo himself after accusing the original of the same

KEK couldn't make it up
backpacklad could have saved /cric/ but we betrayed him and he never came back
he got exposed after he fucked his flags up on his vpn service
parsiqchad could have saved /cric/ but we listened to avaxsperg
This is what I'm on about really - England Test cricket is on and there's almost no talk about it (credit to one guy for trying though)

Instead, there's just this endless conversation about personas and VPN spam, which will just keep going on and on because nobody can prove anything

/cric/ threads have been like this for months and months now, because the most prolific culprits are mentally ill terminally online alcoholics

Waste of time posting here anymore, I'm out
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just going to do the big cans today at morrisons
4 for 3
will get some interesting picks
stop being such a drama queen bard ffs
shut up and play us a song
>England Test cricket is on and there's almost no talk about it
meanwhile, when the last The Hundred match was on, there were like 5-10 posts a minute about the game. makes you think
this whole mini-saga is basically just a "stop noticing me" thing
understandable but once again put his own needs beyond that of /cric/'s
don't come crawling back like last time bard, you little prick
>ynr Jamie Overton
>make test debut
>score 97
>never play again
Will Smith?
Will Root?
Stephen May?
Stephen Harmison?
>bard the blogger (who I believe influenced the original use of 'blogposting' on /cric/) is now complaining about too much blogging on /cric/
can't make this up
Mentally disintegrated by a little Caribbean flavoured 12-bar blues.
he didn't complain about blogging though
why doesn't bard like me drinking
meth mostly
I’m literally on of the very few to actually talk about cricket, but I’m apparently as bad as the guy who literally just spams this shithole with off topic shit and then complains when people actually do start posting about cricket? Well fuck off then, I already was moving away from on here because of how shit it was but because of “zachy” - if anyone called that actually exists - and his constant attacking others, you prefer his dreadful shite.

Hardly any posts about his match yesterday or today, put by my reckoning I was maybe one of three who actual are, same as the last test. Only me and one other actually posting about the Ireland test, only me and bard posting about cricket on Wednesday during the one day matches.

But apparently I get blamed for a bunch of rants I didn’t even write which some know schizo - who has been consistently exposed as samefagging and vpn posting - blames on me. Yh I’m a really bad poster and very much blame, just because I post streams for county matches and post about them. Totally not posters like yourself who engage with all the spam.

okay bard
right that is ENOUGH
Im SICK of the bickering just get along please
shut up fag *pushes you over*
its obviously britjeet trying to initiate arguments
dont let him win lads
not reading your novel countystreams
>starts getting called out for his relentless samefagging
>immediately starts posting tons of walls of texts about how everyone needs to settle down and start ignoring it for the health of the general
> I already was moving away from on here because
of being mentally disintegrated by a certain soul limbo vocaroo
fat neek
when an australian servin' the USA sees a man who's not servin' the USA, he gets angry and asks why he's not servin' the USA too.
Zachy mixing himself in with his Indian persona again lads
shit i put $50 on ireland cos they were versing, versing USA
>he still can't into political satire and is obsessed about 1 song out of 5
>If everybody in Australia
>From Perth to Byron Bay
>Got on a jumbo
>To California
>Wearing New York T-shirts
>And living in LA
>Tell Malcolm we're servin'
>Servin' USA

>We think Jimmy Carter
>Is a real good bloke
>We'll sell him our country
>For a Ford and a Coke
>He wants our uranium
>We'll give it away
>Tell Malcolm we're servin'
>Servin' USA

>We all sing like Americans
>Playing rock and roll
>Have a beer at Blinman
>Before it gets sold
>Eat out at the Colonel's
>And on election day
>Tell Malcolm we're servin'
>Servin' USA

>We'll be servin' in Queensland
>Hobart, Melbourne and Russell Hill
>Sydney, Pine Gap
>Brisbane and Bougainville
>Tonsley Park, Rum Jungle
>Woodville, Adelaide
>Tell Malcolm we're servin'
>Servin' USA
wow its really true that people in pozzstralia will randomly break into song
zoomers don't get sarcasm unless you say you mean the opposite
didn't read
stop serving the usa cuckstralia
t. imprisoned Assange for 5, or really 10, years because the USA told them to
pot meet a kettle blacker than london
banged john schumann's daughter, btw. He didn't like me lol. she's an anesthetist now. her brother is a funny bloke tho.
>hangs out on a right-wing website
>john schumann didn't like me
not surprised
England had no right to fight back and make the score look somewhat respectable
crisp Argentinian sleeper cell agent iykwim haha
You realise
Well you don't and never will, but still I'll point it out
That if the UK had just handed him over as they did actually ask for then he'd be serving life in a US supermax rather than the UK using diplomacy to let the ungrateful bastard ulltimately avoid this
we're only five wickets down
wood does not count as a wicket
I'm afraid I don't. you might as well have made that post in mandarin for all the sense it made to me
I guess it was an attempt at a Falklands reference
Horrendous attempt
got a dragon inside my shorts, me
so don't need to overcompensate
i know he'd be in ADMAX retard but the area in Belmarsh he was in is almost the same thing
forced awake for 23 hours a day with guards constantly coming in to wake you up
unless i'm getting my "terrorists" mixed up
reckon england might actually win this test somehow
having an identity crisis in your 30s is tragic
>y-you're the retard-
No UK prison is remotely similar to a supermax, mong boy
>constantly coming in to wake you up
might be thinking of Gitmo with that but he was in his cell for 23 hours a day
midlife crisis at 35, dead -somewhat- at 70, actually dead at 78. kinda makes sense
assange's ordeal is an example to all australians who are thinking twice about servin' USA.
the only crisis I'll ever have is made by ea
Typical Australian:
>Scared of cats
>Never seen snow
>Servin' USA
just compared 12 months before/after photos of my body acne, incredible difference made by the antibiotics.
only problem now is that i feel there are no more worlds left to conquer.
this must be how zachy felt after he spoke his first word.
assange didn't serve USA faggot
justify a ball hitting the wickey's helmet being worth 5 runs
so true
and yet they still do it proudly
see: micksperg
le 87 and out man
zachy has become a lot more materialistic since breaking up with the bouldering gf (he's at home again today because he's scared of running into her because she goes there on weekends). sad state of affairs desu
Think WI are making a good case for a story win here
Thinking that post about identity crises in your 30s has triggered a certain Brighton-born Englishman.
the duality of plebby b
>everyone is zachy schizo aka the vpn schizo having a convo with himself
not sure where this recent anti-anglo gimmick came from
but fuck him
we never claimed nor wanted your swarthy forehead anyway
A thought occured to me while watching this game: I hate myself and want to die
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the england and WALES cricket team is winning back the story here
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everyone is me
bit funny intro but a retarded title the snake isn't a set
based sebbo
still rambling about scavengers reign on /tv/? Think the maker did a new clip recently
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post it TB
realised being called a fat neek by zachy isn't an insult
to his skinny arse 'fat' is probably 75kg kek
sucking off a mint magnum
he's probably getting bulimia, or whatever that disorder is where someone thinks they have too much fat and need to starve more.
it would make sense because nearly all his insults are rooted in self-hatred (used to be "tarq" now he uses "toff".)
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post what
retarded gay cat
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you take that back
those look like 4d arms
what nutter would let their cat on a chair thas the capacity for those

presumably whomever's profile turk vpn lifted it from
hope it dies slowly and horribly
punt that stupid cat off a bridge into a skip full of jagged metal and spikes
ah the skitzo hours
sorry turkbro, reckon its britjeet
hes edgy as fuck
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Get fucked pommie scum rat. That cat is awesome!
dunno why vpn schizo is so invested in defending his turk persona
Well, I remember my Dad used to watch Wake in Fright every weekend when he was an alcoholic. He would drink a goon sack every day despite being on the dole, mixing it with sugar free lemonade while barking the film's quotes at me.
He would blast shitty music and always ask me to punch him in the face. The first time he would barely flinch and ask for a real punch, the second time he'd immediately smack me back.
If I refused to hit him, he'd bother me about it until I finally did.
I'd punch him, he'd punch me.
Every night.
I wouldn't be able to fall asleep until he turned his shitty music off at 2am.
My life was hell.
School brought with it social and academic pressures.
Home brought my angry, drunk Dad.
This was my reality for 2 years and I ran away eventually. My plan was to go to Europe through Iran and Turkey but I ended up in a Turkish prison for robbery because I ran out of money. Now I illegally work in Turkey, repairing bikes and saving every penny I get. One day, I will go to Europe.
I believe in you
What’s /cric/‘s favourite form of rugby? (Get fucked convicts)
league mostly
judo is fucking stupid
yeah league for me too
/nrl/ is based
the citizen erased drop, only white men will understand
certain man's Woakes hate aging very poorly

was all a bit random anyway, but suppose he has to seethe at someone now that GOATstow is resting
>lead by 44
kek story status??????????????
nigs needed a grubber
>Smith 95
it's over for Foakes, isn't it

Windies have well and truly fucked this away, they had England 54/5 and could have had Root gone for fuck all. England get close to 380 and WI will be completely broken in the 2nd innings

Meanwhile Ireland are 6/3 chasing 158 to beat ZImbooby
based on topic posters
He forced me turn the TV volume down because family were sick him of repeating "GET YOUR BALLS OUT".
i thought bumble was made for women to choose if men got their balls out
got a £25 amazon voucher
what the fuck can you even buy for £25 these days
not meth mostly iykwim haha
to blasted hell with these s(o)y ass commentators """athers"""" and ""POOmar""" gushing over stokes' and pope's (((((expressions))))))
a brother just needs ol' mikey holding back
it was over for us a long time ago fella
based CHAD
sex toy
lead of 100 then declare you cunts

meanwhile ireland are imploding, 21/5 now
We'll skittle them all out by lunchtime tomorrow screencap this shit.
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anyone have a screencap of that post from earlier this year or last year where canuckanon was talking about his sex toys?
ur mum twice over
want to post about it?
my mums dead mate
I've got Servin' USA stuck in my head now
>oooh we're aussies and we're proudly Servin' USAaaaaaaaaaaa
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>commentators on sky keep falling asleep

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